The Sphinx of Imagination 2012

Dating Company: Hypnotica Inc. |
Dating Coach: Hypnotica
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"The Sphinx of Imagination 2012" is considered a cult classic audio experience. It has been upgraded with subsonic symmetry, subliminal audio frequencies, and is available in mp3 download.
The music is designed to tap into the mind to release stress, worries, and anxieties, while creating space for empowerment to thrive and grow.
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Price: $19.97
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User Reviews of The Sphinx of Imagination 2012
Most Helpful User Reviews
14 of 21 people found the following review helpful
"A potentially life changing hypnosis product!"
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Reviewed by rhyno777
January 27, 2015
January 27, 2015
What is this product and how will it benefit me?
Those are the two questions you ask yourself whenever you view and product on Dating Skills Review. Of course you want products that will benefit you and not waste your time. This product is called The Sphinx of Imagination. It was released in 2003. You will be listening to the new and improved version, released in 2012. This is much more than just a hypnosis audio, it is an audio adventure unlike anything you have ever heard in your entire life. If you have never been hypnotized before, you might be afraid of it because of what you've seen from stage hypnotism, but this is nothing like that. You won't be made to cluck like a chicken lol. Think of hypnosis as just being a deep state of relaxation, like in meditation, to get your conscious mind quiet so that your subsconscious mind can be spoken to. There is nothing to be afraid of and you will have an enjoyable experience. Before I get into what this product does, and how it will benefit you, first I need to tell you the most important thing-
1.) Lay down on your bed or your couch, whichever you feel most comforable.
2.) Turn off the lights (optional but recommended) Make sure you will not be distracted by anything, like your cell phone, which you should have on silent.
4.) Close your eyes and keep them closed.
5.) Relax your mind. Your conscious mind will probably resist this at first, thinking "What the hell is this? What are they talking about?" Just quiet your mind, relax, and just let your body and mind experience this.
Hey guys, it's rhyno777. This is going to be a really long review. I'm going to rant and tell you some really deeply personal stories from my life and give you guys some tips you might find useful, especially for you guys who are beginners. Some of you will take the time to read all of this, and some of you will not, it's your choice. I will talk to you about my own personal experiences using The Sphinx of Imagination in my own life. I will talk to you about how I transformed from a nerd in middle school and high school who was so painfully shy that I never attended a single school dance or prom, and was so bad with women that I had never even kissed a woman or even held a woman's hand, into the man I am today who is good with women. I will also talk about my experiences in discovering this community and how it's helped me. As cheesy as it sounds, I'm going to open up my soul to you and share with you my deepest, darkest secrets. I'm going to share with you the darkest experiences I've ever had that I've never told anybody in my real life. I feel insecure even sharing some of this stuff because it is so incredibly personal to me and I've never told anybody about it. I'm only telling you this because I know you are a stranger to me, and I will never meet you. I've experienced some fucked up shit in my journey to becoming better with women, stuff I hope none of you ever have to go through. I'm hoping you might find some of this motivational in your own journey to become a better man. I put many hours into writing this, and if you read it I'd really appreciate it. I can pretty much guarantee you will find value in it if you take the time to read it, and you will take away tips that will benefit your life. And I will be recommending other products that helped change my life and that might change your life as well. So indulge me and I'll explain why I'm uploading this product.
What is Sphinx of Imagination?
Look guys, this is a weird product. In fact it is without a doubt the weirdest product I have ever come across in the seduction community. But let me tell you my personal experience with the Spinx of Imagination. It was the spring of 2006, I was in the ultimate dry spell. I had not had sex in a very long time. I had just read The Game by Neil Strauss (Style)-
As most of you as aware, The Game revolutionized the seduction community. I became aware of this community's existence because of it. And I'm sure many of you reading this now would not have been aware of this community had you not read The Game. If you have not read The Game, I can not more highly recommend this book. It is the Bible of our community. And NOT because of it's techniques. You won't learn any useful techniques from that book. What you will learn is the mindset you need to be successful at changing yourself. It will motivate you to enact the change you seek in your life, and the challenges that come with such a change if you are successful at changing yourself. Even though he had an amazing job, Neil Strauss was a fucking loser with women. I myself used to be a fucking loser with women. I was the ultimate nerd in high school. I never even went to any school dances in middle school or high school because I was so painfully shy. I had not only never had sex, I had not only never kissed a girl, I had never even held a girl's hand. I was so badly socially conditioned that I felt I was hopeless. I escaped into video games to escape the painful reality that became by life. I also had severe facial acne (which was cured my junior year in high school with Accutane) and I was fat (I lost the weight my junior year of high school by going on an intense workout regiment, but I still felt fat and ugly on the inside.) Honestly there were periods of my life where I contemplated suicide because I felt I was so hopeless, I went through some very dark times.
Our community has evolved so far from the days from when The Game was written. These were the days when our community so very much focused on Mystery Method routine style game. This is not to knock the Mystery Method at all. It's ideas are still the foundations upon which many products you see today are built.
If you are not aware of this, you should be because you need to understand how this community started and how it's theory has evolved. The old model, which pretty much everyone was using at this time, was the Mystery Method's M3 Model-
It was a good model, and it revolutionized the way the seduction community thought about interacting with women. It was explained in detail in what was then the "Bible" of the community, The Venusian Arts Handbook-
There is nothing glaringly wrong with the model today. But it is outdated. There were some ideas in this book that were bad, and which the community has moved past or just evolved into having a deeper understanding of. There is no reason to read The Venusian Arts Handbook today because of this, unless you simply want to get a historical understanding of how the seduction community's theory developed and has evolved since 2005. But I bring this up to make a point:
There was a falling out between the 2 leaders of the Mystery Method company and it split into two companies-
Love Systems Nick Savoy took over the Mystery Method, kept the name temporarily, but eventually renamed it Love Systems, I can not more highly recommend their products which will benefit you all.
Mystery (Erik von Markovik), who became famous for being the pickup artist behind the VH1 reality show The Pickup Artist-
eventually went on to create a new company, the Venusian Arts-
Love System's "Bible", the entire synopsis of their theory and what they teach men, is "Magic Bullets"-
Venusian Art's "Bible", the entire synopsis of their theory and what they teach men, is "Revelation"-
So basically The Venusian Arts Handbook evolved into what are now two separate products, Magic Bullets and Revelation. Nick Savoy took the M3 model and he evolved it into his "Triad Model"
READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, I know many of you probably are not going to read this because it is long, but it's really not that long. At least open this link in your browser and save it to read later. It will be worth your time, believe me. You can not understand how to get better with women until you understand the seduction community's most evolved theory behind how it works, and the most evolved thought on this is the Triad Model.
Do not take my word for it that Magic Bullets and Revelation are amazing products and must reads.
Out of the thousands of seduction products, Magic Bullets is the #17 highest rated product on Dating Skills Review. Revelation is the #41 highest rated product. You should read Magic Bullets first, and then read Revelation.
Version 1.5 of Magic Bullets is the latest release. Let me tell you what I already know maybe 95% of you are going to do. You are going to buy Magic Bullets, and you are never going to read it. You'll add it to your long list of products that you want to watch or read "when you get around to it". I do the same guys. I have a list of products that I tell myself I'll get around to reading/watching eventually. The truth is some of those I never will get around to in my entire life. They will simply sit there in my list forever. Don't let Magic Bullets be one of those products. How badly do you want to get better with women? If you really want to get better with women, then you should read Magic Bullets. It is not just one of the many thousands of seduction products out there. It is the evolution to The Venusian Arts Handbook, which used to be the sole bible of the seduction community when it was released in 2005.
Read the reviews for yourself-
Magic Bullets-
The Game-
All of the products I'll be recommending to you in this description are respected and highly rated products by the community. I'm giving you recommendations that will change your life.
I tell you guys this because in my opinion you all should have already read "The Game", "Magic Bullets", and "Revelation". And yes I know you can trace the origins of this community back further, some trace the origins to Speed Seduction and Ross Jeffries, but frankly that is outdated technology and our community has moved past that material. These are foundational products that formed the entire theory behind our community and so many of the products released today. Whether you are beginner, intermediate, or advanced, you will get value out of The Game, Magic Bullets, and Revelation.
I have a lot of enthusiasm for this community, because of my personal story. So after my terrible years in middle school and high school, I entered college a painfully shy 18 year old freshman, a virgin to sex kissing and hand holding. I was the ultimate AFC (average frustrated chump) at this time. It is only with the help of the community that I have became the man I am today, and I still have work to do on myself, but the transformation I've made from those days is truly incredible. Most guys that went through the experiences I've had in life never escape them, and today they're probably still virgins who are wasting their time playing World of Warcraft or some other nerdy video game to escape the painful reality that is their lives. I feel a dept to the community to give back to it what it's given to me. If you are familiar with Real Social Dynamic's Tyler Durden, his personal story before he became the pickup artist he is today is very similar to mine. (You can hear his personal story in Real Social Dynamics "Blueprint Decoded" DVDs). By the way, I highly recommend you all check out Blueprint Decoded if you want some help with your inner game, confidence, and help achieving deep identity level change It's extremely long, about 20 hours or so, it probably should have been shortened but in my opinion it is an excellent and unique product from one of the greatest minds in this industry, a man I believe to be a true genius- Tyler Durden (real name Owen Cook). Blueprint Decoded has some really deeply powerful techniques for you to transform your mindset so you aren't merely covering up the wound you have inside of yourself that makes you lack confidence with band aids like lots of routines and nlp techniques to hypnotize people around you. At a certain point, those techniques will have to be put away and you will have to be your true self, you will have to listen to her, and respond, and if you haven't fixed yourself in a really deep way women are not going to be attracted to you. Blueprint Decoded is the best product from RSD in my opinion, but I also enjoyed Flawless Natural, Jeffy Show, Transformations, and Foundations. I haven't read their other products 9 Ball or Physical Game yet. I can't more highly recommend you guys visit Real Social Dynamics blog on a regular basis- It has some of the best free content out there, these professional pickup instructors are on the cutting edge of the newest theories and tactics in our community for how to get better with women. These guys are the ultimate pick up artists, ladies men, seducers, whatever you want to call them. They have slept with literally hundreds of women. They do this for a living guys, so they're great people to learn from. Tyler and I were both completely pathetic losers before we learned to escape from the shackles of social conditioning. I'd been an admirer of RSD for many years. I still follow Tyler's youtube videos, as well at the other RSD guys like Julien and Jeffy to this day. I'm considering taking a bootcamp with RSD once I can afford the $2,000 it costs.
