Voodoo Seduction

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Product Information
The Voodoo Seduction system is Maverick’s 3-day bootcamp program compiled into intensive video training, a 7-day follow up, and more. It is modeled after the same bootcamp he has taught for over 4 years.
Voodoo Seduction shows how to live and breathe the three attraction rules in order to become more attractive and recognized:
1. Women want to get laid just as much as men do
2. You are the prize - Understanding and using this knowledge
3. See #1
The Day 1 video teaches how to navigate from one stage to the other with coolness and ease.
The Day 2 video provides real-life examples of both Maverick and his co-instructors in the field and on the phone, also presenting conversation mistakes.
The Day 3 video provides advanced technique.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Day 1 – From Meeting To Sex: The Dating Phases
- Exactly what do before she even sees you that will swing the odds to your favor
- How to use the natural way a woman’s body works to your slickest advantage
- A way to have her, and her group, gathered around you, increasing your social proof
- Master the art of non-verbal communication
- 4 subtle behaviors 99% of women exhibit when they’re attracted to you
- A simple “sneaky” trick to triple her attraction to you in less than a minute
- How to handle the hesitation before sex game
- How to make her work to prove her worth
- 2 important things you must never do with your body or your value is killed
- 3 “touch barriers” you must overcome before sex and how to steamroll pass them
Day 2 – Phone Game, Deep Rapport, Day Game
- How “bio-feedback” will get her hot for you and create a sure-fire way to have her
- 2 types of rapport and how most guys get stuck on the first type and end up as a “friend”
- Wingman game
Day 3 – Advanced Attraction Builders & More
- One mistake lonely guys will always make and how to avoid it
- What “oneitis” is, why it is such a big obstacle, and how to combat it
- What you probably don’t know about jealousy and how it can create a strong bond
- A way to trick yourself out of being hung up on any chick who doesn’t deserve it
- How the 3 Date Progression will have her fall for you, and fall into bed with you
- A $2 gift that keeps you on her mind, even when you’re not around
Voodoo Seduction Guide Book
- How to be the flame, and not the moth
- How to stop thinking “does she like me??” and focus on what really matters
- How to re-focus what you already do to show that you’re the type of man she wants
- 2 techniques to build your value in her eyes, and increase sexual desire for you
- Why you have approach anxiety and how to destroy it for good
- Two crucial mistakes that gets guys shut down time after time
- The “void theory” and exactly how to talk less
- How to switch on her “feeling sexy” button at the time you want
- 3 easy and inexpensive date ideas that will increase rapport while helping to screen her
What You Get:
Downloadable videos
Bonus items include:
- Seductive Reasoning Seminar Recordings by Johnny Soporno
- Seduction Secrets by David Shade
- Best Articles Report
- The Dirty Little eBook That Shouldn’t Exist
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee