Vince Kelvin (Hollywood)

Vince Kelvin (Hollywood)
Vince Kelvin (Hollywood) dating coaching in the early 2000s with Ross Jeffries before moving out to build his own business in 2006.

He is based in Hollywood, L.A. where in September 2011 he moved into the original Project Hollywood mansion with Sal Peer (Speer).

Wiki Contents

  1. Personal Data
  2. Biography
  3. Books, Courses and Coaching & Vince Kelvin (Hollywood) Reviews

Personal Data

Commercial Alias Name: Hollywood

Real Name: Vince Kelvin

Nationality: American

Date of Birth: March 03, 1968 (Age 57)

Height: 5"8


  • Pick Up Artist (PUA)
  • Dating Coach

Affiliated Dating Companies: Seduction Coaching


Personal Life

Vince grew up in Venice, Los Angeles. He worked in a number of jobs there while he played in a band hoping to become a full time musician. His band travelled to Europe amongst other places to play concerts, although they never made it big.

Pickup Artist Career

Vince Kelvin was originally Ross Jeffries' student in the late 90s, then wingman and later business associate during the early 2000s. He split from Ross' company "Speed Seduction" in 2006 to start up his own business.

He was one of the earliest members of the Seduction/ Pick up Artist community and an original member of Mystery's Lounge.

Vince Kelvin is known for being very active and open about his 'antics' in picking up women, and he frequently posts photos and videos of demonstrations. Him kissing women at parties and in the street mostly.

He is one of the co-founders with Johnny Wolf of the PUA World Summit held yearly in L.A.

Vince and Sal Peer tried to resurrect the original Project Hollywood mansion from Neil Strauss' "The Game" when they moved in in September 2011. Unfortunately it didn't last long and they left the premises 6 months later and parted ways.

Books, Courses and Coaching & Vince Kelvin (Hollywood) Reviews

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