Women On Demand   

Women On Demand
Dating Company: PUA Training | Dating Coach:
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"Comprehensive Course That Will Boost Your Chances Of Meeting Women Via Online Sites and Apps"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Very comprehensive product that covers how to effectively meet women online. Especially useful if you're looking to meet women easily while travelling. A lot of practical examples and statistics to back up what is taught.
The Bad
Some of the message examples at times are not the best. Has some content that isn't really relevant and could be distracting.
The Bottom Line
This is the most in-depth product that we have come across that focuses on meeting women online. It covers online dating sites, dating apps, social media and other online sites that let you meet women that aren't directly related to dating.

The primary instructor throughout the course is Scott Valdez, whose area of expertise is meeting women online. He has his own product, Click Magnet Dating, which we also recommend. If you've already purchased that product then a lot of the information in Women On Demand will be familiar to you.

Which product is better? It depends what your needs are. Women On Demand is more comprehensive and covers important areas such as Facebook and Tinder but it's also more expensive.Click Magnet Dating focuses only on online dating sites and also includes software to help automate the entire process for you. Both products serve their purpose and we highly recommend each, though when you compare the price Click Magnet Dating comes out on top as it offers better value for your money.


Women On Demand is a multimedia course that shows you every possible avenue to explore when it comes to meeting women online. The majority of the course is taught by Scott Valdez, with some additional material by Gambler aka Richard La Ruina. There are eight different modules, each of which features video, text summary and audio that you can download. All up, there is a lot of content included here in this course.

Scott has a vast amount of experience with meeting women online, and actually founded a company that handles the entire online dating process for it's clients. So he has a lot of data and real world experience to back up everything he talks about here. If you want to find out more about him you can listen to his interview right here on Episode 50 of the Dating Skills Podcast.

The first module is more of an introduction to meeting women online, covering some basic mindsets to have and how women will typically respond to things differently depending on their age and what they are looking for. There's also some suggestions on when women are more likely to respond (both days of the week and months of the year), although it's not worth worrying about this too much.

Your Photos

The photos you choose to use online are very important and this is an area where a lot of guys let themselves down. Scott goes into a lot of detail here on the types of photos you should be using, as well as what to avoid, to get the best responses from women.

He includes his own personal photos that he uses, as well as going into detail on which of the photos have been rated by women as the most attractive. This is good as it lets you see the types of photos that you should be striving to collect. You'll also be shown an easy way to assess the attractiveness of your photos so that you're only using ones that are going to help you.

Another issue that's talked about here is how physical attractiveness in real life translates to online. Scott mentions a few times that he isn't the best looking guy in the world, but by using the right photos he's able to come across as attractive. So there's actually a lot of different things you can do to boost your perceived level of attractiveness online, and you're not doomed to failure if you're not a good looking guy.

Online Dating

Module three focuses on online dating, and this will be the area of interest for the majority of men, as it's where you can get the most amount of dates. There's advice on what the best sites are to use, as well as two that you should avoid. For the most part this is mainly relevant to North America, and it might vary depending on where you live. In any event, there is a simple strategy shown here on how to research dating sites and determine if they will be worth your time and/or money.

Coming up with an engaging profile is critically important, and there is a lot of discussion on this as well. Scott shares various tactics and techniques to help you with this, and overall this is a really strong part of the product. The only thing that would have made it better would be if it had an actual complete profile that he has used himself, so you could use it as an example to model.

Once you've got your profile up, you'll need to start sending out messages, an area where many guys get stuck. There's some good advice here on the pitfalls you want to avoid, and what to do to make sure you stand out in a positive way. Women get so many messages online that it's crucial you really pay attention to this section and make sure you aren't making these common mistakes.

You'll also see some complete message exchanges that led to getting a woman's number. Some of these are good, others not so much. One thing to keep in mind is that Scott's online dating company employs people to send out messages on behalf of clients, and these employees often don't have a background in learning about women and dating.

