Your Brain on Sex: How Smarter Sex Can Change Your Life

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Product Information
Stanley Siegel is a psychotherapist, international lecturer, and author of Your Brain on Sex: How Smarter Sex Can Change Your Life. The book looks at how men and women can transform their lives by focusing thoughts on their true sexual desires. It uses case histories and homework to examine childhood memories as well as sexual fantasy analysis.
- How to discover true desires
- Understand what true desire mean
- Use them to create life changes
A number of questions are also answered:
- Why is there chemistry between some people, but not with others?
- What are the meanings behind sexual fantasies?
- How can sex be used to find a compatible life partner?
- Why sex life can become boring or not exist?
- Does the past have anything to do with your current sex?
- When is the right time to act out sexual fantasies?
- What do you think about during sex, other than sex?
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
The Six Steps of Intelligent Lust
Part I: Introducing Intelligent Lust
- Chapter 1: How Sex Heals
- Chapter 2: A Case Study in Intelligent Lust
- Chapter 3: A Closer Look at Intelligent Lust
- Chapter 4: Step 1: Getting in the Right Frame of Mind
- Chapter 5: Step 2: Identifying Fantasies and True Desires
- Chapter 6: Step 3: The Meaning and Purpose of Desire
- Chapter 7: Step 4: Cracking the Code of Sexual Chemistry
- Chapter 8: Step 5: Determining Sexual Compatibility
- Chapter 9: Step 6: Acting Out Sexual Fantasies
Part II: Living with Intelligent Lust
- Chapter 10: When You’re in a Committed Relationship
- Chapter 11: The Advantage of Sex
- Chapter 12: When Enjoying Sex Seems beyond Your Control
- Conclusion
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Paperback book
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