Unlock Her Legs

Editor Review
"Unlock Her Legs Is Great For Getting One Particular Hard-To-Get Girl"
If you're a guy that already has some knowledge and experience of dating different women but have your heart set on developing a relationship with one special girl, Unlock Her Legs will be a good product for you to check out. You'll also be able to use a lot of the advice here to hook up with girls from your social circles if that's what you're interested in.
But if you're currently obsessed over one girl and you have never had a girlfriend before or have no experience with dating skills, you would be better off working on foundational skills first before trying to implement the strategies in Unlock Her Legs (see main review for more info on this).
If you need to work on the basics first, then we suggest you check out our top rated products for beginners.FULL DETAILED REVIEW
What they've created is a step-by-step roadmap for you to follow so that you can end up in a relationship with your dream girl. No system is 100% foolproof and not every guy is going to be able to get any girl he wants, but this product will likely give you the best chance of making it happen.
If you have seen any of the other products by Bobby and Rob, you'll know that they both have a lot of dating experience and are quality teachers. This is also the case here, as they share stories that show how they were able to use the principles in this system to date girls they had been in the friend zone with.
Depending on what the relationship is currently like between you and the girl you're interested in, it might take a while for you to get the result you're looking for. It's not a quick fix solution, so this is why it's best suited for a girl you want to develop a relationship with.
While the ideas and techniques would still work if you were just looking to sleep with a girl, the time and effort you invest likely wouldn't be worth it in many cases. The other factor you should consider here is that if you sleep with a girl you run the risk of it affecting your friendship, which can potentially damage your relationship with that entire social circle.
The point is, the strategies in this product can be very effective. So when it comes to sleeping with girls you work with, go to school with or are friends with, it's wise to consider all of the potential consequences.
Obsessing Over One Girl
Back in the early days of dating forums, one of the most common questions that guys would ask went along the lines of, "There's this one girl who's really special, how do I get her?" This gave birth to the term 'one-itis', used to denote a situation where a man was obsessed over a single girl.The recommended course of action was often to go out and sleep with ten other women. The theory behind this was that by doing so, the guy would realize that there are other great girls out there and the object of his obsession would likely lose some luster in light of his new outlook.
In most cases there is a direct correlation between a man's desire for one woman and the number of options he has. This is why a guy with no romantic or sexual prospects will often develop an unhealthy level of interest in the first woman to pay him a certain level of attention. Often he'll become convinced that he has really strong feelings for this girl, but they have been created just in his head rather than out of a genuine relationship with her.
However if a guy has lots of experience with women and knows he has lots of options, he's far less likely to blow an innocent interaction out of all proportion and obsess over that girl. He has an abundance mentality, so why would he?
One of the best things about learning dating skills and getting better with women is that when you do develop strong feelings for a particular woman, it's likely because there's something about her that you genuinely desire. If you know you can go out and attract new women with ease, but you find yourself wanting on particular girl, it's more likely to be the real thing.
This is the ideal situation to use Unlock Her Legs. And because you have a solid understanding of women and dating, you'll be in a better position to make the relationship last rather than have it fizzle out.
If you don't learn the right attitude and mindsets, sometimes you will get some success by using some tactics and techniques, but it's almost always only short-lived. You might hook up with a girl and get her to be your girlfriend, but at some point your old behaviors and attitudes will shine through, and the girl will most likely leave you. Then you're in the same position that you started in.
This is why dating coaches often tell guys to focus first on building their skills and developing the correct mindsets before they think about jumping into a relationship. By doing this you'll become a more attractive man, have more options for a relationship and will be better placed to make sure it works out.
So be honest with yourself about where you're at. If you're not able to meet and attract women in a general sense at the moment, how likely is it you'll be able to maintain a relationship with the woman of your dreams? It's usually worth taking a bit of time to get some experience under your belt and then going for that same girl, if you still choose, as you're now less likely to screw it up.
Psychology Behind Changing A Girl's Perception Of You
There are two main focuses in Unlock Her Legs: psychology and techniques. You really need to understand the psychology and get this right before you try and attempt any of the techniques.What you need to understand is at the moment the woman has an idea of you in her head, and likely it's not one that she finds sexually attractive. She might think of you as just a friend, co-worker or whatever. So what Bobby and Rob show you is how you need to change her perception of you into that of a guy she finds desirable.
As a general rule, the longer she has known you the longer it will take to change this perception. A girl you've met twice won't be as attached to her perception of you as a girl you've been friends with for ten years.
This is where the time investment is going to come into play, as you need to make subtle shifts in your behavior with her to get the best results. Bobby and Rob do an excellent job of explaining how and why to do this, as well as giving you very practical examples of what this would look like.