My first exposure to a "seduction product" if you want to call it that was in 2004, and as with so many men, at least at this time, it was the Double Your Dating ebook. It was my first exposure to a new reality. That opened my eyes to the stupid shit I was doing. I did unbelievably embarrassing things to "my first love", this girl Meg, I bought her flowers and other gifts because I was so socially clueless and socially conditioned to think that is what girls wanted. Needless to say she quickly recognized I was a boy, and not a man, and she dumped me. She actually told me these words to my face, "You are still a boy. I need a man". This was extremely painful but I'm thankful for it, it was a wake-up call. So I looked online for help. Double Your Dating showed me that I was being a complete wuss. I think the Dating Skills Review website really hits the nail on the head with their review of the Double Your Dating ebook. When you are a beginner, it seems like advanced material, but when you become more advanced (and actually can calibrate to using occasional cocky and funny flirtation without going overboard) you realize it is beginners material, but it is still one of the best products I ever could have came across at that time. I don't even remember how I came upon it. Throughout the years there have been various guys in the seduction community that have helped me by recommending good products for me to view/read. I'm trying to do the same through Dating Skills Review for guys that need help now. We all have areas in which we need help, else none of us would be on this website.
By the way, important side note guys, this is embarrassing but I'm going to share it with you. Meg was the girl that I kind of lost my virginity to at the age of 18, and I say kind of because of what happened. One night we were hanging out in the college dorm, she had put on the soundtrack to the movie Garden State, a fantastic movie if you ever get the chance to see it. I think even you non-Americans reading this might get enjoyment out of it. And then we began to have sex. I'll never forget the song that was playing, Zero 7's "In The Waiting Line"- Every time I hear this song I still think of this moment. So I put on the condom, and I penetrated her for literally 3 seconds, and got so incredibly nervous that I immediately lost my erection. That was it lol. It was humiliating to say the least. So she then went to give me oral sex, which was by far the worst most horrible oral sex I've ever had in my entire life. She kept nicking me with her teeth. I tried to ignore the feeling at first, but it was so bothersome that I eventually had to say "Could you stop using your teeth?" That may have been rude but I didn't know what else to say. So that helped a little bit but it still sucked. And I knew it sucked even though this was my first ever blowjob. So I lost my erection yet again. So guys out there, don't worry if you ever have horrible sexual experiences, we've all been there. Imagine how I felt after this, I didn't know if I was still a virgin. I certainly felt like I still was, but I didn't know if I technically was anymore. I didn't lose my real virginity, having sex until orgasm, until the next semester of college.
This is why Jason Julius really spoke to me in his product "Extreme Stamina" at 8 minutes and 20 seconds on the Module 4 Psychology Part Two video. He talked about why this phenomenon of losing your erection right when you are about to have sex occurs to men (this happened to me a good number of times in my life), and how to prevent that from happening again. And he talks about how to recover from such an embarrassing moment easily should it ever happen to you in the future. For any guy losing their erection during or before sex is one of the most humiliating moments in any man's life (after all this is partly why there are so many ads for Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis, men never want to go through this again once it has happened), it makes you feel like such a pathetic loser it's not even funny, it can actually be psychologically scarring, especially if you are with a new woman who you are having your first sexual experience with. The disappointment in her face will haunt you. She will feel as if you losing your erection means that she isn't attractive to you, when in fact, it probably means that she was so extremely attractive to you that your mind freaked out and you lost your boner. And of course she will feel like you are a loser. If you have never experienced this, consider yourself lucky. If you have, then you know what I'm talking about. The information Jason Julius gives in Extreme Stamina is information I wish I had at the time. If you have not yet seen Extreme Stamina, don't jump right to this part of the video, you need to watch Extreme Stamina from beginning to end to understand it.
So in the beginning of this I told you I was going to share with you some of my deepest, darkest, and most personal secrets. This is it. It was in 2005 where I experienced repeated problems with erectile dyfunction. Time after time, woman after woman, I repeatedly experienced losing an erection either before or during sex. I can not even explain to you in words how painful this was for me. The looks on these women's faces when I lost my erection haunted me. And each time I experienced this, it only made me even more fearful that I would experience it again the next time. And then when I did experience it agian, it just kept getting exponentially worse. Every time I was about to have sex, all I could think in my mind was "I hope I don't lose my erection this time" and it always made me likely to lose my erection with that woman. I can't tell you how painful this was for me. There were times when I cried about it. It made me feel like such a failure of a man. It brought back all these suicidal feelings I had in high school of how much of a loser I was, and how there was something deeply wrong inside of me that I would never be able to fix. This is why I told you I was going to share with you some dark shit. I've been through some fucked up dark experiences that I hope none of you ever have to go through. It was only after I visited my urologist that this began to be cured. He said that he commonly got men my age that visited him experiencing the same problems, and he prescribed all of them Viagra. So he prescribed me Viagra 100mg, and said to split the pill into 4 parts and see which dose worked for me. Eventually I figured out that the 50mg dose worked best for me, so before any anticipated sexual experience, I took 50mg of Viagra and I no longer had the erectile dyfunction problems. The problem was never with my physical body, it was always in my mind. And the urologist told me men my age often experience nervousness related to becoming sexual and when they lost their erections, they then would become much more nervous the next time about losing their erections during sex, and it would become a self fulfilling prophecy that they would lose their erections because they kept telling themselves in their minds "Oh my god I hope I don't lose my erection". It was a catch 22. So if any of you guys have ever experienced this issue, please do visit a urologist and have him prescribe you Viagra or Cialis. It will make you more confident when you do have sexual experiences, and it will stop the negative chatter in your head of "oh my god I hope I don't lose my erection" that causes you to lose your erection in the first place. Hopefully you never experience this problem, and if you do, hopefully you never have to use drugs to fix it. Extreme Stamina should help you with the mental techniques required to never experience this problem. But if, as last resort, nothing works for you, then do visit your urolgist and get a perscription for Viagra or Cialis. It will help you to be extremely confident in your ability to achieve a lasting erection, and it will allow you to last longer in bed than you have ever been able to do before, which is another big benefit of using erectile dysfunction drugs.
So anyway, getting back to why I am talking about this. It was 2006 and I had just read The Game, I was in a very long dry spell in that I hadn't had sex in a very long time. I was subscribing to Neil Strauss's newsletters. And I was aware he wrote this review-
THE POP LIFE; Inside the Head Via Headphones
By Neil Strauss
Published: March 06, 2003
This article is about the Sphinx of Imagination. I'll copy and paste it-
"Often, when we play a CD, we want to bring about a certain emotion or state in ourselves. Perhaps we are feeling heartbroken, and want to feel comforted; or angry, and want a release; or excited, and want to dance around the room. Or perhaps we simply want to hear something familiar or escape into someone else's world.
Some CD's, however, aim to elicit more than a feeling or a body movement from listeners. The Monroe Institute in Virginia, for example, creates CD's of music (and sometimes talk) that it says help listeners have out-of-body experiences. Other CD's by different companies try to help listeners stop smoking while they sleep or tune their bodies to the vibration of the word ''om.''
For the last six years here, Eric Von Sydow, professionally known as Hypnotica, and Denver Clay, a keyboardist and composer, have been working on a CD that they say will affect the listener more powerfully than any of these.
''This has taken all the skill that I know,'' said Hypnotica. ''I've studied neurolinguistics, neurosemantics, psychocybernetics and shamanistic storytelling, and it's all in there.''
So what is it? It is a 51 minute 50 second CD called ''The Sphinx of Imagination'' (, which comes emblazoned with the warning, ''Do not listen to while operating any type of machinery.'' Intended to be heard in its entirety on headphones, the CD uses music and words to speak to the unconscious of the listener. Its intent is to do a little rewiring and expand listeners' perceptions, open their minds and allow them to change themselves, sort of like a Grateful Dead concert without the band or the drugs.
''Typically, hypnosis tapes are not like this,'' said Dr. Marla Brucker, a hypnotherapist and motivational speaker who appears as one of the voices on the CD. ''This is in its own world, its own genre.''
The CD has found its own solution to a problem that is the bane of the music business: downloading, copying and piracy. ''Make sure this is an original, noncompressed recording,'' a voice says at the beginning of the CD. ''Listening to any other encodement process will take away from its full effect.''
Hypnotica is a stocky 31-year-old who looks like a cross between two comic book characters, the Thing and Wolverine, whom he has played at conventions. He has worked for years as a stage hypnotist and a spoken-word artist, and is in charge of security at a San Diego topless club, which, he says, he uses as his personal laboratory to study human behavior and dynamics.
There couldn't be a more different partner for him than Mr. Clay, 51, a thin, introverted sound wizard with long, tangled gray hair. ''I've collected sound for 15 years in the way that some people collect baseball cards,'' Mr. Clay said.
In the 70's and 80's Mr. Clay was a multi-instrumentalist, with experience in everything from lounge acts to rock bands. As part of the group California, he was signed to Warner Brothers, an experience he said was ''like cliff-diving in Acapulco with no water below.''
''When I hit the bottom,'' he said, ''studio technology, drum machines, sequencers and samplers had become affordable for regular people. And suddenly music became very fun again, because I didn't need to be dependent on other people.''
In the late 80's Mr. Clay began a seven-year collaboration designing music and sound for Richard Bandler, a founder of a branch of hypnosis known as neurolinguistic programming.
''The Sphinx of Imagination'' began in 1997, when Hypnotica was trying to improve himself through hypnosis. He wrote out the changes he wanted to make in himself, and then slowly began expanding them, until he realized it was something that should be shared.
''When I first met Denver, I said to him, 'We're going to make one CD for a million bucks, and it is going to be greater than anything ever created before,' '' Hypnotica said. ''Of course, back then, we were both broke. But there was a boldness to it.''
The duo say they spent more than 10,000 hours working on the text and sounds for the CD. ''It would take me three weeks to write one paragraph,'' Hypnotica said. ''The language had to be so precisely, artistically correct that it would describe something, but at the same time remain vague and ambiguous.''
The CD has a story line that is impossible to follow consciously. It is easy to drift off into sleep while listening and miss the whole thing. Against a backdrop that consists of layers of musical themes, sound effects and barely audible frequencies and whispered commands, a coddling voice spins multiple stories and metaphors, each opening up within another like Russian dolls.
The CD, Dr. Brucker said, accomplishes its work by confusing the conscious mind and thus speaking directly to the subconscious. ''We all connect to stories from when we were young,'' she said. ''We wanted to be Superman or Cinderella. So metaphors are the basis to any storytelling, and our subconscious mind hears that very well.
''Typical hypnosis tapes are usually a direct approach. When you pick up a CD for stress reduction, you know exactly where you're going to go,'' she added. ''This CD taps into so many parts of us at such a big level, we have no idea where it's going to go. You and I will hear the same CD and interpret it in the way we want to for our own benefit.''
Many involved in hypnosis stress moderation in promoting the effects of a particular CD or technique. ''I don't think the idea of bypassing the conscious mind and talking to the subconscious directly is that helpful,'' said Stephen Gilligan, a psychologist who has practiced and taught hypnotherapy for close to 30 years. Dr. Gilligan was also a leading student of Milton Erickson, a pioneer of indirect hypnosis. ''The idea there is that the client is some idiot who can't change themselves and the hypnotist is a genius who has a magical answer.''
That being said, he added, ''if people are in a proper state of mind and really want to accomplish something and are open to it, then these images, tidbits and metaphors can be helpful cues to stimulate a person's imagination in the direction that they already want to go.''
I listened to the Sphinx of Imagination regularly in 2006. I could feel a change occurring within me, and I noticed an incredible change in my game. I had confidence around women that I had never had before. For example, long story short, I ended up randomly meeting the friend of a female friend of mine on a road trip I took to visit this female friend of mine from college, and then my male friend and I drank and partied with those two women and he fucked my female friend and I fucked the other girl within a few hours of meeting her. My long, long dry spell was over. That girl turned out to be my girlfriend for the next 6 years (we began the relationship after we were dating and I was fucking other girls in college like a player).
Was this a result of listening repeatedly to the Sphinx of Imagination? I can't say for sure. That's the problem with hypnosis cd's. You can never be sure what your reality would have been like had you not listened to that cd. So the change you experience is unknowable. This product may not work for you. Some of you are not going to get it, and that's understandable. It's a weird product. Even if you do not find it helps you personally, I think you'll find it an enjoyable and entertaining experience.
Especially in one area of the Sphinx of Imagination where they make you enter the "Cave of Chaos", they are doing some very deep things and I don't want to get into what that is because I do not want to ruin the surprise. It is very deep inner game change. It is trying to make you feel in your body fear, and overcoming that fear through becoming the dominate sexual alpha male, so that you may make the changes you seek, and realize possibilities and expand your creativity in ways you had never seen before. From reading some other people's reviews on this product, many also thought the "Cave of Chaos" to be the best part of the entire experience.
I am again listening to this audio on a regular basis and I am experiencing the same kinds of change I did in 2006. Now that I'm single again after a very long term relationship, my game got rusty. But now it's improving. I just had a date with a really hot woman I met on the Plenty of Fish online dating website. It took incredibly good game to get this girl. She told me she had 50 unanswered messages from men, and she only responded to me. I asked her why. She said because I was the only man that provided interesting conversation in paragraphs whereas most men were sending her one or two sentences. You wouldn't believe the stupid shit that guys send her in their messages, it's either boring, or creepy. Most guys suck with women. Your competition sucks. The fact that you are even on this website probably means you have better game than most guys. By the way I made my profile really fun and interesting, so I got a lot of messages from women, and it got so bad that I sometimes would only visit the site once a week because it was too time consuming to respond to the messages more often than that. This also communicates that I am a man of high value who is not desperate and won't respond right away every time a women messages me. And at a certain point in our conversations I would communicate to the women that I do get lots of messages so they know I am a man in high demand and they have competition if they want any hope of getting with me.
The date went amazing. I kissed her with a peck on the lips when I first met her, then after some conversation, I kissed her more deeply after I made her laugh. In case you don't know, that's how to do it guys, kiss her when you make her laugh. When she is laughing that's an emotional high point where she is really enjoying your company, so it's the best moment to kiss her. You will never get a turned cheek if you do this correctly. And on a date always kiss a girl as soon as you possibly can. It sets the entire frame of the interaction as being sexual, she'll quickly feel that you are not simply there to be her male friend, you are there to potentially be her lover. We had been talking on the phone and I knew she was excited for the date and would want to kiss me, so on the date when I first saw her, I smiled, hugged her, told her it was great to finally meet her, gave her a very quick kiss on the lips, and then complimented her on her appearance. She was glowing. I like to do this just to get the awkwardness of anticipating that first kiss out of the way as soon as possible. Then later on in the date I'll kiss her more deeply (never use tongue, unless she first uses her tongue on you, always reflect back how she is kissing you. If you are a bad kisser she will never have sex with you).
Always be physically escalating (or "kino escalation" for you guys in the know) more and more, never be afraid to touch a woman, she will sense that. During conversations on a date I love to hold hands with the woman, it makes her feel safe and comfortable. Try to find a table or booth where you do not have to sit directly across from her. If you are sitting directly across from her, you will not be able to hold her hand or put your hand on her leg or touch her arm very easily and therefore will not be able to physically escalate. I like to sit next to a woman in a booth or at the bar. If I'm at a table with two chairs, I will not sit directly across from her, I will move the chair next to her. Of course this is not always possible depending on the venue so in that case find a table with 4 chairs, and sit next to her at the table so you will be able to physically escalate. But preferably just sit in a booth or at the bar so you can be directly next to her on her left or her right.
And do not be afraid to talk about sex. Be careful what you say of course, but realize women love sex even more than men do because they can have multiple orgasms (which you can learn how to give with the Orgasm Art's products I uploaded). Imagine how much more you would love sex if you could have multiple orgasms. By being comfortable talking about sex, it communicates to a woman that you are a man who is secure in his sexuality. It also communicates to her you understand her female sexuality. If you do not understand female sexuality, I recommend you read David Shade's ebooks "The Secrets Of Female Sexuality" and "Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms" as well as Daniel Rose's "Sex God Method 2nd Edition". Just realize that all women want to be treated like a lady outside of a bedroom, but they all want to be treated like a slut inside of the bedroom. Few men truly understand this, and some men are turned off by a woman who does get slutty for them and they then maybe don't call her ever again. Never be that guy. If she sleeps with you on the first date, then never judge her as being a slut. Take it as the ultimate compliment that she respects you as a man who she recognizes is a dominant alpha male and she wanted to surrender herself to you as she is evolutionarily programmed to do when she is in the presence of alpha males. Anyway, we ended the date by making out in her car for 20 minutes. She told me she wants to be a friend with benefits (a fuck buddy). She told me her last friend with benefits fell in love with her, got really clingy, and things got awkward so three weeks ago she basically fired him as her fwb and told him they would go back to just being friends. I had forgotten how good my game actually was when I get in state (that's a Blueprint Decoded reference if you don't know what I mean by that).
By the way guys, when you do become so deeply comfortable with a women's sexuality, she is going to notice this, and she will test you to see if you are full of shit. Insecure girls will not test you, but confident women will. Neil Strauss covered this particular phenomenon in his book "The Game". If you read the book, you'll remember how he talked about him encountering women that would throw him tests to see if he was as truly centered in his male sexuality as he was portraying himself to be. So women he encountered kept throwing him tests like "I give amazing blowjobs". For the longest time he could not figure out how the hell to respond to this, and he would fail their tests. Eventually he said he was watching Da Ali G Show, and if you know that character you know his catch phrase is "Respect" so Neil Strauss tried that, and found that it worked with him to simply smile and reply "Respect" when women told him they give amazing blowjobs. And this would work. I remembered this lesson from this book, which is just one of many reasons I recommend you read it.
This same moment happened on my 2nd date. This was the summary of that conversation-
Her- "I give really amazing blowjobs"
Me- "Wow I really respect that. I love giving women oral sex as well and I'm really good at it"
Her- "Yeah this one guy I gave a blowjob recently came in 3 minutes. That's how good I am. I actually recorded a video on my phone of it, do you want to see it?" (I'm not kidding, she actually said this lol, I was so curious to see this video because I actually think it is pretty hot that a woman would record herself giving a man a blowjob, but instead I said this-)
Me- "I would rather see it first hand."
Her- *laughs* "Well maybe some day if you're lucky"
So clearly I passed that test with flying colors. Just imagine the many ways I could have responded to this test that would have made me fail it miserably. I'm giving you an example of the kinds of tests that women who are really sexually confident will throw at you to see how you react. If you pass these tests, you will be highly attractive to them because they will see you are a true man who is secure in his sexuality.
By the way, the date before this, my very first online date ever, I met a cute 48 year old (btw I am only 27 years old lol) at a billiards hall. I didn't kiss her on the lips immediately upon meeting her like I did my 2nd date because I could tell that she was nervous because of our dramatic age difference, so you have to calibrate to the woman. The date went great and within a few hours she was giving me a blowjob in my car in the parking lot. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm just saying this to let you know that I actually am really good with women in real life and I'm not some random dude recommending products to you guys while I sit at home all day and jerk off to porn. Oh btw guys, side note, my cologne of choice for every date is Paco Rabonne's "One Million." Whether or not you like it (I personally love it) women go crazy for this stuff. I have yet to meet any women that didn't love this smell. Something about it just exudes sexuality to women. Try it out and see what women in your life think. Beware that this cologne is one of the most counterfeited colognes in the entire world because it is one of the most successful colognes of all time. Never, ever, ever buy this cologne from any online retailer. Always get it in a department store. And don't over spray it, 5 sprays should be enough. Two on the neck. One on each wrist. One of the chest. If you guys have any other recommendations for cologne's that women love, and I don't mean just really like, but LOVE and they are crazy about it, please comment in the section below and let me know. I have an extensive cologne collection of about 50 colognes so I'm pretty knowledgeable and likely might already have the colognes you recommend, but I'd be curious to hear what colognes you guys wear that have gotten amazing reactions from women. L'Eau d'Issey, Aqua Di Gio, Armani Code Sport, Mont Blanc Legend, Fierce, and Bleu De Chanel (also only buy this in a department store) are also fantastic colognes for daytime wearing which women love but when it comes to dates (as well as night outs) I stick with One Million.
Anyway I got off track, so could this improvement in my game simply be a placebo effect of The Sphinx of Imagination? Absolutely. But the placebo effect is a real phenomenon where, for example, people who take pills that are placebos (thinking they are a cure to their disease) will actually experience healing from their disease even though the placebo contained no active ingredient, and the change was all in their mind. In fact, amazingly, studies have shown that placebos can work even if you are told that the pill you are taking is a placebo and contains no active ingredient (though this is not as effective as not knowing it is a placebo). Your mind will still seek out the healing it seeks. The same will happen from listening to this audio. And I'm not saying that this audio is a placebo and does nothing, I truly believe it does something and I can feel emotions in my body when I listen to it. But simply by listening to it, and picturing the change you seek in your mind, and feeling it in your body, you will begin to change your reality.
BE AWARE- You will probably fall asleep while listening to The Sphinx of Imagination. It is normal, and actually designed to make you do so. You won't fall asleep every time listening to this but when I have fallen asleep, there were times when I've had some crazy, vivid, and fascinating dreams after listening to this. Keep listening to it repeatedly. This is not something you are going to get benefit from after listening to it just once or twice. Keep listening to it at least once, twice, or even three times a week if you can, and keep doing that for as long as you can. Picture the change you seek in your mind. Why are you on this website? What change do you seek? I think this product will help you make that change and overcome the natural fear of changing. The fact is that most men in this community who attempt to get better with women fail, and they fail miserably. Tyler Durden has this line he likes to use when he talks about Real Social Dynamics's bootcamps, and he says that he or his instructors take their clients by the hand and guide them past the smoking wreckage of the men who have tried to get better with women and failed. Statistically speaking, you will most likely fail at becoming better with women. Don't let that get you down, instead embrace it and be determined to beat the odds. I was completely hopeless at one point in my life and no matter how bad you think you are with women, I guarantee that I was in a harder place than you are now. I was a suicidal loser, and I'm not joking you, I used to be that guy in your high school that everyone bullied and made fun of. In 2006 after reading "The Game" I joined this global seduction community. I was a part of a pickup lair group of men in my area that has since dissolved and no longer exists. I've worked really hard at this and I've had countless failures, but I've learned from them so I could achieve success, and I want you to succeed as well. I will never meet you, some of you are reading this from countries I will never visit, but in some ways I consider you all to be my brothers. I could never have changed without this global community, I am passionate about this community because I feel I owe my life to it, so I want to help you if I can to become better with women. My goal now is to both become even better with women, to find the love of my life, and to become a police officer (I got my bachelors of science in Sociology with a focus in Criminology and Criminal Justice).
And for god sake go out and meet women! We are all going to die, life is short, you might not even survive into old age for one reason or another, so seize each day and improve yourself one step at a time until you become the person you want to be. When you are on your death bed you will not regret the approaches you took, you will not regret the times when mean girls at the bar blew you out, most likely you will have no memory of those events, but you will regret the chances you didn't take. You will regret never saying hi and introducing yourself to those cute women that caught your eye, women who could have become your lover, your girlfriend, or your wife, women that could have been a mother to your children. You will regret not kissing the women that clearly wanted you to kiss them and maybe even wanted you to have sex with them. You will regret not being the man you could have been if only you were not such a pussy. Hundreds of millions of elderly dying men around the world at this moment look back on their past with deep regret and wish they could relive it. Take a moment and think about that. Do you want to be one of those men? No? Then live your present in a way that you will be proud to look back on when you are elderly and dying and in a nursing home. We are men, you have balls so have some balls and feel the fear but do it anyway guys. Your goal is not to be fearless. I am not fearless. I was very nervous (it is best to think of this emotion as excitement, remember this) before my two recent online dates, but I didn't show it outwardly, I believed it was going to go well, and she could not tell how nervous I was. When you become good at this, the women will be way more nervous talking to and meeting you then you are nervous talking to and meeting them. Men of quality are what they dream of. While men usually love porn, women (I'm generalizing, some women love porn) tend to love romance movies, it's why they read romance novels (and erotic novels like 50 Shades of Grey, which has sold 70 million copies worldwide, which by the way is terrible writing but you should read it to understand why women fantasize of being dominated by an alpha male like the character in the book Christian Grey, these books are popular for a reason, because they get women's vaginas wet while reading it, and also you should read it because it will be a good converation topic with the women you meet who have read it). If you don't get out of your comfort zone you will never change. I know some of you already know this, but I'm speaking to those reading this that do not. So that's it for my rant, I really do appreciate you taking the time to read this, I hope that I've given you some value from this and that you don't feel like you've wasted your time.
So what is this product? Here are the Album Notes-
"The upgraded 2012 Sphinx Of Imagination: The Ever-Evolving Story In You.
When sound sculptors Eric Von Sydow aka Hypnotica and Denver Clay first unveiled the now cult classic, audio odyssey experience, hailed as “The Sphinx of Imagination” almost 10 years ago, it was a CD that was light years ahead of its time. A luscious blend of trance, meditation and hypnosis, The New York Times lauded the composition as “sort of like a Grateful Dead concert without the band or the drugs.” Merging fantasy and reality into a surrealistic experiential medium, “The Sphinx of Imagination” was a genre bending, therapeutic immersion that defied logic. As testimony to its compelling allure, it has consistently ranked as the Number One best seller in the New Age category on, one of the largest online record stores, since its original release in 2003.
So what becomes of a masterpiece? Well with the advent of 2012 and all the anxiety and anticipation that has emerged with it, the composers have enhanced the epic music journey and released “The Sphinx of Imagination 2012.” The upgraded release is literally what dreams are made of! A musical laboratory steeped with subsonic symmetry, subliminal audio frequencies, cutting-edge brain entrainment technology and eerily evocative melodies, “The Sphinx” is the farthest you will ever travel between stereo headphones. Simply stated, it is a miraculous mind voyage.
“The Sphinx of Imagination” plunges the listener into a vivid world of multi-layered inner- dimensional storytelling narrated by the acclaimed mind scientist Hypnotica ( with a supporting music score contributed by consummate composer and sonic alchemist Denver Clay ( Clay’s vast cinematic acoustic effects coupled with the spellbinding resonance of Hypnotica’s vocal tones are irresistible delicious in this whimsical adventure.
Painting scenarios riddled with ambiguity and allegory, Hypnotica invokes the spirit of traditional storytelling from the most ancient of times, tapping into an Akashic library of universal references and resources. His mythical stylings recall not only Egyptian imagery, but also Greek mythology, Arthurian legend, Siberian culture, ancient Celtic heroes, Angels and the shamanic figures of African and Native American tribes. He expertly incorporates his knowledge of neurolinguistics, neurosemantics, psycho cybernetics and shamanistic storytelling, culminating an experience that allows for the progressive transformation of the mind, spirit and soul.
In under an hour, “The Sphinx” whisks you away on an exploration which seemingly spans lifetimes. There are bridges to cross, sacred books that reveal, wizards that guide, magical gardens, heavenly temples and angels that bless. One’s imagination is ignited and the realms of creativity are lovingly nurtured via Clay’s enchanting soundscapes rich in color, language and dimension. His gentle harps, elegant piano, haunting flute, shimmering chimes and evocative crystal bowls are just a sampling of the aural magic creating visuals so stunning, one can almost reach out and touch them.
Hypnotica, an author, hypnotist and self-evolvement life coach, explains, “You don’t just listen to ’The Sphinx of Imagination” you experience it! It is specifically encoded to tap into one’s subconscious and weave possibilities that spark a personal journey into the depths of your very being. It is designed to tap and release the incredible beauty and power stored within us all.”
Denver Clay, a leading authority on how music, sound and vibrations can be designed and manipulated to deliver and propel profound states of consciousness, adds, “The Sphinx is a mind-blowing ride that you will get lost and found in. ‘The Sphinx’ is scientifically engineered to provide graduated moments to reach higher states that allow for and provoke profound changes in the mind. Stress, worries and anxieties are vanquished, creating space for empowerment to thrive and grow.”
The “Sphinx of Imagination” is the perfect tool for transformation in these endearing times. An mp3 download that requires high quality headsets for maximum benefit, the composition runs just under 60 minutes. A stress buster, confidence booster and balance builder, “The Sphinx of Imagination 2012” offers a medicine/drug free antidote for many of today’s common ailments such as anxiety, tension and depression.
A baptismal journey for ascension, “The Sphinx of Imagination 2012” will rock your inner world, and then sooth your outer worldview!
I hope you've gotten some value out of this rant of mine, and I hope you enjoy your experience with The Sphinx of Imagination.
Those are the two questions you ask yourself whenever you view and product on Dating Skills Review. Of course you want products that will benefit you and not waste your time. This product is called The Sphinx of Imagination. It was released in 2003. You will be listening to the new and improved version, released in 2012. This is much more than just a hypnosis audio, it is an audio adventure unlike anything you have ever heard in your entire life. If you have never been hypnotized before, you might be afraid of it because of what you've seen from stage hypnotism, but this is nothing like that. You won't be made to cluck like a chicken lol. Think of hypnosis as just being a deep state of relaxation, like in meditation, to get your conscious mind quiet so that your subsconscious mind can be spoken to. There is nothing to be afraid of and you will have an enjoyable experience. Before I get into what this product does, and how it will benefit you, first I need to tell you the most important thing-
1.) Lay down on your bed or your couch, whichever you feel most comforable.
2.) Turn off the lights (optional but recommended) Make sure you will not be distracted by anything, like your cell phone, which you should have on silent.
4.) Close your eyes and keep them closed.
5.) Relax your mind. Your conscious mind will probably resist this at first, thinking "What the hell is this? What are they talking about?" Just quiet your mind, relax, and just let your body and mind experience this.
Hey guys, it's rhyno777. This is going to be a really long review. I'm going to rant and tell you some really deeply personal stories from my life and give you guys some tips you might find useful, especially for you guys who are beginners. Some of you will take the time to read all of this, and some of you will not, it's your choice. I will talk to you about my own personal experiences using The Sphinx of Imagination in my own life. I will talk to you about how I transformed from a nerd in middle school and high school who was so painfully shy that I never attended a single school dance or prom, and was so bad with women that I had never even kissed a woman or even held a woman's hand, into the man I am today who is good with women. I will also talk about my experiences in discovering this community and how it's helped me. As cheesy as it sounds, I'm going to open up my soul to you and share with you my deepest, darkest secrets. I'm going to share with you the darkest experiences I've ever had that I've never told anybody in my real life. I feel insecure even sharing some of this stuff because it is so incredibly personal to me and I've never told anybody about it. I'm only telling you this because I know you are a stranger to me, and I will never meet you. I've experienced some fucked up shit in my journey to becoming better with women, stuff I hope none of you ever have to go through. I'm hoping you might find some of this motivational in your own journey to become a better man. I put many hours into writing this, and if you read it I'd really appreciate it. I can pretty much guarantee you will find value in it if you take the time to read it, and you will take away tips that will benefit your life. And I will be recommending other products that helped change my life and that might change your life as well. So indulge me and I'll explain why I'm uploading this product.
What is Sphinx of Imagination?
Look guys, this is a weird product. In fact it is without a doubt the weirdest product I have ever come across in the seduction community. But let me tell you my personal experience with the Spinx of Imagination. It was the spring of 2006, I was in the ultimate dry spell. I had not had sex in a very long time. I had just read The Game by Neil Strauss (Style)-
As most of you as aware, The Game revolutionized the seduction community. I became aware of this community's existence because of it. And I'm sure many of you reading this now would not have been aware of this community had you not read The Game. If you have not read The Game, I can not more highly recommend this book. It is the Bible of our community. And NOT because of it's techniques. You won't learn any useful techniques from that book. What you will learn is the mindset you need to be successful at changing yourself. It will motivate you to enact the change you seek in your life, and the challenges that come with such a change if you are successful at changing yourself. Even though he had an amazing job, Neil Strauss was a fucking loser with women. I myself used to be a fucking loser with women. I was the ultimate nerd in high school. I never even went to any school dances in middle school or high school because I was so painfully shy. I had not only never had sex, I had not only never kissed a girl, I had never even held a girl's hand. I was so badly socially conditioned that I felt I was hopeless. I escaped into video games to escape the painful reality that became by life. I also had severe facial acne (which was cured my junior year in high school with Accutane) and I was fat (I lost the weight my junior year of high school by going on an intense workout regiment, but I still felt fat and ugly on the inside.) Honestly there were periods of my life where I contemplated suicide because I felt I was so hopeless, I went through some very dark times.
Our community has evolved so far from the days from when The Game was written. These were the days when our community so very much focused on Mystery Method routine style game. This is not to knock the Mystery Method at all. It's ideas are still the foundations upon which many products you see today are built.
If you are not aware of this, you should be because you need to understand how this community started and how it's theory has evolved. The old model, which pretty much everyone was using at this time, was the Mystery Method's M3 Model-
It was a good model, and it revolutionized the way the seduction community thought about interacting with women. It was explained in detail in what was then the "Bible" of the community, The Venusian Arts Handbook-
There is nothing glaringly wrong with the model today. But it is outdated. There were some ideas in this book that were bad, and which the community has moved past or just evolved into having a deeper understanding of. There is no reason to read The Venusian Arts Handbook today because of this, unless you simply want to get a historical understanding of how the seduction community's theory developed and has evolved since 2005. But I bring this up to make a point:
There was a falling out between the 2 leaders of the Mystery Method company and it split into two companies-
Love Systems Nick Savoy took over the Mystery Method, kept the name temporarily, but eventually renamed it Love Systems, I can not more highly recommend their products which will benefit you all.
Mystery (Erik von Markovik), who became famous for being the pickup artist behind the VH1 reality show The Pickup Artist-
eventually went on to create a new company, the Venusian Arts-
Love System's "Bible", the entire synopsis of their theory and what they teach men, is "Magic Bullets"-
Venusian Art's "Bible", the entire synopsis of their theory and what they teach men, is "Revelation"-
So basically The Venusian Arts Handbook evolved into what are now two separate products, Magic Bullets and Revelation. Nick Savoy took the M3 model and he evolved it into his "Triad Model"
READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, I know many of you probably are not going to read this because it is long, but it's really not that long. At least open this link in your browser and save it to read later. It will be worth your time, believe me. You can not understand how to get better with women until you understand the seduction community's most evolved theory behind how it works, and the most evolved thought on this is the Triad Model.
Do not take my word for it that Magic Bullets and Revelation are amazing products and must reads.
Out of the thousands of seduction products, Magic Bullets is the #17 highest rated product on Dating Skills Review. Revelation is the #41 highest rated product. You should read Magic Bullets first, and then read Revelation.
Version 1.5 of Magic Bullets is the latest release. Let me tell you what I already know maybe 95% of you are going to do. You are going to buy Magic Bullets, and you are never going to read it. You'll add it to your long list of products that you want to watch or read "when you get around to it". I do the same guys. I have a list of products that I tell myself I'll get around to reading/watching eventually. The truth is some of those I never will get around to in my entire life. They will simply sit there in my list forever. Don't let Magic Bullets be one of those products. How badly do you want to get better with women? If you really want to get better with women, then you should read Magic Bullets. It is not just one of the many thousands of seduction products out there. It is the evolution to The Venusian Arts Handbook, which used to be the sole bible of the seduction community when it was released in 2005.
Read the reviews for yourself-
Magic Bullets-
The Game-
All of the products I'll be recommending to you in this description are respected and highly rated products by the community. I'm giving you recommendations that will change your life.
I tell you guys this because in my opinion you all should have already read "The Game", "Magic Bullets", and "Revelation". And yes I know you can trace the origins of this community back further, some trace the origins to Speed Seduction and Ross Jeffries, but frankly that is outdated technology and our community has moved past that material. These are foundational products that formed the entire theory behind our community and so many of the products released today. Whether you are beginner, intermediate, or advanced, you will get value out of The Game, Magic Bullets, and Revelation.
I have a lot of enthusiasm for this community, because of my personal story. So after my terrible years in middle school and high school, I entered college a painfully shy 18 year old freshman, a virgin to sex kissing and hand holding. I was the ultimate AFC (average frustrated chump) at this time. It is only with the help of the community that I have became the man I am today, and I still have work to do on myself, but the transformation I've made from those days is truly incredible. Most guys that went through the experiences I've had in life never escape them, and today they're probably still virgins who are wasting their time playing World of Warcraft or some other nerdy video game to escape the painful reality that is their lives. I feel a dept to the community to give back to it what it's given to me. If you are familiar with Real Social Dynamic's Tyler Durden, his personal story before he became the pickup artist he is today is very similar to mine. (You can hear his personal story in Real Social Dynamics "Blueprint Decoded" DVDs). By the way, I highly recommend you all check out Blueprint Decoded if you want some help with your inner game, confidence, and help achieving deep identity level change It's extremely long, about 20 hours or so, it probably should have been shortened but in my opinion it is an excellent and unique product from one of the greatest minds in this industry, a man I believe to be a true genius- Tyler Durden (real name Owen Cook). Blueprint Decoded has some really deeply powerful techniques for you to transform your mindset so you aren't merely covering up the wound you have inside of yourself that makes you lack confidence with band aids like lots of routines and nlp techniques to hypnotize people around you. At a certain point, those techniques will have to be put away and you will have to be your true self, you will have to listen to her, and respond, and if you haven't fixed yourself in a really deep way women are not going to be attracted to you. Blueprint Decoded is the best product from RSD in my opinion, but I also enjoyed Flawless Natural, Jeffy Show, Transformations, and Foundations. I haven't read their other products 9 Ball or Physical Game yet. I can't more highly recommend you guys visit Real Social Dynamics blog on a regular basis- It has some of the best free content out there, these professional pickup instructors are on the cutting edge of the newest theories and tactics in our community for how to get better with women. These guys are the ultimate pick up artists, ladies men, seducers, whatever you want to call them. They have slept with literally hundreds of women. They do this for a living guys, so they're great people to learn from. Tyler and I were both completely pathetic losers before we learned to escape from the shackles of social conditioning. I'd been an admirer of RSD for many years. I still follow Tyler's youtube videos, as well at the other RSD guys like Julien and Jeffy to this day. I'm considering taking a bootcamp with RSD once I can afford the $2,000 it costs.
