Undercover Sex Signals: A Pickup Guide For Guys

Product Information
This book addresses how women are always giving off signals and men are always missing them. It is designed to show you how to succeed in the dating arena. It provides 26 undercover sex signals and the techniques to teach you how to:
- Avoid rejection
- Succeed in the online sex game
- Master foreplay from across the room
- Use opening phrases instead of lines
- Develop the ability to never fail at pickup
- Search for sex correctly and in the right places
- Understand perfect timing for asking dating questions, kissing, calling and other strategies
- CD (Audio)
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Section I: You'll Never Have to Face Rejection Again
1. Why Learn "U.S.S.s"?
2. How to Be a Sexual Sleuth
3. It's Tough Being a Guy Today
4. Proof That Women Are Bird-Dogging You (and You Don't Know It)
5. Only One Man In 31 Is Hip to Her Sex Signals
6. Why Can't a Woman Communicate More Like a Man?
7. Using U.S.S.s to Determine If She's Interested
8. Little Girls and Little Guys Are Different from Blastoff
9. Why They Asked Me to Write This Book
10. I Love Women!
11. How to Rejection-Proof Yourself
Section II: Proof of U.S.S.s (and Why Men Miss Them)
12.Most Potential Lovers Never Even Meet
Section III: Some Surprising Facts About Women and U.S.S.s
13. Are U.S.S.s Nature or Nurture?
14. Are Her Sex Signals Conscious or Unconscious?
15. Cupid Does Drugs (or What Happens When the Bug Bites Her)
16. The Move That All Turned-on Women Make
17. The Move That Turns All Women On
18. What Does She Mean When She Says, "You're Just Not My Type"?
Section IV: Using U.S.S.s to Succeed With Women
19. You Never Have to Hear "No" Again
20. How to Become a Sexual Polygraph Machine
21. From Meeting to Mating, Easy Does It
Section V: "The Perfect Pickup" (in 5 Easy Steps)
22. The Perfect Pickup Is a Science
23. How to Make the Approach
24. Your Opening Lines
Section VI: Meeting to Mating (How to Win the Dating Game)
25. Shrewd Dating Strategies
26. Big-Time Help (If You Suspect You Have a "Big-Deal" Problem)
27. Why All the B.S.?
28. Cyber Matchmaking Is a Virtual Blast
Section VII: The Turnabout (Using My U.S.S.s to Turn Her On)
29. Your Biggest Sex Signal is You!
30. How to Raise Your Score with Women
Section VIII: U.S.S. Certification
31. Are You a Certified U.S.S. Man Yet?
32. And Now for the Final U.S.S. Test
33. Diary of a Successful U.S.S. Man
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Paperback $10.41
- MP3 CD $14.99
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website
User Reviews of Undercover Sex Signals: A Pickup Guide For Guys
Most Helpful User Reviews
"It's Written Like A Little Kid"
April 19, 2008
After all is said and done i found this book useful for only one reason...the pictures, and the 2 sentences underneath that described the sex signal. thats all you need to do with this book! look at it in the book store and write down the signals. dont waste your time and money. you're WAY better off reading TMM, VAH, or Magic Bullets...they all have way more to offer!!!
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"Very good book"
July 23, 2010
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"A Waste Of Money"
January 03, 2010
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"Simply The Best"
June 26, 2009
The author is a female, an ex-model, actress, flight attendant, pr rep, and serial dater. She has spent decades studying, observing, and talking to HB's about what women do to signal to guys that they want them to come talk to them, and what works. It is very well written: clear, concise, and interesting. It is absolutely the Rosetta Stone for guys trying to 'read' women.
This book deals with a more traditional kind of pick up than what has been popular recently in the community. Her advice to you when you spot a woman giving you an AI is to make eye contact, then match her smile, then walk up to her and sit or stand next to her facing the same direction she is, giving her plenty of time to evaluate you, and then non chalantly turn your head and compliment her on her jewelry or style, or something to that nature. Then, as she warms up to you, you simply mimic her actions: when she turns her torso towards you - you do the same. When she leans in, you lean in the same amount, etc. It is extremely practical advice that does not get overly complicated like many of the 'methods' out there. Her advice is very similar to Juggler's method.
I believe that, while not delving into some of the more 'advanced technology' that has come about in the community in the last few years, this book could easily teach an AFC to pull hot women each and every time he goes out. The ideas she teaches in it are so clearly written, so simple in nature, that after reading it, you feel like you finally 'get it' with women. Your eyes will be open to a whole world of sexual energy that women everywhere are putting off all the time. It's like suddenly learning a new language (well, that's exactly what it is)! One of the most useful points she makes is that when in public, with men around, no woman ever does anything by accident. If you look at her, and then she moves so that her dress strap falls down her shoulder, you know that was for you! If you say hi to a girl, and she walks past and scratches her back so that her shirt lifts up a little and you can see her fancy french cut thong straps, that was totally intentional (this is an example that my wing and I saw a couple of days ago). If you walk into a room, and an HB straitens up her posture and touches her neck, she's telling you to get over there and seduce her!
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"I've Got to Say I was Very Impressed. "
July 21, 2009
One of my personal stickies is trying to read women's body language and work out if they're into you or not. If you're IOI reading game is suffering then this book is a great start.
Leil goes through what EXACTLY goes through a girls mind when you enter a club. She describes how to tell if a girl is attracted to you by looking at her from across the room, plus work out if she's into you when you finally go approach her.
It's a simple book to read yet very very descriptive. I particularly like the "20 IOI's" list a girl will give you to display sexual interest.
On Saturday night my wing and I hit a bar and I wish I had read this book before we had gone out. On reflection, I realised a lot of girls were showing signs of interest and that I was totally oblivious to their sexual body language. As a result I did not approach when I clearly should have.
This book has certainly helped plug a lot of gaps.
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"An Excellent Resource"
November 25, 2007
I suggest this book to others that are new to the game and also experienced individuals. As I have told others before, when you break everything down, the laws of attraction are the same, routines and tricks we do are merely vessels in order to reach your ultimate goal.
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"Useful for Everybody"
August 18, 2009
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"She Packs a Lot of Content into the Over Three Hours"
August 07, 2009
One thing that seems to be different is that while the community generally talks about creating attraction with almost any woman and you selecting your target and approaching without regard for the possibility of rejection, much of the material in this suggests that once you learn how to spot the women that are attracted to you (which almost all men can't do soon enough to react) you then pick from them, to increase your chances and decrease the chance of rejection.
I'd recommend it as both a first purchase for someone outside the PUA community, or as a resource for those in the community.
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