The Zen Of Meeting Women: 2nd Edition

Product Information
This book aims to put you on the path to ending your loneliness by using foundational Zen concepts to help you attract and meet women. It shows you how to eliminate the self talk that gets in the way of meeting women, and using Zen achieve the success you've dreamed of.
The 2nd edition includes sections on:
- Set Theory
- Night Game
- Meeting women online
- Meeting Women
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Introduction and Frequently Asked Questions
- Who is this book for?
- What you will learn
- What's new in the 2nd Edition?
Zen 101
- What is Zen?
- The Precepts
- What's the point?
- Why meditate?
- How to meditate - Zazen
- Problems you might encounter
- Other types of meditation
Non-attachment - don't get obsessed
- The problem of attachment
- How to achieve non-attachment
- Be aware of attachment
- Zen all day, Zen all night
What are your goals?
- What do you want?
- Picture what you want
- Why do you want that?
Overview of the Zen of meeting women
- Building and growing
- Focus on success
Where and when to meet women
- Assess the situation
- Group dynamics and Set Theory
- Night Game versus Day Game
- Meeting women online
- Putting it all together
- The death of pickup lines
- The rise of the canned "opener"
- The spontaneous opener
- Once more, with feeling!
- What are you going to say next?
Pump it up!
- Back to the bookstore
- Find the emotion, theme, feeling, or trait. Notice, admire, and relate
Turn it up to eleven!
- Statement of Intent
- Nonverbal cues - body language
- The Magic Touch - "Kino"
Learning and growing
- Success versus failure
- Making plans
- Instant date
- Kiss the girl
Keeping the ball rolling
- Talking on the phone
- Flirting through email and texting
- The next meeting
- Why venue change is stressful
- The next next meeting
- Hey, this is easy!
Zen and the art of making love
- Focus on her
- Talking know
- Roadblocks, hurdles, and potholes
- Basking in the afterglow
Relationships - making them last
- Indra's Net
- Final words
Additional Reading
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $9.64
- Paperback $17.69
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website
User Reviews of The Zen Of Meeting Women: 2nd Edition
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Great guide to a natural style that goes beyond mere pickup"
September 03, 2011
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