Your Marriage Savior

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Product Information
“Your Marriage Savior” is designed to help you work through your marriage problems and save your marriage. It offers a step-by-step plan for saving your marriage and bringing more love, passion, fun, and excitement into it.
This system aims to help you build love and attraction in your wife by understanding her feelings. It shows you how to unlock the qualities inside of you that make you an amazing, compelling, dynamic leader.
Bonus manuals include:
- The Separation Manual: how to build massive attraction with your spouse
- The Case Studies Manual: a collection of tough marriage problems and how to deal with them
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Manual #1: Unleashing the Lion - This chapter is intended to give you a better understanding of women. Recognize what makes your wife tick, what she really responds to, and building intense attraction in her.
- The forces that govern female behavior in relationships
- Qualities to make your wife quickly and really attracted to you
- Creating instant sexual chemistry with your wife, or any woman
- A comprehensive “roadmap” to understanding your wife’s behavior
- The real cause of, and how to solve, every “problem” in your marriage
- How your wife might be subconsciously destroying your relationship and stopping it
- How to avoid the big mistakes most husbands make to kill their wife’s attraction to them
Manual #2: Taming the Lioness
- How to establish yourself as the leader of your relationship
- Why you should never get upset about your wife’s emotions
- Getting your wife to chase you instead of you chasing her
- A process to completely eliminate your fear of anything you want
- The biggest turn-on for women and how using it to your advantage
- How to get your wife to gladly do the “little things” to make you happy
- The correct way to apologize that makes your wife more attracted to you
- Effortlessly get and keep the upper hand and have your wife loving you for it
- Overcoming resentment, hostility, and fights to re-establish love, joy, and passion
- How women subconsciously test their man’s leadership abilities, and passing those tests
Audio Lesson: Peasants Into Kings - Contains a powerful personal change exercise.
- Unlock levels of power, confidence, and ability
- Becoming more charismatic, stronger, and sexier
- The ability to respond perfectly to challenges life throws at you
- How to awake the dynamic, exciting Leader your wife fell in love with
Audio Lesson: Peasants Into Kings Belief Supercharger - This audio is designed to give you confidence and the power to eliminate unwanted thoughts in your marriage.
- How to easily overcome life challenges
- Quickly eliminate fears, insecurities, and self-doubts
- Once again become the master of your own mind, and relationship
- Eliminate negative or self-sabotaging beliefs and develop an unstoppable mindset
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