My first exposure to a "seduction product" if you want to call it that was in 2004, and as with so many men, at least at this time, it was the Double Your Dating ebook. It was my first exposure to a new reality. That opened my eyes to the stupid shit I was doing. I did unbelievably embarrassing things to "my first love", this girl Meg, I bought her flowers and other gifts because I was so socially clueless and socially conditioned to think that is what girls wanted. Needless to say she quickly recognized I was a boy, and not a man, and she dumped me. She actually told me these words to my face, "You are still a boy. I need a man". This was extremely painful but I'm thankful for it, it was a wake-up call. So I looked online for help. Double Your Dating showed me that I was being a complete wuss. I think the Dating Skills Review website really hits the nail on the head with their review of the Double Your Dating ebook. When you are a beginner, it seems like advanced material, but when you become more advanced (and actually can calibrate to using occasional cocky and funny flirtation without going overboard) you realize it is beginners material, but it is still one of the best products I ever could have came across at that time. I don't even remember how I came upon it. Throughout the years there have been various guys in the seduction community that have helped me by recommending good products for me to view/read. I'm trying to do the same through Dating Skills Review for guys that need help now. We all have areas in which we need help, else none of us would be on this website.
By the way, important side note guys, this is embarrassing but I'm going to share it with you. Meg was the girl that I kind of lost my virginity to at the age of 18, and I say kind of because of what happened. One night we were hanging out in the college dorm, she had put on the soundtrack to the movie Garden State, a fantastic movie if you ever get the chance to see it. I think even you non-Americans reading this might get enjoyment out of it. And then we began to have sex. I'll never forget the song that was playing, Zero 7's "In The Waiting Line"- Every time I hear this song I still think of this moment. So I put on the condom, and I penetrated her for literally 3 seconds, and got so incredibly nervous that I immediately lost my erection. That was it lol. It was humiliating to say the least. So she then went to give me oral sex, which was by far the worst most horrible oral sex I've ever had in my entire life. She kept nicking me with her teeth. I tried to ignore the feeling at first, but it was so bothersome that I eventually had to say "Could you stop using your teeth?" That may have been rude but I didn't know what else to say. So that helped a little bit but it still sucked. And I knew it sucked even though this was my first ever blowjob. So I lost my erection yet again. So guys out there, don't worry if you ever have horrible sexual experiences, we've all been there. Imagine how I felt after this, I didn't know if I was still a virgin. I certainly felt like I still was, but I didn't know if I technically was anymore. I didn't lose my real virginity, having sex until orgasm, until the next semester of college.
This is why Jason Julius really spoke to me in his product "Extreme Stamina" at 8 minutes and 20 seconds on the Module 4 Psychology Part Two video. He talked about why this phenomenon of losing your erection right when you are about to have sex occurs to men (this happened to me a good number of times in my life), and how to prevent that from happening again. And he talks about how to recover from such an embarrassing moment easily should it ever happen to you in the future. For any guy losing their erection during or before sex is one of the most humiliating moments in any man's life (after all this is partly why there are so many ads for Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis, men never want to go through this again once it has happened), it makes you feel like such a pathetic loser it's not even funny, it can actually be psychologically scarring, especially if you are with a new woman who you are having your first sexual experience with. The disappointment in her face will haunt you. She will feel as if you losing your erection means that she isn't attractive to you, when in fact, it probably means that she was so extremely attractive to you that your mind freaked out and you lost your boner. And of course she will feel like you are a loser. If you have never experienced this, consider yourself lucky. If you have, then you know what I'm talking about. The information Jason Julius gives in Extreme Stamina is information I wish I had at the time. If you have not yet seen Extreme Stamina, don't jump right to this part of the video, you need to watch Extreme Stamina from beginning to end to understand it.
So in the beginning of this I told you I was going to share with you some of my deepest, darkest, and most personal secrets. This is it. It was in 2005 where I experienced repeated problems with erectile dyfunction. Time after time, woman after woman, I repeatedly experienced losing an erection either before or during sex. I can not even explain to you in words how painful this was for me. The looks on these women's faces when I lost my erection haunted me. And each time I experienced this, it only made me even more fearful that I would experience it again the next time. And then when I did experience it agian, it just kept getting exponentially worse. Every time I was about to have sex, all I could think in my mind was "I hope I don't lose my erection this time" and it always made me likely to lose my erection with that woman. I can't tell you how painful this was for me. There were times when I cried about it. It made me feel like such a failure of a man. It brought back all these suicidal feelings I had in high school of how much of a loser I was, and how there was something deeply wrong inside of me that I would never be able to fix. This is why I told you I was going to share with you some dark shit. I've been through some fucked up dark experiences that I hope none of you ever have to go through. It was only after I visited my urologist that this began to be cured. He said that he commonly got men my age that visited him experiencing the same problems, and he prescribed all of them Viagra. So he prescribed me Viagra 100mg, and said to split the pill into 4 parts and see which dose worked for me. Eventually I figured out that the 50mg dose worked best for me, so before any anticipated sexual experience, I took 50mg of Viagra and I no longer had the erectile dyfunction problems. The problem was never with my physical body, it was always in my mind. And the urologist told me men my age often experience nervousness related to becoming sexual and when they lost their erections, they then would become much more nervous the next time about losing their erections during sex, and it would become a self fulfilling prophecy that they would lose their erections because they kept telling themselves in their minds "Oh my god I hope I don't lose my erection". It was a catch 22. So if any of you guys have ever experienced this issue, please do visit a urologist and have him prescribe you Viagra or Cialis. It will make you more confident when you do have sexual experiences, and it will stop the negative chatter in your head of "oh my god I hope I don't lose my erection" that causes you to lose your erection in the first place. Hopefully you never experience this problem, and if you do, hopefully you never have to use drugs to fix it. Extreme Stamina should help you with the mental techniques required to never experience this problem. But if, as last resort, nothing works for you, then do visit your urolgist and get a perscription for Viagra or Cialis. It will help you to be extremely confident in your ability to achieve a lasting erection, and it will allow you to last longer in bed than you have ever been able to do before, which is another big benefit of using erectile dysfunction drugs.
So anyway, getting back to why I am talking about this. It was 2006 and I had just read The Game, I was in a very long dry spell in that I hadn't had sex in a very long time. I was subscribing to Neil Strauss's newsletters. And I was aware he wrote this review-
THE POP LIFE; Inside the Head Via Headphones
By Neil Strauss
Published: March 06, 2003
This article is about the Sphinx of Imagination. I'll copy and paste it-
"Often, when we play a CD, we want to bring about a certain emotion or state in ourselves. Perhaps we are feeling heartbroken, and want to feel comforted; or angry, and want a release; or excited, and want to dance around the room. Or perhaps we simply want to hear something familiar or escape into someone else's world.
Some CD's, however, aim to elicit more than a feeling or a body movement from listeners. The Monroe Institute in Virginia, for example, creates CD's of music (and sometimes talk) that it says help listeners have out-of-body experiences. Other CD's by different companies try to help listeners stop smoking while they sleep or tune their bodies to the vibration of the word ''om.''
For the last six years here, Eric Von Sydow, professionally known as Hypnotica, and Denver Clay, a keyboardist and composer, have been working on a CD that they say will affect the listener more powerfully than any of these.
''This has taken all the skill that I know,'' said Hypnotica. ''I've studied neurolinguistics, neurosemantics, psychocybernetics and shamanistic storytelling, and it's all in there.''
So what is it? It is a 51 minute 50 second CD called ''The Sphinx of Imagination'' (, which comes emblazoned with the warning, ''Do not listen to while operating any type of machinery.'' Intended to be heard in its entirety on headphones, the CD uses music and words to speak to the unconscious of the listener. Its intent is to do a little rewiring and expand listeners' perceptions, open their minds and allow them to change themselves, sort of like a Grateful Dead concert without the band or the drugs.
''Typically, hypnosis tapes are not like this,'' said Dr. Marla Brucker, a hypnotherapist and motivational speaker who appears as one of the voices on the CD. ''This is in its own world, its own genre.''
The CD has found its own solution to a problem that is the bane of the music business: downloading, copying and piracy. ''Make sure this is an original, noncompressed recording,'' a voice says at the beginning of the CD. ''Listening to any other encodement process will take away from its full effect.''
Hypnotica is a stocky 31-year-old who looks like a cross between two comic book characters, the Thing and Wolverine, whom he has played at conventions. He has worked for years as a stage hypnotist and a spoken-word artist, and is in charge of security at a San Diego topless club, which, he says, he uses as his personal laboratory to study human behavior and dynamics.
There couldn't be a more different partner for him than Mr. Clay, 51, a thin, introverted sound wizard with long, tangled gray hair. ''I've collected sound for 15 years in the way that some people collect baseball cards,'' Mr. Clay said.
In the 70's and 80's Mr. Clay was a multi-instrumentalist, with experience in everything from lounge acts to rock bands. As part of the group California, he was signed to Warner Brothers, an experience he said was ''like cliff-diving in Acapulco with no water below.''
''When I hit the bottom,'' he said, ''studio technology, drum machines, sequencers and samplers had become affordable for regular people. And suddenly music became very fun again, because I didn't need to be dependent on other people.''
In the late 80's Mr. Clay began a seven-year collaboration designing music and sound for Richard Bandler, a founder of a branch of hypnosis known as neurolinguistic programming.
