
Yad has made a name for himself, and built a solid reputation, for meeting and attracting women during the day. Otherwise known as "Day Game". He has a personal preference for Eastern European women, and meets many on the streets of London where he teaches men these skills on Day Game bootcamps.

Wiki Contents

  1. Personal Data
  2. Trademark Advice
  3. Biography
  4. Interviews
  5. Books, Courses and Coaching & Yad Reviews

Personal Data

Commercial Alias Name: Yad

Nationality: British

Date of Birth: March 01, 1984 (Age 41)

Height: 6"1

Profession(s): Pick Up Artist (PUA)

Affiliated Dating Companies: DayGame.com

Web Presences

Twitter profile:

Trademark Advice

Day Game

Meeting women in the street


Personal Life

Yad is British and based in London. He has lived in the UK his whole life.

Pickup Artist Career

Yad prefers to meet women during the day because you can better judge their looks and because he finds the more beautiful women more accessible during the day time.

Yad has been working as a free lancer and with PUA Training off and on since he first started teaching day game skills.

He is bringing out a 10 DVD program with live in-field footage of his Day Game approaches in August 2011 with PUA Training.

Books, Courses and Coaching & Yad Reviews

Help Us to Improve this Profile

The information in this coach profile and wiki is verified by Dating Skills Review's Editors to be as objective, complete and close to the truth as possible. It was created by Angel Donovan.

Help us improve this profile of Yad by sending us any information you believe to be missing, wrong or lacking detail or good quality images we don't have. Please state sources where possible to make our job easier to verify the correctness of the information.

Contact: [email protected]

"Listen In As We Share The Top Takeaways From The Best Dating Products Ever Created... Shave Years Off Your Learning Curve As You Discover What Really Creates Success With Women"

    Here's just a few things we reveal in this info-packed interview:
  • The surefire products that are proven to work - based on 15+ years coaching men to dating success.
  • Why we dubbed this one product 'idiot-proof' and how it can transform a woman's reaction to you almost immediately.
  • Feel anxious about approaching women? Discover how to bypass that and set up a stream of dates with gorgeous women in as little as 20 minutes a week.
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