Women's Infidelity: Living In Limbo

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Product Information
"Women's Infidelity: Living In Limbo" aims to give couples, both married and unmarried, a concrete reason why women are cheating as much as men. It also helps men develop an accurate understanding of females, particularly in regard to their sexuality.
Some of the areas covered:
- Why women push men for commitment
- The reason women can’t tell men what they really want
- Why women are more likely to become addicted to affair sex
- Why women overwhelmingly initiate the majority of all divorces
- Why marriage and fidelity can be more difficult for women than for men
- Why women like getting married, but are not as happy in the marriage
- Why females “think” they’re naturally monogamous and why males think so too
- Why women lose sexual desire for their husbands and what they really want sexually
- eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Women's Infidelity: Living In Limbo:
What Women Really Mean When Say, "I'm Not Happy"
Chapter 1: Are Women Naturally Monogamous?
The stages of sexual desire women often experience after marriage
Chapter 2: The Sexual Devaluing System
Vaginal girls versus clitoral girls; The role of secrecy in female sexuality
Chapter 3: The Loss of Sexual Desire in Women
Is she really uninterested in sex, or is she just uninterested in sex with me?
Chapter 4: The Commitment Game: Female Version of Pursue and Discard
The female crisis; What do women really want sexually?
Chapter 5: The Allure of Affairs
Is it love or a crack high?
Chapter 6: Why Women Find Affair Sex Particularly Appealing
Does it take more than one man to please a woman sexually? What is the cause of men's fear and denial?
Chapter 7: Women Aren't Just Angry, They Want Revenge
Do women today want men to pay for the sins of the past?
Chapter 8: Men Send Flowers, But Women Who Cheat Give Oral Sex
Tag: How women keep their husbands hanging on
Chapter 9: Women and Guilt
How women end up destroying their husbands emotionally
because they don't want to hurt their feelings
What You Get:
Purchase options include:
- Women’s Infidelity I: Living in Limbo $39.00
- Women’s Infidelity II: Breaking Out of Limbo $59.00
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