Things to Say After You Say Hello: Using Palmistry to Learn Seduction

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Product Information
Toecutter's only published material, where he uses palm reading as a tool to learn how to interact with women.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Beginner
- Intermediate
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The ancient art of palm reading allows you to communicate with a girl on a very different level. Often in a flirtation situation, a guy is trying to say things that present himself in a good light, and a girl trying to say things that present herself in a good light, and we miss opportunities to make a real connection.
A palm reading allows you to achieve the following:
- Controlling the frame of the interaction so that you are driving the direction of the conversation as a strong man rather than following the conversation to wherever it goes.
- The appearance of confidence that, with success will drive a change to real sexual confidence and the ability to show yourself for the attractive individual that you are.
- Understanding what a girl is thinking at any time within an interaction by taking feedback from the structures of the conversation.
- Understanding what she thinks is a skill that is useless if you do not understand what to do with this information, and this calibration to her internal thoughts and dilemmas will be moderated with building an intuition for what actions you need to take given this information.
- The use of lyrical language and imagery to fire passion.
- The tailoring of messages to your audience, and the proper choice of relevant detail to include within your conversations.
- Changing the tone of the conversation from just-met-you banter to the comfort and intimacy of exploring each other and sharing and understanding how a fledgling relationship moves in its dynamics.
- Confidently escalating physical intimacy and touch to get the relationship on physical level that involves human touch and sharing.
- Transitioning relationships towards the sexual.
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