The Ten Commandments of Dating: Time-Tested Laws for Building Successful Relationships

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Product Information
"The Ten Commandments of Dating" can be best described as the 'relationship common sense'. It discusses the pitfalls that one encounters in dating and relationships and offers practical guidelines on how to address them.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Commandment One: Thou Shalt Get a Life
Commandment Two: Thou Shalt Use Your Brain
Commandment Three: Thou Shalt be Equally Yoked
Commandment Four: Thou Shalt Take It Slow
Commandment Five: Thou Shalt Set Clear Boundaries
Commandment Six: Thou Shalt Save Sex for Later
Commandment Seven: Thou Shalt Not Play House
Commandment Eight: Thou Shalt Fight Fairly
Commandment Nine: Thou Shalt Not Ignore Warning Signs
Commandment Ten: Thou Shalt Choose Wisely
Appendix to Commandment Ten: A Word to the Wise about Where and How You Are Choosing
Conclusion (Commandment Eleven): Thou Shalt Take Action
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $8.75
- Paperback $13.87
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