The Ultimate Guide to Strong & Healthy Relationships

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Product Information
This course has been renamed to: Relationship Coaching: A Guide To Fail-Proof Relationships
This course teaches you the principles and strategies for building healthier, happier, and more fulfilling relationships. It is designed to help you strengthen:
- Family relationships
- Romantic relationships
- Your relationship with friends
- Relationship with yourself (e.g., self-esteem, attracting a great partner)
The course also aims to provide you the tools to improve your intimate, social, and professional relationships.
Some of the areas covered include:
- Building stronger, vibrant relationships
- The signs that a relationship is not working
- Defusing disagreements before they begin
- Effectively choosing a long-term life partner
- Dealing with the inevitable relationship challenges
- Communicating more effectively with other people
- Key strategies that strengthen and excite relationships
- How to be more genuine in your personal and professional relationships
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Section 1: Introducing The Ultimate Guide To Transforming Relationships
- Lecture 1: Introducing The Course
- Lecture 2: How To Get Maximum Benefit from this Course
- Lecture 3: A Benchmark For Awesome Relationships
- Lecture 4: Our Most Basic Relational Need
Section 2: The Foundations For Stronger Relationships
- Lecture 5: Doing The Groundworks For Better Relationships
- Lecture 6: Laying The Foundations For Better Relationships
- Lecture 7: An Equation For Sustainable Relationships
- Lecture 8: The Story Of Identity Glue
- Lecture 9: What If It's Not Them ... But You?
- Lecture 10: SELF ASSESSMENT #1: The Visual DNA ' Who am I?' Test
- Lecture 11: The Meaning Of A Name
- Lecture 12: SELF ASSESSMENT #2: The Visual DNA ' Personality ' Quiz
- Lecture 13: Becoming More Objective In Our Relationships
- Lecture 14: Why We Don't Always get What We Want
Section 3: Becoming A More Attractive Character For Others
- Lecture 16: The Relationship Sickness (Self-con-sump-tion-itis)
- Lecture 17: The Difference Between Love & Lust
- Lecture 18: Understanding The Halo Effect & Law Of Attraction
- Lecture 19:Birds Of A Feather (Don't Have To Flock Together)
- Lecture 20: WHY birds of a feather don't HAVE to flock together!
- Lecture 21: The Art Of Healthy Communications
- Lecture 22: Understanding the 4 Levels of Communication
- Lecture 23: Judgment: The Serial Trust Killer
- Lecture 24: Unforgiveness: The Serial Soul Killer
- Lecture 25: Becoming A Judge Of Character
- Lecture 26: SELF ASSESSMENT #3: How are your 'Boundaries'?
- Lecture 27: Building Character & Trust Into Our Relationships
- Lecture 28: Top 10 Tip's For Building Trust in Relationships
- Lecture 29: Seek Understanding First Before All Other Things
- Lecture 30: WORKSHEET: Getting To Know Your Partner Better
Section 4: An Alternate Perspective for our Relationships!
- Lecture 31: The Mustard Seed Perspective
- Lecture 32: The Marie Perspective: Part 1
- Lecture 33: The Marie Perspective: Part 2
- Lecture 34: The Meaning Of Love
Section 5: Solid Principles For Sustainable Relationships That Last
- Lecture 35: If A Relationship's Not Growing ... It's Dying!
- Lecture 36: Growing Together or growing Apart?
- Lecture 37: An Essential Prerequisite For All New Relationships
- Lecture 38: Keeping Our 'Double Standards' At Bay
- Lecture 39: There's a Right Time & a Wrong Time for All Relationships
- Lecture 40: Busting The 50/50 Myth
- Lecture 41: ?? Are you in a Co-Dependent Relationship Quiz ??
- Lecture 42: Aristotle's 3 Kinds Of Relationship
- Lecture 43: 3 Wrong Reasons to Enter a Relationship
- Lecture 44: 3 Wrong Reasons for being in a Relationship
- Lecture 45: Where Relationship CRISIS Comes From
- Lecture 46: Shortening The CRISIS Gap
- Lecture 47: Conflict Resolution Worksheet
- Lecture 48: The 'Good Enough' Principle For Relationships
- Lecture 49: The Magic Word That Can Fix (Almost) Anything
- Lecture 50: The Perfect Approach for all Relationships
- Lecture 51: The Art of Mutual Submission
Section 6: Final Section & Closing Thoughts
- Lecture 52: TOP 10 TIPS For More Effective Dating
- Lecture 54: Self Sabotage & Expectation Management
- Lecture 55: Dropping Rank
- Lecture 56: Summary & Closing Thoughts
What You Get:
56 lectures and 6.50 hours of video content
Guarantee / Terms:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee