Ultimate Confidence for Men

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Product Information
“Ultimate Confidence for Men” is designed to help you improve your life with unlimited self-confidence. It is intended for men who struggle with staying on top of their game, feeling like an alpha male, or selling themselves in business or with women.
The program consists of 14 audio hypnosis sessions (approximately 20 hours) designed to help you:
- Be a better lover
- Attract more wealth
- Become a better leader/business man
- Be more comfortable around women
- Be more charismatic, more intelligent, and cool
Some of the areas covered include:
- Becoming a self-made alpha male
- How to have the confidence to handle situations with ease
- Developing the confidence and magnetic charisma to attract women
- Becoming a fearless intelligent leader and extrudes alpha male confidence
- How to be seen as a man who is in control of money and attracts wealth
Bonuses include:
- The Wealth Mindset Mind Movie
- The Subliminal Mind Development Audio Series
- Overcome Stage-Fright Audio Series
- Personal Life Coach (Limited time only)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Mastering self-discipline
- Supercharge your energy and vitality
- Playfully flirting with confidence
- Unlock your intuition
- The decision maker formula
- Ultimate weight loss hypnosis 30 day challenge
- Confidence with women
- 7 keys to mastering success
- Ultimate core confidence
- The psychology of selling with ease
- Breakthrough to success
-100’s of deeply moving motivation quotes
- The millionaire mindset
- The great manifestation secret
What You Get:
Audio sessions via online membership area
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee