The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game   

The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game
Dating Company: Love Systems | Dating Coaches:
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24 of 25 people found the following review helpful

"Comprehensive and Innovative Advice for Texting and Phoning Women"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Highly effective. Very comprehensive. Probably as easy to implement as it gets - lots of examples, lots of easy rules to follow, clear and simple system to apply.
The Bad
Virtually nothing to say. It's not great value for money if you are already good with texting and phone game. Love Systems could do some things to 'perfect' this product. That's it.
The Bottom Line
Pretty much everyone, no matter who you are will get a lot of value from this product. I would be very surprised if it didn't improve your results in some way.

Beginners and even intermediates will get a whole system to follow, while guys of an advanced level will find new things to try out and apply to what they are already doing to take it to new levels.

This is a great product, and has been out for a long time. If you want something newer that we have rated slightly higher, check out How2TxtHer by Christian Hudson.


This is the first comprehensive product to come out on what you do between meeting a girl and getting her phone number and meeting her the second time (going on a date). Also known as 'time bridging'.

It fills a much needed void in the dating advice market. One of the biggest issues for guys once they learn dating advice is that they can get phone numbers but don't seem to be able to meet the girls afterwards to take the relationship further. It's a huge source of frustration, so a book like this has been a long time coming.

To bring out a good product on the subject isn't easy because for one thing there is so much uncertainty involved. When you're texting or phoning a girl you really don't know what is going on in her life at that moment and as a consequence there are a lot of unknowns to deal with.

In short - this product was going to have to really do a good job for it to be good.

So, what's the verdict?

An Excellent Product - a System
I'm betting that for the vast majority of guys "The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game" will cover a lot of material that you hadn't thought of. It includes virtually everything I've ever come across with respect to using texts and phoning women, and a lot more.

It contains a neat system which you can apply to take a lot of the uncertainty out of what you are doing.

Easy to Follow - But No Less Comprehensive
A big challenge with this subject was to make it easily implementable. Love Systems has outdone itself here by creating some really solid, but simple concepts and drumming them in through out the book. These include areas such as calibration (short, medium and long fuses) and The advice is very well structured. Braddock and Mr. M have written a book that flows with a slow and steady build up of simple concepts reinforced with plenty of practical examples. The care taken in making it usable by the reader really shows through. This goes down to how they have kept the content simple, with five or so main themes to keep in your head when texting and phoning women. It doesn't get overly complicated which is a typical issue with dating advice.

For those who have read Love System's core product the Magic Bullets Handbook, you will also find that the material is supplementary and fits with the rest of their approach to dating. Understanding their 'emotional progression' model and other items properly will undoubtedly reinforce your ability to use this product and apply it effectively, since is built on top of these core concepts.

No Fluff - Real Solid Clarity
Beyond using many practical examples, this ebook doesn't let up from giving you 'hard rules' to go by. There are many times where I was thinking about how something isn't relevant in all situations - and bang - every time they would put a note or firm rule at the end telling you when not to use it.

This is invaluable. It goes as far as giving 'do - do not' lists to make things really easy for you to follow in more complex sections such as 'sexualisation'.

There are a lot of subtleties that go into calibration of texting, which could very well take years of experience to understand - it was a long process for me. The ebook has captured many of these - again, really essential if you want to get good at this stuff.

This was by far not an easy subject to make clear, and the efforts to do it really come through in the book. This is truly a great product from this point of view and I'm looking forward to hearing how it impacts students results. I'm sure it's going to do well.

Expelling Limiting Beliefs - Persistance
I'm sure this ebook will destroy quite a few limiting beliefs for guys. A key example is how it is possible to have nothing happen with a girl over a long period of time, a month, or even a year, and despite this, through some good text and phone game, make it work in the end. There are quite a few examples of Braddock and Mr. M going though this 'slow burn' type of game.

Caveat: Keep in mind that there are also many girls who will simply disappear in those situations, and that the examples in the book show the positive outcomes to demonstrate what is possible.

Many guys give up too early and don't persist enough or in the right way - the book tackles this subject well.