''The Sphinx of Imagination'' began in 1997, when Hypnotica was trying to improve himself through hypnosis. He wrote out the changes he wanted to make in himself, and then slowly began expanding them, until he realized it was something that should be shared.
''When I first met Denver, I said to him, 'We're going to make one CD for a million bucks, and it is going to be greater than anything ever created before,' '' Hypnotica said. ''Of course, back then, we were both broke. But there was a boldness to it.''
The duo say they spent more than 10,000 hours working on the text and sounds for the CD. ''It would take me three weeks to write one paragraph,'' Hypnotica said. ''The language had to be so precisely, artistically correct that it would describe something, but at the same time remain vague and ambiguous.''
The CD has a story line that is impossible to follow consciously. It is easy to drift off into sleep while listening and miss the whole thing. Against a backdrop that consists of layers of musical themes, sound effects and barely audible frequencies and whispered commands, a coddling voice spins multiple stories and metaphors, each opening up within another like Russian dolls.
The CD, Dr. Brucker said, accomplishes its work by confusing the conscious mind and thus speaking directly to the subconscious. ''We all connect to stories from when we were young,'' she said. ''We wanted to be Superman or Cinderella. So metaphors are the basis to any storytelling, and our subconscious mind hears that very well.
''Typical hypnosis tapes are usually a direct approach. When you pick up a CD for stress reduction, you know exactly where you're going to go,'' she added. ''This CD taps into so many parts of us at such a big level, we have no idea where it's going to go. You and I will hear the same CD and interpret it in the way we want to for our own benefit.''
Many involved in hypnosis stress moderation in promoting the effects of a particular CD or technique. ''I don't think the idea of bypassing the conscious mind and talking to the subconscious directly is that helpful,'' said Stephen Gilligan, a psychologist who has practiced and taught hypnotherapy for close to 30 years. Dr. Gilligan was also a leading student of Milton Erickson, a pioneer of indirect hypnosis. ''The idea there is that the client is some idiot who can't change themselves and the hypnotist is a genius who has a magical answer.''
That being said, he added, ''if people are in a proper state of mind and really want to accomplish something and are open to it, then these images, tidbits and metaphors can be helpful cues to stimulate a person's imagination in the direction that they already want to go.''
I listened to the Sphinx of Imagination regularly in 2006. I could feel a change occurring within me, and I noticed an incredible change in my game. I had confidence around women that I had never had before. For example, long story short, I ended up randomly meeting the friend of a female friend of mine on a road trip I took to visit this female friend of mine from college, and then my male friend and I drank and partied with those two women and he fucked my female friend and I fucked the other girl within a few hours of meeting her. My long, long dry spell was over. That girl turned out to be my girlfriend for the next 6 years (we began the relationship after we were dating and I was fucking other girls in college like a player).
Was this a result of listening repeatedly to the Sphinx of Imagination? I can't say for sure. That's the problem with hypnosis cd's. You can never be sure what your reality would have been like had you not listened to that cd. So the change you experience is unknowable. This product may not work for you. Some of you are not going to get it, and that's understandable. It's a weird product. Even if you do not find it helps you personally, I think you'll find it an enjoyable and entertaining experience.
Especially in one area of the Sphinx of Imagination where they make you enter the "Cave of Chaos", they are doing some very deep things and I don't want to get into what that is because I do not want to ruin the surprise. It is very deep inner game change. It is trying to make you feel in your body fear, and overcoming that fear through becoming the dominate sexual alpha male, so that you may make the changes you seek, and realize possibilities and expand your creativity in ways you had never seen before. From reading some other people's reviews on this product, many also thought the "Cave of Chaos" to be the best part of the entire experience.
I am again listening to this audio on a regular basis and I am experiencing the same kinds of change I did in 2006. Now that I'm single again after a very long term relationship, my game got rusty. But now it's improving. I just had a date with a really hot woman I met on the Plenty of Fish online dating website. It took incredibly good game to get this girl. She told me she had 50 unanswered messages from men, and she only responded to me. I asked her why. She said because I was the only man that provided interesting conversation in paragraphs whereas most men were sending her one or two sentences. You wouldn't believe the stupid shit that guys send her in their messages, it's either boring, or creepy. Most guys suck with women. Your competition sucks. The fact that you are even on this website probably means you have better game than most guys. By the way I made my profile really fun and interesting, so I got a lot of messages from women, and it got so bad that I sometimes would only visit the site once a week because it was too time consuming to respond to the messages more often than that. This also communicates that I am a man of high value who is not desperate and won't respond right away every time a women messages me. And at a certain point in our conversations I would communicate to the women that I do get lots of messages so they know I am a man in high demand and they have competition if they want any hope of getting with me.
The date went amazing. I kissed her with a peck on the lips when I first met her, then after some conversation, I kissed her more deeply after I made her laugh. In case you don't know, that's how to do it guys, kiss her when you make her laugh. When she is laughing that's an emotional high point where she is really enjoying your company, so it's the best moment to kiss her. You will never get a turned cheek if you do this correctly. And on a date always kiss a girl as soon as you possibly can. It sets the entire frame of the interaction as being sexual, she'll quickly feel that you are not simply there to be her male friend, you are there to potentially be her lover. We had been talking on the phone and I knew she was excited for the date and would want to kiss me, so on the date when I first saw her, I smiled, hugged her, told her it was great to finally meet her, gave her a very quick kiss on the lips, and then complimented her on her appearance. She was glowing. I like to do this just to get the awkwardness of anticipating that first kiss out of the way as soon as possible. Then later on in the date I'll kiss her more deeply (never use tongue, unless she first uses her tongue on you, always reflect back how she is kissing you. If you are a bad kisser she will never have sex with you).
Always be physically escalating (or "kino escalation" for you guys in the know) more and more, never be afraid to touch a woman, she will sense that. During conversations on a date I love to hold hands with the woman, it makes her feel safe and comfortable. Try to find a table or booth where you do not have to sit directly across from her. If you are sitting directly across from her, you will not be able to hold her hand or put your hand on her leg or touch her arm very easily and therefore will not be able to physically escalate. I like to sit next to a woman in a booth or at the bar. If I'm at a table with two chairs, I will not sit directly across from her, I will move the chair next to her. Of course this is not always possible depending on the venue so in that case find a table with 4 chairs, and sit next to her at the table so you will be able to physically escalate. But preferably just sit in a booth or at the bar so you can be directly next to her on her left or her right.
And do not be afraid to talk about sex. Be careful what you say of course, but realize women love sex even more than men do because they can have multiple orgasms (which you can learn how to give with the Orgasm Art's products I uploaded). Imagine how much more you would love sex if you could have multiple orgasms. By being comfortable talking about sex, it communicates to a woman that you are a man who is secure in his sexuality. It also communicates to her you understand her female sexuality. If you do not understand female sexuality, I recommend you read David Shade's ebooks "The Secrets Of Female Sexuality" and "Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms" as well as Daniel Rose's "Sex God Method 2nd Edition". Just realize that all women want to be treated like a lady outside of a bedroom, but they all want to be treated like a slut inside of the bedroom. Few men truly understand this, and some men are turned off by a woman who does get slutty for them and they then maybe don't call her ever again. Never be that guy. If she sleeps with you on the first date, then never judge her as being a slut. Take it as the ultimate compliment that she respects you as a man who she recognizes is a dominant alpha male and she wanted to surrender herself to you as she is evolutionarily programmed to do when she is in the presence of alpha males. Anyway, we ended the date by making out in her car for 20 minutes. She told me she wants to be a friend with benefits (a fuck buddy). She told me her last friend with benefits fell in love with her, got really clingy, and things got awkward so three weeks ago she basically fired him as her fwb and told him they would go back to just being friends. I had forgotten how good my game actually was when I get in state (that's a Blueprint Decoded reference if you don't know what I mean by that).
By the way guys, when you do become so deeply comfortable with a women's sexuality, she is going to notice this, and she will test you to see if you are full of shit. Insecure girls will not test you, but confident women will. Neil Strauss covered this particular phenomenon in his book "The Game". If you read the book, you'll remember how he talked about him encountering women that would throw him tests to see if he was as truly centered in his male sexuality as he was portraying himself to be. So women he encountered kept throwing him tests like "I give amazing blowjobs". For the longest time he could not figure out how the hell to respond to this, and he would fail their tests. Eventually he said he was watching Da Ali G Show, and if you know that character you know his catch phrase is "Respect" so Neil Strauss tried that, and found that it worked with him to simply smile and reply "Respect" when women told him they give amazing blowjobs. And this would work. I remembered this lesson from this book, which is just one of many reasons I recommend you read it.
This same moment happened on my 2nd date. This was the summary of that conversation-
Her- "I give really amazing blowjobs"
Me- "Wow I really respect that. I love giving women oral sex as well and I'm really good at it"
Her- "Yeah this one guy I gave a blowjob recently came in 3 minutes. That's how good I am. I actually recorded a video on my phone of it, do you want to see it?" (I'm not kidding, she actually said this lol, I was so curious to see this video because I actually think it is pretty hot that a woman would record herself giving a man a blowjob, but instead I said this-)
Me- "I would rather see it first hand."
Her- *laughs* "Well maybe some day if you're lucky"
So clearly I passed that test with flying colors. Just imagine the many ways I could have responded to this test that would have made me fail it miserably. I'm giving you an example of the kinds of tests that women who are really sexually confident will throw at you to see how you react. If you pass these tests, you will be highly attractive to them because they will see you are a true man who is secure in his sexuality.