So in some of the examples that are included here, despite it leading to a number, there are some fundamental 'mistakes' that are not great to model. For example, trying to escalate and get the woman's number off of a negative or neutral response is never going to be as effective as going for the number off of a positive response or a high point in the message exchange. In the example here, the woman ignores the request for a number and doesn't reply back at all.

You can turn these things around, as the example later shows, but you're better off learning the best way to do things so you avoid these mistakes in the first place. There's a good structure on how to do this in 3 Girls A Day by Todd Valentine.

One thing that's good about Women On Demand is Scott has tracked and recorded all of the data and statistics from his online dating company. So in a lot of the message examples shown here, they are the ones that have gotten the best results. You'll be shown how to measure your own results in a similar way, just be aware that in the graph that shows this, the actual figures are not correct. For example, it shows 'email A' being sent 59 times with 7 responses for a success rate of 20%, which is obviously incorrect. So pay attention to the method, and not the actual figures shown.

Dating Apps

There's a module on how to get results with dating apps such as Tinder and Badoo. Again, Scott tells you what the best ones to use are and how to determine if they are worth your time. These also vary based on your location and it's shown how some are really popular in Europe but not so much in the USA. But if you're just looking for one, Tinder is pretty popular all around the world.

Another thing that's covered here is how a lot of the traditional dating sites are now being accessed primarily through apps and that this trend is likely to continue. So this will likely impact what strategies will work best and may lead to messages becoming shorter and shorter since people are typing from their phone.

This is an area that will continue to develop and change so you will need to be diligent yourself in keeping up to date on what the most popular apps are. For example, some of the info here in this module is already outdated as Tinder has recently changed how their service works, limiting the amount of people you can like unless you are a paid member. So the strategy that Scott advises here, of liking every girl to save time and then being more selective once you've matched with someone, is no longer effective unless you are willing to pay for the premium service.

Aside from that, the advice on Tinder here is really strong. Again, there are some different icebreaker messages included as well as the statistics on the responses it got. The numbers aren't high enough to be statistically relevant, but it does give you a general idea of what has worked better and you can then see for yourself what works best for you.

Badoo is similar, with some slight differences, and those are covered here. You'll get some tips on how to maximize your results here if you're willing to invest a few dollars in upgrading your Badoo membership. I didn't think the advice on sending messages here was as strong, as it often involves sending three or four messages in a row, which could seem needy to women, even though it's done in a playful way. This is something you'll want to test out, but isn't the strategy I would use myself.


There's a lot of info in this module, talking about the importance of Facebook and how to optimize it to get you more success with women. It doesn't show you how to meet women on Facebook, rather how to transition girls from other sites to Facebook to help give her a better picture of who you are so she'll be more likely to meet you.

You'll get tips on photos, wall posts and other things to make your profile as attractive as possible. One of the best ways to learn is through seeing examples, and in this section you'll see Scott critique the Facebook photos and profiles of three guys, showing what aspects are good and what needs to be improved.

Conversely, you'll see Scott's own profile as well as Gambler's, and have Scott give his thoughts on both. The biggest difference between these and the three other guys is in the quality of the photos, so this will help you see where your own photos can be improved. Even though the photos are strong there are a couple that Scott says could be removed or replaced, and he's thinking of making changes to his profile. The lesson here is that even when you reach a high level, you can always be testing and improving things even further.

Non-dating Sites

There are a couple of modules devoted to sites that aren't focused on dating, namely Couchsurfing and Model Mayhem. It's stressed in the course that you shouldn't use these sites with the intention of trying to hook up with girls, but that it may happen as a by-product of meeting people from these sites.

These modules will only be relevant for a small percentage of users and most people will be able to skip them. If your goal is to meet women to date, there are enough options available with dating sites and apps that you really don't have to resort to using these. These two sites also take it pretty seriously if guys are trying to use them for the sole purpose of sex and dating, and you risk getting negative reviews and having your account deleted if doing so.

Model Mayhem connects photographers with models so they can arrange shoots. Unless you legitimately have an interest in photography this won't be worth your time. Scott gives advice on how to write your profile and present yourself as professional, through to arranging a shoot and how to handle everything. It's hinted that you might see the girl again and maybe something will develop between you, although this is left vague with no details on what you should do.