Trying to Find Faults
These are the few pitfalls or areas to be aware of before you buy and implement - just so that you don't get potentially disillusioned. These are really the only negative things I have to say about the product and only because I'm being critical in an idealistic manner.

  1. 1. Phone Game: The book is entitled 'the ultimate text and phone game', however in reality 95% of the content relates to texting. There is good reason for that focus, however I would've liked more time spent on discussing the subtleties of being on the phone with women. There is room to add more detail here to the same level of 'capturing subtleties' as has been done with texting in the book. It is covered well, however, not to the superior level of the rest of the book.

  2. 2. Advanced Non-Essential Material Warning: Towards the end of the ebook there is a large section dedicated to 'Sexualization'. It's good material, but for most readers this won't be immediately usable and even 'dangerous' to their results. Braddock and Mr. M give several warnings about this, well done, however I imagine that the emphasis on it will still lead many students to jump on it, especially as it looks exciting. In reality, such content is less important than the rest of the book - only useful for certain dating situations. It was not mentioned in the book but it is actually great for existing relationships (not sure why this wasn't mentioned). If you buy the book don't get overly involved in this section, thinking because it uses up many pages it is an important part to get things working for you. In most situations it really won't make the difference between a bad and good result. In others it will sabotage your efforts. Be mindful of this if you aren't at an advanced level.

  3. 3. Make it More Visual: There are no diagrams or visuals in this ebook. It's pure reading. It's a shame, because just a few diagrams could have captured and communicated the message and advice that much more clearly. I hope to see some in future revisions, because that will make it even easier to use.

If Love Systems tackles these issues, it would turn this from an Excellent to a truly Outstanding product.

When I see an ebook priced at nearly $100, I take a hard look at it to see if it is worth that money. There are only a few premium products in the market which charge this price.

This book is relatively narrow, looking at a small area of the overall dating skillset. So at first glance you may ask "Why so much given that it doesn't cover many subjects?".

I would say this. If this is an area of your skillset that is not working for you - it will be good value. This isn't an optional add on to meeting women, it is an essential part of the puzzle. And it isn't covered in other products anywhere near as extensively although it may be touched upon. The value is in its ability to change your results.

The one caveat: If you are just looking for a few tips to improve something that you already do well, and $100 is a lot of money for you - it most likely won't be worth you buying it.

I'd personally be happy with the purchase, and I've read a lot and considered that I was already pretty damn good in this area...

The Bottom Line
I can only say Get this product if you are either not entirely sure what to do with phone numbers of women once you have them or you are getting phone numbers, and having those numbers 'blur' (i.e. never lead to meet ups)? I know this is the case for many guys.

So, pretty much everyone, no matter who you are will get value from this product. Beginners and even intermediates will get a whole system to follow and guys of an advanced level will find new things to try out and apply to what they are already doing (I know I'll make some tweaks and try some new stuff out). Bonus: You'll possibly spend a lot less time thinking about what to do with numbers, and can put that time to other endeavours...

This is an excellent product. It was high time someone tackled this frustration point for guys - Awesome!

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Product Information

"The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game" is a comprehensive guide to phone and text game by dating coaches Braddock and Mr. M of Love Systems.

The guide addresses everything from how to take the number, to what and when to text, when to phone, and how to set up another date.

Bonus items include:

- Revitalizing old phone numbers
- Anti-flaking
- Situations and Scenarios

Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Hot Topic Tags:
Phoning & Texting Women
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
BraddockMr. M
Love Systems
Release Date:
January 21, 2010
Price: $97.00


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Chapter 1 – Turning Her Phone Number Into A Date
- Changing Your Mindset: What It Means To ‘Get Her Phone Number’
- The Aims (Goals) Of Text And Phone Game
- The Basics Of Turning A Phone Number Into A Date
- Key Points Of This Chapter

Chapter 2 - Basic Concepts In Text And Phone Game
- Mindsets And Setting Realistic Expectations
- Callback Humor
- Investment Building
- Key Points Of This Chapter

