The Way of the Superior Man

Editor Review
"Very Insightful Look into Male-Female Relationships and the Inner Game of the Man"
Depending on your experience level and age you will get different things from this book. For the less experienced and younger, there are valuable inner game mindsets. For the more experienced there is a lot of good material on developing more fulfilling relationships with women, and integrating that into your overall life.
One of the Best Explanations of Women's Testing (AKA Shit Testing)
"A man should never think his woman's testing is going to end and his life will get easier. Rather, he should appreciate that she does these things to feel his strength, integrity and openness."Testing is an important when it comes to both attracting women and relationship skills. David Deida provides the clearest explanation from a relationship perspective that I have seen. He brings excellent insights on this, that will help men in relationships in particular to strengthen their relationships with an improved mindset.
Advice for Healthy Relationships Not Found in Other Products
"Praise always magnifies the quality of your woman that you praise." "A superior man sees his woman's moods not as a curse, but as a challenge and an amusement..." "Talking with her helps, but not as often as humor and physically expressed love..."Just three nuggets of relationships advice from hundreds dotted throughout the book. David Deida provides extremely healthy, yet effective, mindsets for relationship building and maintenance. This contrasts from many other relationship skills which tend to be effective for the man to keep the woman, but less positive, in that the woman ends up damaged or negatively impacted by the relationship. Ultimately this is also not good for the guy, either.
David Deida sets a very positive long term foundation for women in your life, and for them to benefit positively from that relationship. The majority of other products also neglect to examine how relationships should relate to your life.
This is extremely valuable content for any guy who hasn't been able to smoothly manage his relationships with women with the rest of his life's goals and activities. When I was reading this myself, I found many of my most effective mindsets that I have learned the hard way. Many of the insights I have learned through tough experiences in relationships, he outlines in excellent clarity.
This is a book, that I wished I had read a lot earlier. It would have saved me a lot of drama and helped me to save some great relationships that I let falter in the past.
Above and Beyond Relationship Management to the Inner Game of Life
"An older woman will tolerate less of your bullshit than a younger woman. Although this may be one of your reasons for preferring younger women, you must choose your priority. If you find yourself attracted to younger women, be careful that you aren't trying to find an easy relationship with a woman who will let you slide."David Deida provides provocative insights into your deeper inner game, and how it relates to relationships with women. This is most helpful for guys who want to be more satisfied with their love life - becoming happy with your love life and female relationships takes a lot more than 'just getting laid a lot'.
This is a typical issue that guys who have studied dating advice and are getting a lot of success come up against. If you have got success, through getting laid, or getting girlfriends and you still aren't happier, it is time for you to look harder at your inner game.
David Deida comes back to address the type of women that are relevant to you, why and how to go about selecting the ones to fit your lifestyle and needs throughout the book. In particular, he provides some excellent insights into why and how to go about adjusting the role of women in your life to make it more fulfilling. This is 'Groundbreaking' and a must read for those who are experienced.
Caveat - Some Misleading Advice for Attracting Women at First
In some sections where David Deida discusses the first steps of attracting a woman, his advice is not good - misleading and of an inferior mindset. In Part Four - What Women Really Want - Choose a Woman Who Chooses You, he recommends an inferior approach that will not help you to improve the quality of women you bring into your life. What he says with respect to practical steps towards starting a relationship with a woman should be taken with a large grain of salt.For instance, he advises 'asking your friends or even her friends' about a girl's attraction to you, to provide a guide as to what to do. The majority of guys don't have a good understanding of women, and starting the subject with her friends would completely sabotage your chances.
Challenging to Implement
This is not a practical how-to manual, like some other products. There are no techniques discussed. David Deida explains how relationships between men and women work, and provides a lot of insight into what works and what doesn't. But the reader will have to take this knowledge, assimilate it and apply it through his own understanding. In other words, 'Way of the Superior Man' provides a vision and some guidelines, but the concrete actions will be left up to you.In addition to this, having to work through some misleading information on attraction, means it will be a lot more challenging for a newbie or beginner to apply effectively.
It will take several readings, and going back over it, and reflecting on your relationships to really get the value from this book.
The Bottom Line
For guys in relationships or interested in long term relationships with women this is an excellent resource. I have no doubt that it will change the mindset, or seed very positive change, in even the men that are most experienced with women and relationships with them.For newbies or beginners this is a good book on relationships, but it should not be the only product you take advice from - you will need to combine this with knowledge on the basics of attraction, like that of Venusian Arts' Revelation eBook to ensure you apply it appropriately.
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Product Information
This book is about the mindset of men towards women. What is your true purpose in life? What do women really want? What makes a good lover?
David Deida explores the important issues in men's lives:
- Career
- Family
- Women
- intimacy and love
- Spirituality
It is offered as a practical guidebook for living a masculine life of integrity, authenticity, and freedom. It includes advice on empowering skills and body practices.
- Relationship Skills
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Part 1 - A Man's Way
- Stop Hoping for a Completion of Anything in Life
- Live With an Open Heart Even If It Hurts
- Live As If Your Father Were Dead
- Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It
- Always Hold to Your Deepest Realization
- Never Change Your Mind Just to Please a Woman
- Your Purpose Must Come Before Your Relationship
- Lean Just Beyond Your Edge
- Do It for Love
- Enjoy Your Friends' Criticism
- If You Don't Know Your Purpose, Discover It, Now
- Be Willing to Change Everything in Your Life
- Don't Use Your Family As an Excuse
- Don't Get Lost in Tasks and Duties
- Stop Hoping for Your Woman to Get Easier
Part 2- Dealing with Women
- Women Are Not Liars
- Praise Her
- Tolerating Her Leads to Resenting Her
- Don't Analyze Your Woman
- Don't Suggest That a Woman Fix Her Own Emotional Problem
- Stay with Her Intensity-To a Point
- Don't Force the Feminine to Make Decisions
Part 3 - Working with Polarity and Energy
- Your Attraction to the Feminine Is Inevitable
- Choose a Woman Who Is Your Complementary Opposite
- Know What Is Important in Your Woman
- You Will Often Want More Than One Woman
- Young Women Offer You a Special Energy
- Each Woman Has a "Temperature" That Can Heal or Irritate You
Part 4 - What Women Really Want
- Choose a Woman Who Chooses You
- What She Wants Is Not What She Says
- Her Complaint Is Content-Free
- She Doesn't Really Want to Be Number One
- Your Excellent Track Record Is Meaningless to Her
- She Wants to Relax in the Demonstration of Your Direction
Part 5 - Your Dark Side
- You Are Always Searching for Freedom
- Own Your Darkest Desires
- She Wants the "Killer" in You
- She Needs Your Consciousness to Match Her Energy
Part 6 - Feminine Attractiveness
- The Feminine Is Abundant
- Allow Older Women Their Magic
- Turn Your Lust into Gifts
- Never Allow Your Desire to Become Suppressed or Depolarized
- Use Her Attractiveness As a Slingshot Through Appearance
Part 7 - Body Practices
- Ejaculation Should Be Converted or Consciously Chosen
- Breathe Down the Front
- Ejaculate Up the Spine
Part 8 - Men's and Women's Yoga of Intimacy
- Take into Account the Primary Asymmetry
- You Are Responsible for the Growth in Intimacy
- Insist on Practice and Growth
- Restore Your Purpose in Solitude and with Other Men
- Practice Dissolving
David Deida Resources
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Paperback $10.41
- Kindle $13.35
- Hardcover $36.51
Guarantee / Terms:
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"Simply Awesome"
December 31, 1899
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December 31, 1899
I believe there is something in this book for everyone. Buy it now.
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