Whats Inside a Womans Mind

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Product Information
"Whats Inside a Woman's Mind" is designed to show men how women really behave and talk, when you're not around. It includes 52 attractive, sexy, intelligent women who answer questions that men have never heard honest answers to. Their answers have been recorded on audio and video.
Some of the areas covered:
- What guarantees a second date?
- What to say to get a woman in the mood
- How to recognize if a woman is a “gold digger”
- 10 things a man should never bring up on dates
- The way 9's and 10's want to be approached
- The #1 way to make a woman come back for more
- How to correctly touch a woman when first meeting her
- When a man without confidence approaches a woman
- Does a strong character and personality trump good looks?
- How to escalate with women without the fear of being shut down
- The signs women give that say "go for it" and ask for her number
- What a man can do to make a woman immediately attracted to him
- The signs women give when they want to be kissed, and have sex
- The biggest "turn-off mistakes" most guys never realize they're making
- If a woman can tell if a man is attracted to her even if he doesn't say it?
- How do women decide when to trust a man and let down their guard down?
- Will a woman be turned off if a man does not spend lots of money on her?
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Part 1: What Type of Man Do Women Want
- The Alpha Male
- Bad Boy vs. Nice Guy
- Looks vs. Personality
- Women Date Short Men?
- How To Dress
Part 2: Attracting and Connecting With Women
- The friend zone
- Truth about texting vs. calling
- Friend or Lover?
- Getting Out Of The Friend Zone
Part 3: Making The Right First Impression
- Going On The First Date
- Approaching women
- Building Social Proof
- Picking Up Women
Part 4: Mastering Your Dating Life
- What All Girls 'Freak Out' About
- $2 Date
- Guidelines for Dating
- Meeting Women
- First Date Automatic Turn Offs
- Dating Online
- Dating Younger Women
- Stopping Other Guys From Taking Your Girl
Part 5: Getting Physical and Sexual
- What Women Want Sexually
- Women's decision in sex
- What To Say To A Naked Woman
- Pleasing A Woman Sexually
Part 6: Keeping Her Interested: Relationships & Marriage
- Beautiful, Sexy Woman Married A Nerd
- How Women Select Long Term Partners
- Female Insecurity
- Keeping Her Wanting You
What You Get:
Video download
Bonus Items:
- Understanding The Science Behind Attraction and What Makes Women Feel Attraction DVD
- 60 Minute Hidden Camera Video 'Girls Reveal All' DVD
- 1 Week Bonus Membership to the Insider’s Club(a direct access coaching to Marni Kinrys)
Guarantee / Terms:
Lifetime Money Back Guarantee