Chapter 3 – First Contact
- Text Or Phone Call?
- Sending The First Text
- 3 Common Mistakes To Avoid In The First Text
- Early Text And Phone Game – After The Initial Reply
- The Structure Of Good Text Messaging
- Key Points Of This Chapter

Chapter 4 – Introduction To Dynamite Theory
- Introduction - Explaining Dynamite Theory
- Short Fuses
- Medium Fuses
- Long Fuses
- Key Points Of This Chapter

Chapter 5: Strategies For Each Fuse
- Short Fuse Strategies
- Medium Fuse Strategies
- Long Fuse Strategies
- Key Points Of This Chapter

Chapter 6 – Further Text And Phone Game Tactics
- The Ideal Days To Text
- The Ideal Time To Text
- Pinging
- Baiting
- Playing Roles
- Messages For Short Or Medium Fuses On Pause
- Pull Back On The Reins (Correcting Bad Behavior)
- Voicemail
- Key Points Of This Chapter

Chapter 7 - Building Value And Generating Attraction
- Using The Eight Attraction Triggers
- Told Versus Observed
- Examples Of Texts For Each Attraction Trigger
- Tempo
- Frame Setting
- Getting Her To Take Positive Action
- More Text Message Attraction Strategies
- Qualification Over Text Message
- Key Points Of This Chapter

Chapter 8: Sexualization
- Introduction
- The Pro’s And Con’s Of Sexualization
- Proper Sexualization
- The Key Concepts Of Sexualization
- Baiting And Mirroring Her Sexual Intent
- Sexual Hoops For Text And Phone Game (Credit Dahunter Original Sexual Hoops Concept)
- False Barriers
- How To Use False Barriers
- Booty Call Phone And Texting
- Sexualization On The Phone
- Key Points Of This Chapter

Chapter 9: Meet Up Strategies
- A Few Common Mistakes
- The Basic Structure Of Going For The Meet Up
- The Distractor Technique (Credit Dahunter)
- Meet Up Strategies Based On Fuse Length
- Key Points Of This Chapter
- Closing Remarks
- Further Education
- Free Resources To Improve Your Game
- Terms And Conditions

What You Get:


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User Reviews of The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game

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7 of 18 people found the following review helpful


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Not a full system. Basically tells you hot to get any girl to respond to your texts.. and then its like 'now what.'
umm use callback humour... ok.
um now what.
be funny.
be charming. Its like wtf tell me some shit for specific situations. basically tells you just be witty and fun...not how to be witty and fun.
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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"I'd Give This Product a 5 Star Rating."

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Very simply put, you will learn a lot - it is packed with great information put in a very understandable and readable format. I'd give this product a 5 star rating.

There was definately a hole out there for something like this, and although you can pick up bits and pieces by scouring forums and other products for days, why bother? It'll cost you 10 times more and take up 10 times more time. Plus, it wouldn't go into as much depth.

On top of that, the price of the book ($99) would easily be justified just to read the one-liners and phone scripts that are put in there - they are all hilarious!

There is a little overlap between the information (Dynamite theory) given in the E-Book and provided in the social circle mastery course, but that is fine - this product gives much more depth and lots of practical examples.

The book provides you with some excellent models to work with - from which you can move from initiating conversation again, building attraction and comfort, to finally getting the date. Again, book this is very very useful for understanding the principles.

Whilst the book does cover phoning a girl, the primary focus is on texting in order to build compliance for her to take the phone call (about 80% of the book is to do with texting and theory, the other 20% is to do with the phone call). Don't see this as a weakness, as the book will definately help you meet with more girls, more often.

Think about it - if this book helps you get one more date a month from now on into the future, the book is an absolute bargain at $99. Especially when you consider the amount of money you spent to go out and look good before you even get a phone number.

Definately a "buy" recommendation here.

Let's see you add some more social weaponry to your arsenal!
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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"It's A Great Book and A Must Have For Any Serious PUA"

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I just finished reading the ultimate guide to text and phone game by braddock and mr m yesterday, and it already is a great addition to my game.

My game was already pretty good but my phone and text game needed some serious work. I'd number close a lot of girls but most of them would flake, except the ones I already build lots of comfort with.

