The Social God System   

The Social God System
Dating Company: Jason Capital Dating | Dating Coach:
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from Jason Capital Dating.

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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful

"Really Solid Product For Helping You Develop High Status Social Circles"

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Last Update: March 26, 2025
The Good
Shows you how to create a large social circle full of attractive women and cool people. Talks about how to create an awesome life for yourself that goes beyond dating and women. Gives practical things you can start doing right away to begin bringing people into your circle.
The Bad
Could be on the expensive side for some people. Not a lot of information on dating women from your social circle.
The Bottom Line
If you've already got some experience with dating skills and are looking to build a more attractive and fulfilling life, this product is worth checking out. The better your social skills are the easier you'll be able to implement this whole system, so if you're a beginner this might be too advanced for you at the moment. Better to check out Jason's product for beginners, Make Women Want You.

This product will give you steps on how to start focusing on the bigger picture, so that you're not just relying on cold approaching as a way to meet women for the rest of your life. Applying the strategies here will mean that your efforts are contributing to building something that adds long term value to your life.


The Social God System by Jason Capital is designed to show you exactly how to build up your own valuable social circle and start living the kind of life that you dream about. It's made up of a nine part video series, that vary in length from just a few minutes to just under an hour. On top of this there are four bonus videos included.

The program is based on what Jason has done himself to build up his social circle, and the strategies that he used to do so were based on a lot of scientific research and psychological principles.

If you're not familiar with Jason, he's in his late 20's and lives in Los Angeles, so a lot of the examples here refer to him being well connected to everybody in the nightlife scene in LA and Las Vegas. So if you're a similar age or into the party scene you'll probably relate better to this, but the same ideas and principles are applicable for other lifestyles as well. In fact this system would work well for developing business connections and improving your career.

Why Invest Time In Building A Social Circle?

If you want to have a really awesome life then it makes sense to surround yourself with really awesome people. If you want to date high quality women then having high quality women as your friends is going to be helpful.

As a general rule, we tend to be similar to the people we surround ourselves with. So if you were overweight and looking to get in shape, making sure you hang out with fit people is going to motivate you more than hanging out with other overweight people. The same is true for your social life, so the first thing you really need to do is define what kind of social life you want to have.

In the first video, Jason talks about how to do this, as well as how to know what decisions you should be making for your life overall. Sometimes this might involve saying no to people that you care about, but will help lead to long term growth as a man and strengthen your character.

One of the foundations that this course is built on is that you're going to have to be the kind of man that other people see as valuable and want to invest their time in. So this whole process is a continual one of self-development and there really is no end point. If you're looking for some kind of quick fix solution that is going to have you surrounded with hot girls and awesome people, you'll be disappointed.

Jason talks about how he never used to worry about focusing on his social circle, preferring to just go out and meet new women in bars. But one of his friends got him to see the bigger picture, and since that moment building a valuable social network has been his main aim. Now he's friends with a lot of successful people with great lifestyles and lots of hot girls who are part of the group.

This leads to things like him getting access to the best nightclubs without having to wait in line and getting free table service in the venue. So if you like this kind of party lifestyle then being well connected to people who work at these venues will make your life much easier.

Be prepared to invest some time and effort into making this happen, and to an extent this will depend on what level you're at now and also where you live. If you want to become a social god and be the hub of everything that's happening in town, this will take a lot longer to achieve if you live in New York than if you live in Salt Lake City. Social God Screenshot

Cold Approach Versus Social Circle Game

In video #4 Jason talks about a hierarchy of ways to meet women. So at the top of this is a situation where you are introduced to a woman and she has already heard good things about you and sees you as an attractive guy before she even meets you. At the opposite end is the cold approach, where you initiate a conversation with a woman and she knows absolutely nothing about you.

So while this is true, Jason also points out that he spent a few years only doing cold approaches and meeting girls that way. If you're new to dating skills, this is an important part of the process of improving and doing lots of cold approaches is the quickest way for you to try out new ideas and build some experience.

This is one of the reasons that the Social God System is better suited to intermediate and advanced guys. If you're only just starting out and still testing to see what works best for you, then doing so on strangers is a safe way to do so that generally has no negative consequences for your social or professional life.

However some guys learn a bunch of tactics and techniques and decide to try these on girls they are friends with, work with or have some other kind of connection to. This can be problematic, as perhaps they're trying out bad advice, or the advice might be solid but the guy just doesn't know how to properly implement it. There is always the risk of doing something to damage your value and reputation within that particular circle.

Everything that Jason teaches comes from the point of view that you're a cool, interesting guy that women are attracted to. So when he is getting introduced to women who have already heard positive things about him, he has the knowledge and skills to back that up when interacting with them. If you're not at the stage when you can meet and attract women, any hot women that you get introduced to will pick up on this quickly enough and it will be harder for you to bring them into your social circle.

So it's best to build up a certain level of skill and then go about actively bringing hot girls into your social circle. The benefit of this style is that all of your social interactions have a snowball type effect. If you meet five attractive women and just befriend them, and they each have five attractive friends, then there's 25 attractive women right there who could attend your next party or event. Imagine what kind of attention you'd get if you turned up to a bar or nightclub with 25 hot women.