Something they talk about is breaking the unwritten rules that you both abide by in your relationship. So maybe you are operating with rules such as you always pay for her, you're the one to call her, she tells you about her relationship dramas, you act asexual around her etc. There are lots of examples given here as well as a deeper explanation of what this all means and why it's important.
Rob goes into a lot of detail on how to go about subtly changing these unwritten rules you have, and gives you a very specific sequence for how to do it. This is how you begin the process of changing how she perceives you.
Ultimately what you're attempting to do, and what Unlock Her Legs is all about, is making her think about you when you aren't around. By consuming her thoughts she'll become emotionally invested in you and this is where she'll develop strong feelings for you.
To do this though, you're going to have to do a number of things that may seem counter-intuitive. Bobby and Rob stress a number of times that it's important that you just do what they tell you and not question it. That a number of their students will tell them their girl is different and that they don't think it'll work on her or they don't want to use these ideas with her.
These are the cases when guys are most in need of these strategies. If you find yourself thinking the same, then consider the fact that what you have done up till now hasn't worked. If what you think will work actually did, you would already be with the girl. So just follow the program as is and trust their experience.
Techniques To Transition From Her Friend To Her Lover
There's two e-books that are included in Unlock Her Legs. One is the Scrambler, and this is all about what to do initially to change a girl's perception of you and get her thinking about you in more of a sexual way. The other teaches you the L.U.S.T. system and this is for when you're out on a date with the girl. The principles in the L.U.S.T. system are relevant for dates with all girls, so this part of the product isn't limited to girls you already know.It felt a little disconnected here, as the focus is no longer on the fact that you're with a girl you already know. The way the L.U.S.T. system and the techniques are covered, it seemed as if it were more directed at going on dates with girls you'd only just met.
Depending on how well you know the girl that you're going after, when you go on a date with her it's likely going to have a different feel than if it's a girl that you had picked up somewhere. These differences aren't covered at all in the product, and it's more of a one-size-fits-all approach.
That's not to say that the techniques in this section aren't effective, as they do work well. You might have to make some adaptions though depending on your situation. For example, if the girl is your best friend or ex-girlfriend, some of the questions and conversations suggested here probably won't be a good idea, as you'll likely know these things about each other already.
It's got more of a getting-to-know-you vibe here to the date, which would be pretty standard for a girl you didn't know. But if you work together or have friends in common, there are conversational topics that will come up based around this and it'd be weird to ignore these, so you'll have to factor that in.
But the general template here is pretty solid, and it's not really complicated. It gives you a general framework to operate in and some flexibility to adapt it to your own personality.
The goal of the date here is to take the woman home and have sex with her. There are some techniques here that show you how to create a more sexual vibe and also how you can take her back to your place.
Rob reveals a technique that he calls 'sexual snowballing' which he claims will tell you whether or not the woman is ready to have sex with you that night. It's a pretty straightforward way to make your conversation more intimate and also to get her sexually turned on.
One of the biggest issues that many guys have is on how to make a move on the girl and how to get her home. There's some detailed examples of what Rob does in these situations, and how to use 'time bombs' to force yourself to take a woman back to your place.
You'll also find some good advice on how to make sure your place is set up to be as conducive as possible to turning a woman on. There's some info on what kind of music to play and why it's important, lighting, what to keep stocked at your place and also a recipe for a chicken dish that Rob calls the perfect dinner to cook for your date. All solid advice here.
Unlock Her Legs Bonuses
There's a nearly hour long interview between Rob and Sixty aka Chris Andersen on the topic of physical escalation. A lot of it focuses on how to make moves that are under the radar and will increase the tension without making the girl uncomfortable. There's some solid advice and worth a listen if physical escalation is a sticking point for you.You'll also get access to an audio download, the Boyfriend Destroyer Sequence, as well as a few short e-books on topics like texting, conversation topics, understanding her signals and her erogenous zones.
There's also a few various bonuses that you get access to with purchase of Unlock Her Legs or Magnetic Messaging. Some have some good information, while others are more promotional tools for other products. There's also a forum where you can post questions, but there seems to be little activity on there so don't expect anything from this.
The Bottom Line
Unlock Her Legs is mainly focused on teaching guys how to get that one hard-to-get girl that they already know. Although there are parts of the product that can be applied to women in a more general sense, it's not going to teach you how to meet more women.If you're a guy that already has some knowledge and experience of dating different women but have your heart set on developing a relationship with one special girl, Unlock Her Legs will be a good product for you to check out. You'll also be able to use a lot of the advice here to hook up with girls from your social circles if that's what you're interested in.
But if you're currently obsessed over one girl and you have never had a girlfriend before or have no experience with dating skills, you would be better off working on foundational skills first before trying to implement the strategies in Unlock Her Legs (see main review for more info on this).
If you need to work on the basics first, then we suggest you check out our top rated products for beginners.Was this review helpful to you?