Thanks to braddock I now have the skillset to turn most phone numbers into dates, even girls I only spoke to for 5 minutes.

I can honestly say it's a great book and a must have for any serious PUA.
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful


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Braddock and Mr. M, two of the most paramount virtuosos in the pick-up community have outdone themselves in their upcoming release of the brand new ebook, The Ultimate Guide to Phone and Text Game. After having the pleasure of reading this from first to last page, I came away struck by the diligence, attentiveness to detail and hard work that was put into making this come to be. The journey that this will take you on could span from never hearing from a girl again before reading this book to banging her that same night after you’ve read it. It covers every facet that would be related to Phone and Text including investment levels of a girl, power ratios, tempo, frame setting, sexualizing a conversation properly, utilizing false and real barriers, going for the meet up, setting up booty calls and much more. An especially helpful section I found is the in depth instruction given on how to build value within text messages through each of the 8 different attraction triggers which are explained in detail within Magic Bullets. Braddock also introduces his famed fuse theory system which has only recently been seen in his bootcamps and blows the lid off of explaining how to adapt and excel in different text situations you find yourself in. The beauty of texts and even phone calls is that you can take your time preparing what you want to say which leads to one of the best things about the book is that it’s an invaluable encyclopedia that is always there for you to reference when you find yourself stuck.

Contained inside is an expertly done text and phone walkthrough of the emotional progression model that is highly insightful. Also, there is an interactive segment that has you develop your own call back humor skills. A key point that should be mentioned is that everything is so clearly explained so that it is really easy to understand and apply. The realization of certain common mistakes through examples of bad text and phone calls are juxtaposed by a multitude of scripts from various expert PUAs highlighting their own personal text and phone conversations that resulted in getting the girl. These actual real life exchanges are not only an amazing resource to look upon, but also hilariously funny and entertaining too. With that you have the benefit of numerous scenarios having already been tested out by the instructors which saves you the risk of messing up a number which otherwise could have led to a relationship, friends with benefit, booty call or whatever you intended it to lead to. The long hours, days and even months logged of putting together this masterful work shines through brightly. The high degree of quality laid out in these pages sets the bar sky high in this road map of phone and text glory. This exceptional creation has earned my giving it a 10 out of 10. In summation, if I were to announce this finely crafted, decisive guide on Text and Phone Game in one word, that word would be, revolutionary.
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"Not The Best Place to Start for the Complete Newbie"

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In my opinion, one of the most notable things that sets Love Systems apart from other companies teaching men to develop this area of their lives is attention to detail, completeness and the sequential nature of their learning strategy.

The model Love Systems use for teaching is so thorough that it really does make it easy for a beginner to start at step 1 and learn, every step of the way, what he may have been doing wrong in the past and then correct those mistakes.

One area of pick up where concrete, logical, detailed step by step instructions were, until now, pretty thin on the ground is text and phone game. Fortunately for us, Braddock and Mr. M have written an incredibly detailed, complete and well organized account of how to perfect this vital part of your dating life.

The book is 162 pages and has 9 Chapters.

The Chapter Titles are:

1. Turning her Phone Number into a Date
2. Basic Concepts in Text and Phone Game
3. First Contact
4. Introduction to Dynamite Theory
5. Strategies for Each Use
6. Further Text and Phone Game Tactics
7. Building Value and Generating Attraction
8. Sexualization
9. Meet Up Strategies

Every chapter has a summary at its end, condensing the core concepts of each chapter into easy-to-rememember bullet-point format.

There is a perfect mix of theory and examples. All the examples are from real phone and text interactions of Love Systems Instructors.

My favourite Chapters are 4 and 5 - the ones that explain the concept of "Dynamite Theory", "fuse length" and how text and phone game should not be a "one size fits all" approach, but instead, should be tailored to each individual woman. How? By evaluating her "fuse length" which surprisingly, is not based on how hot she is but on how high she feels your value is relative to her own.