This is in contrast to what Jason calls 'now or never' game, where you go out with the intention of sleeping with a girl that night. The downside of this is you miss out on a lot of girls who could add some value to your life in the long term if given the opportunity. So every night you're almost starting from scratch, as you have to continually go out and actively meet new women, whereas the social circle can continue to grow thanks to other members, and you reap the benefits.

Dating And Hooking Up With Girls In Your Social Circle

As Jason is a dating coach and the course is marketed to guys in this industry, the underlying assumption is that you're building a social circle so that you can date and sleep with the girls in it or that you meet through it. But even if this isn't your primary goal, the course is still useful as much of the information extends beyond this.

In fact video #6, Jason's 3-step formula for sleeping with girls from your social circle, is quite short. The idea is quite straightforward, but for it to work she must already be attracted to you. The idea behind this entire system is that you're at the center of the social circle, you're the leader, so subsequently the women in it are going to be attracted to you.

If you just go to a friend's party and meet some girls there but they don't really know you, this 3-step system is going to be hit and miss. You don't have the same level of value and attractiveness in their eyes as if you were the leader of their group. Again, this is another example of why you already need to be at a proficient level to make all this work.

The third step in the formula borrows a tactic from Jason's book 77 Ways To Make Her Want To F@#k You. It isn't a prerequisite that you read that book, but it'll help and it's a quality book that we highly recommend anyway.

I felt that this section of the course could have had more time devoted to it. The focus is all about how to have sex with the girls in your social circle in a way that you can sleep with all of them if you choose. It oversimplifies the idea a bit, and doesn't take into account that girls are going to talk and potential problems due to jealousy can arise.

It would have been useful to have some information about how to manage the expectations of the girls either before or after you sleep with them so that there are no dramas as a result. It also doesn't mention anything about how to go about dating one of the girls if you're interested in something more serious. Although if you're at the level that this product is intended for, once you sleep with the girl you shouldn't have much of a problem leading it in the direction you want.

Social God Screenshot

There are four bonus videos that are included, two of them feature Adam Lyons and Greg Greenway. Both of these guys are known for their expertise on building and infiltrating social circles. In both videos Jason then interviews these guys after their presentation to delve a bit deeper into what they were saying.

Lyons talk revolves around how to gain access to influential people and has a lot of good advice. The personal example he gives is about how he met a famous film producer from YouTube and used the guy's social circle to get himself invited to dinner. From here, the two have become good friends and the producer has acted as a mentor in helping Lyons with his own film ambitions. So the strategies that he gives you here can be applied to help you gain access to exclusive social circles in just about any field.

The talk from Greenway is about accessing high-status social circles and is similar to Lyons' presentation. There's some good principles here, but some of it is a bit over-simplified and not practical enough to be helpful. For example, he talks about how if you wanted to meet celebrities you need to be where they are and suggests going to the Superbowl as a place where you might meet them. But there's no plan on how to do so, and when you've got around 100 000 people in attendance realistically you're not going to just meet whoever you want. But it's worth watching the video, and provides good value considering it's just a bonus.

The last two bonuses feature videos from Jason where he talks about creating deep attraction in women, how to develop your social muscle and social value alchemy. These videos are good quality and full of useful information. One of the main things that Jason emphasizes is giving value to people, and there's a video here that shows you some really simple and straightforward ways to be a valuable guy that connects other people and stands out as memorable.

The Bottom Line

If you've already got some experience with dating skills and are looking to build a more attractive and fulfilling life, this product is worth checking out. The better your social skills are the easier you'll be able to implement this whole system, so if you're a beginner this might be too advanced for you at the moment. Better to check out Jason's product for beginners, Make Women Want You.

This product will give you steps on how to start focusing on the bigger picture, so that you're not just relying on cold approaching as a way to meet women for the rest of your life. Applying the strategies here will mean that your efforts are contributing to building something that adds long term value to your life.

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Product Information

Jason Capital offers a program for transforming your social life based on his experience and expertise. He teaches you how to create a social circle in which you are the center of attention. It builds upon deliberately building a strong, vibrant, expanding social circle in order to become a Social God.

The strategy is based on taking action and intentionally expanding outside of the normal proximity of your social circle to invite others, thereby linking yourself to other social circles and upgrading your own.

Bonuses include:

- Deep Attraction Secret Seminar
- The Social Muscle Cycle: The Shy Guy Solution
- How To Make Anyone A Good Friend (with Adam Lyons)
- Accessing High-Status Social Circles (with Greg C. Greenway)

Lifestyle & Social Skills
Experience Level(s):

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
Learning Format:
Online Access
Hot Topic Tags:
Social Circle Game
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Jason Capital
Release Date:
May 05, 2014
Product No Longer Available.


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- Understanding the meaning of a true Social God
- How to handle special approach situations
- Learn major social circle leverage points and how to use them
- Advice and ideas from Jason’s guests he considers Social Gods
- Learn specific actions to accomplish specific outcomes (your Social God vision)
- 17 primary strategies for operating your social circle for maximum performance
- Approaching high-powered, influential people for business
- References to helpful resources and books

What You Get:

Online access to videos

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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