By the way, the date before this, my very first online date ever, I met a cute 48 year old (btw I am only 27 years old lol) at a billiards hall. I didn't kiss her on the lips immediately upon meeting her like I did my 2nd date because I could tell that she was nervous because of our dramatic age difference, so you have to calibrate to the woman. The date went great and within a few hours she was giving me a blowjob in my car in the parking lot. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm just saying this to let you know that I actually am really good with women in real life and I'm not some random dude recommending products to you guys while I sit at home all day and jerk off to porn. Oh btw guys, side note, my cologne of choice for every date is Paco Rabonne's "One Million." Whether or not you like it (I personally love it) women go crazy for this stuff. I have yet to meet any women that didn't love this smell. Something about it just exudes sexuality to women. Try it out and see what women in your life think. Beware that this cologne is one of the most counterfeited colognes in the entire world because it is one of the most successful colognes of all time. Never, ever, ever buy this cologne from any online retailer. Always get it in a department store. And don't over spray it, 5 sprays should be enough. Two on the neck. One on each wrist. One of the chest. If you guys have any other recommendations for cologne's that women love, and I don't mean just really like, but LOVE and they are crazy about it, please comment in the section below and let me know. I have an extensive cologne collection of about 50 colognes so I'm pretty knowledgeable and likely might already have the colognes you recommend, but I'd be curious to hear what colognes you guys wear that have gotten amazing reactions from women. L'Eau d'Issey, Aqua Di Gio, Armani Code Sport, Mont Blanc Legend, Fierce, and Bleu De Chanel (also only buy this in a department store) are also fantastic colognes for daytime wearing which women love but when it comes to dates (as well as night outs) I stick with One Million.
Anyway I got off track, so could this improvement in my game simply be a placebo effect of The Sphinx of Imagination? Absolutely. But the placebo effect is a real phenomenon where, for example, people who take pills that are placebos (thinking they are a cure to their disease) will actually experience healing from their disease even though the placebo contained no active ingredient, and the change was all in their mind. In fact, amazingly, studies have shown that placebos can work even if you are told that the pill you are taking is a placebo and contains no active ingredient (though this is not as effective as not knowing it is a placebo). Your mind will still seek out the healing it seeks. The same will happen from listening to this audio. And I'm not saying that this audio is a placebo and does nothing, I truly believe it does something and I can feel emotions in my body when I listen to it. But simply by listening to it, and picturing the change you seek in your mind, and feeling it in your body, you will begin to change your reality.
BE AWARE- You will probably fall asleep while listening to The Sphinx of Imagination. It is normal, and actually designed to make you do so. You won't fall asleep every time listening to this but when I have fallen asleep, there were times when I've had some crazy, vivid, and fascinating dreams after listening to this. Keep listening to it repeatedly. This is not something you are going to get benefit from after listening to it just once or twice. Keep listening to it at least once, twice, or even three times a week if you can, and keep doing that for as long as you can. Picture the change you seek in your mind. Why are you on this website? What change do you seek? I think this product will help you make that change and overcome the natural fear of changing. The fact is that most men in this community who attempt to get better with women fail, and they fail miserably. Tyler Durden has this line he likes to use when he talks about Real Social Dynamics's bootcamps, and he says that he or his instructors take their clients by the hand and guide them past the smoking wreckage of the men who have tried to get better with women and failed. Statistically speaking, you will most likely fail at becoming better with women. Don't let that get you down, instead embrace it and be determined to beat the odds. I was completely hopeless at one point in my life and no matter how bad you think you are with women, I guarantee that I was in a harder place than you are now. I was a suicidal loser, and I'm not joking you, I used to be that guy in your high school that everyone bullied and made fun of. In 2006 after reading "The Game" I joined this global seduction community. I was a part of a pickup lair group of men in my area that has since dissolved and no longer exists. I've worked really hard at this and I've had countless failures, but I've learned from them so I could achieve success, and I want you to succeed as well. I will never meet you, some of you are reading this from countries I will never visit, but in some ways I consider you all to be my brothers. I could never have changed without this global community, I am passionate about this community because I feel I owe my life to it, so I want to help you if I can to become better with women. My goal now is to both become even better with women, to find the love of my life, and to become a police officer (I got my bachelors of science in Sociology with a focus in Criminology and Criminal Justice).
And for god sake go out and meet women! We are all going to die, life is short, you might not even survive into old age for one reason or another, so seize each day and improve yourself one step at a time until you become the person you want to be. When you are on your death bed you will not regret the approaches you took, you will not regret the times when mean girls at the bar blew you out, most likely you will have no memory of those events, but you will regret the chances you didn't take. You will regret never saying hi and introducing yourself to those cute women that caught your eye, women who could have become your lover, your girlfriend, or your wife, women that could have been a mother to your children. You will regret not kissing the women that clearly wanted you to kiss them and maybe even wanted you to have sex with them. You will regret not being the man you could have been if only you were not such a pussy. Hundreds of millions of elderly dying men around the world at this moment look back on their past with deep regret and wish they could relive it. Take a moment and think about that. Do you want to be one of those men? No? Then live your present in a way that you will be proud to look back on when you are elderly and dying and in a nursing home. We are men, you have balls so have some balls and feel the fear but do it anyway guys. Your goal is not to be fearless. I am not fearless. I was very nervous (it is best to think of this emotion as excitement, remember this) before my two recent online dates, but I didn't show it outwardly, I believed it was going to go well, and she could not tell how nervous I was. When you become good at this, the women will be way more nervous talking to and meeting you then you are nervous talking to and meeting them. Men of quality are what they dream of. While men usually love porn, women (I'm generalizing, some women love porn) tend to love romance movies, it's why they read romance novels (and erotic novels like 50 Shades of Grey, which has sold 70 million copies worldwide, which by the way is terrible writing but you should read it to understand why women fantasize of being dominated by an alpha male like the character in the book Christian Grey, these books are popular for a reason, because they get women's vaginas wet while reading it, and also you should read it because it will be a good converation topic with the women you meet who have read it). If you don't get out of your comfort zone you will never change. I know some of you already know this, but I'm speaking to those reading this that do not. So that's it for my rant, I really do appreciate you taking the time to read this, I hope that I've given you some value from this and that you don't feel like you've wasted your time.
So what is this product? Here are the Album Notes-
"The upgraded 2012 Sphinx Of Imagination: The Ever-Evolving Story In You.
When sound sculptors Eric Von Sydow aka Hypnotica and Denver Clay first unveiled the now cult classic, audio odyssey experience, hailed as “The Sphinx of Imagination” almost 10 years ago, it was a CD that was light years ahead of its time. A luscious blend of trance, meditation and hypnosis, The New York Times lauded the composition as “sort of like a Grateful Dead concert without the band or the drugs.” Merging fantasy and reality into a surrealistic experiential medium, “The Sphinx of Imagination” was a genre bending, therapeutic immersion that defied logic. As testimony to its compelling allure, it has consistently ranked as the Number One best seller in the New Age category on, one of the largest online record stores, since its original release in 2003.
So what becomes of a masterpiece? Well with the advent of 2012 and all the anxiety and anticipation that has emerged with it, the composers have enhanced the epic music journey and released “The Sphinx of Imagination 2012.” The upgraded release is literally what dreams are made of! A musical laboratory steeped with subsonic symmetry, subliminal audio frequencies, cutting-edge brain entrainment technology and eerily evocative melodies, “The Sphinx” is the farthest you will ever travel between stereo headphones. Simply stated, it is a miraculous mind voyage.
“The Sphinx of Imagination” plunges the listener into a vivid world of multi-layered inner- dimensional storytelling narrated by the acclaimed mind scientist Hypnotica ( with a supporting music score contributed by consummate composer and sonic alchemist Denver Clay ( Clay’s vast cinematic acoustic effects coupled with the spellbinding resonance of Hypnotica’s vocal tones are irresistible delicious in this whimsical adventure.
Painting scenarios riddled with ambiguity and allegory, Hypnotica invokes the spirit of traditional storytelling from the most ancient of times, tapping into an Akashic library of universal references and resources. His mythical stylings recall not only Egyptian imagery, but also Greek mythology, Arthurian legend, Siberian culture, ancient Celtic heroes, Angels and the shamanic figures of African and Native American tribes. He expertly incorporates his knowledge of neurolinguistics, neurosemantics, psycho cybernetics and shamanistic storytelling, culminating an experience that allows for the progressive transformation of the mind, spirit and soul.
In under an hour, “The Sphinx” whisks you away on an exploration which seemingly spans lifetimes. There are bridges to cross, sacred books that reveal, wizards that guide, magical gardens, heavenly temples and angels that bless. One’s imagination is ignited and the realms of creativity are lovingly nurtured via Clay’s enchanting soundscapes rich in color, language and dimension. His gentle harps, elegant piano, haunting flute, shimmering chimes and evocative crystal bowls are just a sampling of the aural magic creating visuals so stunning, one can almost reach out and touch them.
Hypnotica, an author, hypnotist and self-evolvement life coach, explains, “You don’t just listen to ’The Sphinx of Imagination” you experience it! It is specifically encoded to tap into one’s subconscious and weave possibilities that spark a personal journey into the depths of your very being. It is designed to tap and release the incredible beauty and power stored within us all.”
Denver Clay, a leading authority on how music, sound and vibrations can be designed and manipulated to deliver and propel profound states of consciousness, adds, “The Sphinx is a mind-blowing ride that you will get lost and found in. ‘The Sphinx’ is scientifically engineered to provide graduated moments to reach higher states that allow for and provoke profound changes in the mind. Stress, worries and anxieties are vanquished, creating space for empowerment to thrive and grow.”
The “Sphinx of Imagination” is the perfect tool for transformation in these endearing times. An mp3 download that requires high quality headsets for maximum benefit, the composition runs just under 60 minutes. A stress buster, confidence booster and balance builder, “The Sphinx of Imagination 2012” offers a medicine/drug free antidote for many of today’s common ailments such as anxiety, tension and depression.
A baptismal journey for ascension, “The Sphinx of Imagination 2012” will rock your inner world, and then sooth your outer worldview!
I hope you've gotten some value out of this rant of mine, and I hope you enjoy your experience with The Sphinx of Imagination.
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