The shorter her fuse, the more attraction, comfort and investment she has for you - and the less work you'll have to do to get her on a date. The longer the fuse, the less attraction, comfort and investment on her part and therefore the more work you'll have to do.

Chapter 5 gives detailed strategies for dealing with short, medium and long fuses and as always, plenty of real examples, as in Chapter 4, from Mr. M, Braddock, Daxx, Dubbsy and Big Business.

... this book is not the best place to start for the complete newbie. If you're having difficulty starting conversations and if getting numbers is not something you can do reasonably consistently, then you would be better off starting by reading Magic Bullets (which is the foundation for this book) and if possible doing a Bootcamp.

Assuming you have a reasonable level of game though, this book is going to add MASSIVELY to your results. Of that I'm sure.

I honestly believe that because this area of game hasn't been taught like this before (all together, complete, in one place, by masters, as opposed to random threads here and there on forums by people of varying skill level) that it is the "weakest link" for many guys.

The chain is only as strong as its weakest link, which is why I think that investing in this book, studying and applying it, will make more difference to most guy's game, than maybe... any other area of "outer game".
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Without a Doubt, This Book Has Filled a Huge Gap in the Market"

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I didn't naturally learn text and phone game like my friends did. I generally thought I would do what I thought the women would like to hear and by doing this I became a new member of the 'Friend Zone'. And I'm sure many of you know that the friend zone does not equal sex.

When the book came out I was kind of relieved because I didn't need to worry about ruining leads with chicks anymore. I was almost at peace before even reading the book because I knew I had the information there and once I had read it everything would be different.

There was some information in here which blew my mind. It's hard to explain it in words, but some theories are covered with brilliance. By saying or doing the smallest thing on the phone or by text, it has the biggest effect and that was one of the most amazing aspects of this book for me.

We all know that texting is now a very important [part] of game and generally determines whether you secure another date. Of course, the way you organize a date with a girl is via the holy grail - the almighty cellphone. The importance of understanding the foundations of text/phone is almost indescribable. It'd be like going to town with terrible style; the two go hand-in-hand and it's crucial, if you want to up your game, that you learn how to follow up leads and close girls when your not with them.

Without a doubt, this book has filled a huge gap in the market and I'm happy it's out because I really needed this as I'm sure many other guys did.

Cheers boys for writing the book.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Braddock and Mr.M Did An Amazing Job on the Book"

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I just finished reading the new book, The Ultimate Guide to Phone and Text Game.

Braddock and Mr.M did an amazing job on the book.

The short review,

If you are looking for something to improve your phone and text game, this is all you are ever going to need.

That's 157 pages (cover and index NOT included) of pure content, no fodder.

The long review,

As some reviewers before me have mentioned this e-book will not fix your game overall, (even though it goes surprisingly beyond just phone and text) but focuses just in this part of game, as the title suggests.

It's rare to find such a solid book.

Usually, when I finish a book there are always lingering questions, or perhaps a topic that was not extensive enough, or one that was not explained well enough. This is not the case here.
Every chapter begins with the theory behind it, then is proceeded by some examples and samples you can use, after you have a list of do's and dont's and finally you get a brief summary of the chapter.

The examples are all written in text format, usually between Braddock and a girl and are help full in further explaining the theory presented.

The format and design of the book is similar to the others from Love Systems. You can expect a very stylish design, with an occasional side-text about the subject being discussed in the main text.

The book is also very pedagogic, it's very easy to understand, every topic is very well written and any doubt about how something should be implement is dissipated in the examples bellow.
Community jargon are kept to a minimum.

Content wise, as to be expected from a Love System product it got merit. Just by looking from past interactions it is easy to see that it work!
Even someone completely new to game probably already experienced some of the examples in the e-book, with surprisingly similar results... I certainly did.

You can expect about 80:20 proportion of text:voice.

The concepts in it aren't just restricted to phone and text game, it can be applied to the whole game.

This is not a magic bullet (pun intended :P ) for your game. This is an e-book specialized in just phone and text game, so if your game is lacking somewhere else, this isn't going to fix it, but...

