Vin DiCarlo's Escalation Ladder

Editor Review
"Awesome bonus for a great book"
Syboh Seven
Last Update: March 25, 2025
A very meaty bonus
The Escalation Ladder is a bonus ebook you receive when purchasing Vin DiCarlo's main ebook - The Attraction Code . It is an ideal companion to the main book because it gives you very practical, physical steps to take when talking to women (something the main book lacks, since it’s mostly about mindset).At 26 pages and with GREAT content, this is a very meaty and valuable bonus that is close to being a product by itself.
From covert to overt
DiCarlo start by classifying different moves into different classes – from covert to overt, from accidental to obvious. Using those, you get her used to your touch, little by little, step by step – ranging from light touch on her lower back to brushing her hair. This happens over a longer period of time – a couple of hours.DiCarlo notes that most men will touch a woman’s face too early – women are surprisingly protective of their face area (including neck and hair).
We then move on to the Escalation Ramp, which is leading up to kissing…and more. This happens much faster… and this is the time NOT to screw up, or all your previous efforts might be ruined.
I liked that DiCarlo really breaks it down, and makes important distinctions that are well-known to advanced guys yet not often talked about – such as skin touching, focusing on the areas she likes most, etc. Using push-pull and a “2 steps forward one step back” approach, you build your way up while avoiding boring her (by moving too slow) or startling her (by moving too fast).
It “just happens”
There is a technique in there that I’ve never seen before (and for me that is pretty rare) – lifting the girl shirt, and yours, and hugging her so that your stomachs are in contact. DiCarlo points out that the only time this usually happens is during sex, and therefore this sends shivers down her spine. I can see the logic in that, but I can also see it being weird/uncomfortable (although he does say this should only be used in isolation). I will have to field test this. Anyway, points for originality here.Another excellent point is that kissing/ touching the breasts is NOT a necessary step. You can skip it if it makes the girl uncomfortable, and it won’t stop anything happening.
DiCarlo explains that using body parts such as your thighs, forearms etc to stimulate her body creates less resistance, because it “seems” accidental, like it “just happens”, and therefore doesn’t ring any alarm bells. Of course this doesn’t make sense on a logical level, but nobody is thinking logically when aroused.
The last few pages go into even more detailed sexual tricks that I will not cover here, both to avoid giving everything away and because it gets pretty graphic. But there are more fresh, quality ideas there.
One small gripe
One point I totally disagree with: he suggest to actually ask “Do you want me inside you?” or “Do you want me to get a condom?” before you actually cross the ultimate line.That is terrible advice. I’m not sure why DiCarlo doesn’t realize it, since the whole book is about escalating incidentally and not being obvious about it. Verbalizing your moves is as obvious as it gets – and more often than not it creates strong resistance. It’s just unnecessary, and a very amateurish thing to do.
You can ignore that piece of advice – the only wrong part in the book.
An excellent bonus for a great book
While I wouldn’t suggest you memorize this (and I don’t think DICarlo would either) this will be useful to determine whether you are currently doing some moves at inappropriate times, and how to escalate smoothly.A lot of this stuff has been common “seduction community” knowledge for a long time, but I’ve never seen it presented so clearly and exhaustively. There are also a lot of tips that are original and fresh. Overall, an awesome bonus.
This ebook can’t be bought by itself. To get it, you simply purchase The Attraction Code and this ebook will come as a bonus. Check out our review for details on The Attraction Code.
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Product Information
This ebook provides men with detailed explanation of where and when to touch a woman, down to the tiniest detail.
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Eye Contact and Initial Conversation
- Incidental Class 1
- Overt Class 1
- Incidental Class 2
- Overt Class 2
- Incidental Class 3
- Overt Class 3
- Escalation Ramp
- Kissing
- Kissing Her Neck
- Touching the Bare Skin of Her Back
- Stomach to Stomach
- Kissing her Body
- Incidentally Stimulate Vagina
- Direct Vaginal Stimulation from Behind (Inside Panties)
- Direct Vaginal Stimulation in Front
- Remove Her Pants, Sex
Additional Points
1. Higher Levels Unlock Access to Lower Levels
2. Execution of the Escalation Ramp
3. Incidental Vs. Overt Kino
4. Group Ladder Theory
5. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder as a Standalone Method
What You Get:
Guarantee / Terms:
User Reviews of Vin DiCarlo's Escalation Ladder
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Gives You Action Plan that You Can Practice"
December 31, 2009
Have you ever read endless pickup theories, or sit though a bunch of dvd lectures, like the rsd or david deangelo and felt like you literally didnt improve your game at all. And that you wasted your life on basically mental masturbation nonsense that ultimately doesnt change you who you are as a person and more importantly, help you out in field?
Especially, the more pickup knowledge you know, the more you will be in your head when you're in field, making you worse off than your average afc.
This is not the case with Vin Dicarlo Drill ebook. Vin is a genius. His drill book give you action plan that you can practice with your pua wingman so that certain attractive qualities you can implement into your personality and so when you hit the field, it will naturally comes out.
Here's a few sample drill that anyone with field experience will tell you that it will absolutely help your natural game.
Drill 1: Eye contact. Sit with your pua wingman and hold eye contact with that person for 5 minute without flinching or nervous reaction.
We all know that eye contact is extremely attractive and show confident. 99 percent of community guys i've met cannot hold strong eye contact with me when i talk to them, making me felt they're simply weak beta males. Imagine how chicks must've felt with them.
Drill 2: Shit test: Start talking shit to each other while must remain unreactive. This is to train ourselves to have thick skin so when girls gave us shit, we're as stable as a rock.
There are many more, but i let you guys explore it.
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"Dicarlo Escalation Ladder"
December 31, 1899
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