Product Information
This system, created by Bobby Rio and Rob Judge, shows men how to score that hard to get woman they are going after. It explains how to get into a woman’s mind and get her obsessed with sleeping or falling in love with you.
The full name of the course is "Unlock Her Legs: How To Use The Scrambler To Nail That Hard To Get Girl", but it's mostly referred to as just "Unlock Her Legs".
To fix the difficulties men have to get women they are really attracted to and already know, dating coaches Bobby and Rob offer a series of mind game techniques that they call "The Scrambler". It is designed to trigger specific reactions in a woman and "scramble" her brain until she's infatuated, addicted, and falling in love with you.
The program is divided into two parts: psychological and tactical. It uses psychological weapons - unpredictable rewards, pattern interrupts, and getting her to chase your validation - to get her working to impress you. The psychological section includes the Scrambler report, Weapons of Seduction videos, and audio roadmap.
The second part of the program is called The Lust System (the tactics), explaining what to say, and specific ways of carrying a conversation and flirting. The Lust System includes an 80 page ebook and 10 video modules.
Bonuses (PDFs and MP3s) include:
- Invisible Escalation
- Her Erogenous Zones
- She’s Sending You Signals
- The Boyfriend Destroyer Sequence
- The Magnetic Effect Pattern
- Dirty Dozen: 12 Conversations That Will Make Her Fall In Love
- Female Psychology
- Attracting Women
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Eliminating possible "friend zone" objections
- Moving a conversation from casual to sexual
- How to get a female friend to make the first move
- Put sexual thoughts into her head using innocent texts
- The undercover signs a woman sends when she is attracted to you
- How to handle a woman who is not responding to your messages
- Use a series of questions to get a woman thinking about sex with you
- How to boost the sexual tension she feels when around you
- How to get her to open up in order to create an irresistible bond
- The correct technique to use when asking a woman out on a date
- A question that will immediately tell you if she is ready to sleep with you
- Keeping a woman’s attention so she does not get bored with you
- How to handle the important first 5 minutes of meeting up with a woman
- The complete "Rules Of Engagement" for a smooth approach and interaction
- 3 techniques to use on a date to position yourself as a "keeper" and end up at her place
What You Get:
Online access to:
- Scrambler manual (PDF)
- Lust manual (PDF)
- 2 hour audio answering questions about the program (MP3)
- 2 videos (Weapons of Seduction)
Unlock Her Legs can be accessed via the members area and also downloaded.
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of Unlock Her Legs
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Took some good insights on things I was doing wrong"
May 28, 2015
I'd always be getting what I thought were mixed signals, and in a few cases I actually did try to do something about it and it totally bombed. One time was really embarrassing, so this is a big deal for me.
I got a lot out of Unlock Her Legs, just because it showed me a lot of what I've been doing wrong and how even I've been looking at these girls and their signals the wrong way. It's made me kind of shudder at all the things I did in the past and even the way I was thinking about it all.
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"This is the real deal"
June 02, 2015
what I like is it has a clear plan of everything you need to do to make a girl go from seeing you as a friend to wanting to hook up with you. other stuff just sort of gives you ideas and theory but this makes it easy to follow and you know exactly what to do next.
so far I've tested it out with 3 different girls i'm friends with and I had sex with one of them, have a date with another one and the 3rd girl is texting me flirty messages so I think that's looking pretty good too.
if your thinking of getting Unlock Her Legs then just do it and follow the system - it works!
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"Unlock Her Legs helped me get a girl I was trying to get"
May 28, 2015
Have to say these 2 guys Bobby Rio and Rob Judge are pretty fun to watch, unlike some other pickup stuff I seen where it was like all serious and kinda boring. This was pretty entertaining so i liked it for that too.
Also I like the sexual timebomb technique they teach, pretty clever actually I never really thought to do that before but it makes a lot of sense to get girls to come to your house on the 1st date.
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"Unlock Her Legs - Who would've thought this could exist!"
June 06, 2015
I'm always falling for women around me on campus a lot, last time it was a starbucks girl in the starbucks I grab my coffee in every morning just recently. I'm pretty good at getting their numbers and even hanging out. I've always been a social guy so it comes easy to me.
But, then I can't get past the damn friends thing. So many times. This starbucks girl I could see it was going that way.. again.
Unlock Her Legs is F,,,, A! It has so many tips, things I've never thought about and it's pretty easy to understand. I've tried out some of it, not all yet. Already really happy with the results, that Starbucks girl is texting me and flirting. It's F,,, awesome. Thanks Mr. Bobby Rio, you're a true game master Sir!
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"OK but over complicated"
June 04, 2015
I don't know, maybe that's just me. I like what he says, it sounds right. I'm not sure about the boyfriend destroyer part either, I don't feel right about even trying that. If she has a boyfriend I'm not going to try and sabotage that. You may think differently, for me, that's just not cool.
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