There's a comment from a user in this module who is a photographer, who says he has been doing this for years and not once has he seen one of the models again after a shoot. You would also need to invest in a high quality camera if you don't have one, so for the average person this whole thing won't be worth your time so just ignore it.

As for Couchsurfing, this site is worthwhile if you have a genuine interest in travel. You can either host people at your place or go to local social events and meetups. Again, you shouldn't be using it specifically to date girls, but to expand your social circle and meet other people who love to travel.

If you're travelling yourself, the site is really useful to help you meet people wherever you go. Scott has traveled a lot and used the site extensively, so shows you how to set up a cool profile and the types of messages to send to get people to come out and meet you.

And if you are travelling and looking to meet people, this product overall is great to help with that. By using online sites and apps you can have girls ready to meet you before you have even arrived in your new destination. Especially for shorter stays (Scott mentions living in a city for three months then moving on), it can take time to build up a new social circle and it probably isn't worth investing too much time in this if you're leaving soon, so social and dating sites are a great alternative.


Gambler is featured in all of the bonuses and there is some good content here. There's the First Date Formula, which focuses on making sure you choose a good venue for the date and the basic things to keep in mind. Pretty simple stuff, but good for beginners.

Another bonus is the Friendzone Jailbreak, which is all about how to get a girl to see you as more than a friend. It tells you what not to do and what you need to do instead. Each individual case can vary a lot, and there's no guarantee that the woman you're friends with will ever see you as more than that. But the advice Gambler gives here is really solid and is the best shot you'll have at taking things to a romantic or sexual level.

There's also the Girlfriend Code, which is mainly focused on identifying the types of women you really want to connect with. And Text Message Mastery, which gives a basic but solid overview on how to get phone numbers and use text to arrange a meet.

The Bottom Line

This is the most in-depth product that we have come across that focuses on meeting women online. It covers online dating sites, dating apps, social media and other online sites that let you meet women that aren't directly related to dating.

There's a ton of content here and the product represents great value for money. The primary instructor throughout the course is Scott Valdez, whose area of expertise is meeting women online. He has his own product, Click Magnet Dating, which we also recommend. If you've already purchased that product then a lot of the information in Women On Demand will be familiar to you.

Which product is better? It depends what your needs are. Women On Demand is more comprehensive and covers important areas such as Facebook and Tinder but it's also more expensive.Click Magnet Dating focuses only on online dating sites and also includes software to help automate the entire process for you. Both products serve their purpose and we highly recommend each, though when you compare the price Click Magnet Dating comes out on top as it offers better value for your money.

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Product Information

This online system is designed for attracting and getting women. It functions as a blueprint and sequence of steps for using social networking sites, mobile dating apps, and online dating platforms to get women into bed.

Bonuses include:

- Friend Zone Jailbreak: for getting out of the friend zone
- The First Date Formula: a blueprint for turning your online dates into sex
- Text Message Mastery: what and when to text, and avoiding mistakes
- The Girlfriend Code: how to take the women you meet online and get them thinking of you

Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Online Access
Hot Topic Tags:
Online Dating
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Scott Valdez
PUA Training
Release Date:
April 01, 2014
Product No Longer Available.


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- A free online tool to improve your online profile photo
- Copy and paste profile templates to get started
- How to get a woman to see your online profile first
- A method for generating 80% message response rates
- The one location to avoid when meeting a woman
- Transforming your facebook in a sexual attraction page
- Opener messages to get women to respond to you
- A sequence to get women from Tinder into your bed
- Amplifying attraction with the SNS Triangulation Method
- The single best site online for quickly finding hot fuck buddies
- Putting your online game on autopilot to attract endless dates
- A system to have women waiting in a new city before you arrive
- A copy-and-paste sentence that will almost guarantee getting her number
- What women are looking for in your profile photos and how to give it to them
- Anticipating and eliminating her rejections in order to move things forward
- How to use “Sugar Daddy” websites to score beautiful women for free
- A method for getting hundreds women a day viewing your online dating profile

What You Get:

Online access

Guarantee / Terms:

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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