The Problem with Women... is Men: The Evolution of a Man's Man to a Man of Higher Consciousness

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Product Information
Relationship expert and author Charles J. Orlando has compiled his past experience as a "morally challenged" young man, and a lot of interviews with men and women, into a book about men and their relationship issues.
The book is for men and women in advising men that they should own up to their relationship and marriage faults instead of blaming women. It explains how women can regain their sanity and how men can evolve from their primal instinct.
For men, the book serves as a wake-up call towards a path of improvement, for themselves and in their relationships.
For women, it is an insider-information guide pointing out the frustrations and problems experienced in relationships, and techniques on dealing with men.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Introduction
- The World of Men
- Women and The World of Men
- The Evolved Man Defined
- The Path to Evolution – An Evaluation
- For Women: How to Positively Affect A Man’s Evolution Without Losing Your Individuality
- Everything You Wanted To Know About Evolved Men, But Were Afraid To Ask
- Dating, Dining, and Sex
- The Untold Secrets of Successful Relationships
- Appendix: The Evolved Man’s Gratuity Guide
- Acknowledgements and References
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $3.99
- Paperback $9.95
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