If you are looking for something to improve phone [and text] game, this is all you are ever going to need.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Unquestionably Ground Breaking"

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I was fortunate enough to receive a special advance copy of Braddock and MrM's Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game. Not since reading The Game for the first time, have I actually read a full book in less than 24 hours. No book I have ever read is 100% perfect, but this is pretty close to it.

The ebook is 164 pages of solid information about how to master phone and text game. The whole theme ties back to the emotional progression model found in Magic Bullets, but takes a leap forward in several areas. It begins with a chapter on mindsets and goals, with Braddock explaining his story about how he went from hating phone game to loving it.

The first time I met the guy, he had me in stitches as I listened to him talk to a cheerleader he just met on the phone. I think Braddock's light hearted approach threads the entire book together, making it really difficult to stop reading - this can only be a good thing. This is not to say that the text and phone game book isn't incredibly detailed.

It is exhaustive in explaining every micro-concept in extreme detail. Real examples from various Lovesystems instructors own phone/text game experiences are continually used to cement each concept.

One thing that surprised me early on was how much easier you can make the whole text/phone game process. By running solid game and including a few specific routines and techniques while getting number, you can set yourself up to have a much easier time progressing towards a date.

At the end of the day, phone and text game is a tool to meet a girl you have number closer. I would therefore not recommend this book to a complete newbie. If you are struggling to open, then read Magic Bullets or take a bootcamp first. Aside from this, I would strongly urge everyone else in the community to read this book. I cannot emphasis enough how much time and effort it will save.

If I had read this 5 years ago in College, I would have cleaned up. Incidentally, this is exactly how I felt after reading The Game for the first time. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this explores dating women on a completely new level. I don't feel that phone or text game are covered in enough detail in any other product in the community right now. This fills all those gaps that you sort of knew about but weren't really sure what to do/say.

One of the core concepts about phone/text game is dynamite theory. This is basically categorizing girls interest based on a number of factors. There are over 40 pages on this, but simply thinking about the categorization yourself clears up so many potential mistakes. I felt that understanding why girls were behaving in different ways towards me, completely changed my mindset.

By far my favorite chapter was the Sexualization one (around 30 pages) - after all everyone loves getting dirty text messages. This is something I've experimented with a lot before. There is an awesome example of a long text conversation between Daxx and a girl in LA that is MONEY! I honestly can't wait to go out tonight so I can try this stuff over the weekend.

I think most people who read the book will find it to be the missing piece to a, until now, relatively unexplored area of game. Again, a certain level of knowledge of game makes the techniques much easier to apply. I honestly feel that the text and phone game book is going to fly off the shelves, so to speak. It is unquestionably ground breaking and backed up with a ton of real examples which make it near on impossible to doubt that everything you are being taught works.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"Makes the Difference between the Good and the Great."

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Without any useless writing, let me start with my impressions right away:

- The first chapter of the book deals with actually 'turning her phone number into a date'. THIS IS SO KEY! Imagine changing few tiny, little things of your game and getting twice as much dates out of your phone numbers. That's basically what this chapter deals with. Pure gold.

- Another chapter for example is about how to properly open her via text by acting light/short/fun and what not to do, such as asking logical questions, telling her how great it was to meet her, acting overly emotional etc. No better way to show you via an example:

Good: Braddock: “Is it 5:00 yet!!?? I’ve decided that I need to just marry a rich girl... work is for the birds. Are you rich? ”

Bad: Braddock: “Nice to meet you Sarah. Do you have plans tomorrow?”

Of course this is only a cursory example, Braddock and Mr.M go into GREAT DEPTH. Not only here, but in the WHOLE BOOK. This means, it's for everyone. The newbie and the experienced guy.

- Introduction of the concept of 'fuses'. There's a difference between a girl, that is super on (short fuse) and a girl, that isn't that excited talking to you (long fuse).

I've seen lots of dating science products and seminars and trust me, this book is a MUST HAVE. Not only does it give you tons of examples of things to write, but it also describes the 'matrix' behind all that stuff, so you know how to do it naturally after some practice. It's one of those products that makes the difference between the good and the great.
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