Zen of Cool

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Product Information
The "Zen Of Cool" from Lovedrop (Chris Odom) is a DVD program that focuses on improving your looks, fashion, personality, and bachelor pad - all to attract women
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Module 1:
Your Total Fashion Makeover: How To Dress In A Way That Makes Women Instantly Want To Find Out More About You
Module 2:
Get a Sexy Presence That Magnetically Makes Girls Want To Sleep With You
Module 3:
How To Totally Revamp Your House Or Apartment So No Woman Will Want To Leave!
Module 4:
Build An “Entourage” Of Hot Women Who Come To Clubs With You And “Do All The Work For You” In Finding New Women
What You Get:
Zen of Cool DVD set
Bonus Items:
- Live Seminar in Los Angeles
- Live Seminar DVDs
Guarantee / Terms:
- 15 days to try out the product for only $1 before being billed for $297 and…
- 30 additional days after that to return the product