The Possibility of Sex: How Naïve and Lustful Men are Manipulated by Women Regularly   

The Possibility of Sex: How Naïve and Lustful Men are Manipulated by Women Regularly
Dating Company: Mode One Inc. | Dating Coach:
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"Helps You To Identify Which Women Are Going To Be A Waste Of Your Time"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Shows you how to avoid women who are going to waste your time or take advantage of you. Encourages you to have standards, be honest with women and decide what behavior you will and won't accept.
The Bad
Presents a very black and white approach to interacting with women,with the style advocated being low percentage in many cases. A lot of guys may be uncomfortable and/or incongruent with the extremely direct style advised here.
The Bottom Line
This product will be a good read for guys who tend to invest a lot of time and/or money in women with the aim of sleeping with them but never, or rarely, doing so. The author talks about different types of women who will dangle the possibility of sex in front of a man to manipulate him into giving her what she wants. This book will help you to avoid these situations in the future.

The book is less useful in terms of showing you how to interact with women in an effective yet socially acceptable way. There's not really any specific examples on what you should actually do, and the advice is little more than propositioning a woman for sex within the first five minutes. There are much more effective methods than this that still incorporate a direct and honest style, such as The Daygame Blueprint and Models: Attract Women Through Honesty.


If you're not familiar with Alan Roger Currie then his first book, Mode One, is the best place to start. It gives you a good overview of his dating philosophy and details the four different ways that men communicate with women.

This book is an extension of that philosophy, while also claiming there are four types of women you'll meet when applying the direct style of communication that Currie advises. Of those four different types of women, the focus of this book is on the type that Currie refers to as time wasters.

The main premise is that women who are time wasters will lead you on and hint at the possibility of sex in the future, without ever having any intention of following through. The reason they would do this is to get something that they value from you, and this time waster category is then broken down further into another four sub-categories, depending on what the woman is seeking.

Currie's reasoning is that by being completely upfront with women about your intentions, you take away their ability to manipulate you with the possibility of sex and you'll save yourself a lot of time, money and heartache.

Are Women Trying To Take Advantage Of You?

This book doesn't claim that all women are looking to take advantage of you. It merely aims to teach you how to spot the women that do have a hidden agenda so that you can avoid them.

It's true that some women will have an ulterior motive for wanting to share your company, other than a romantic or sexual relationship. If you're a man with a lot of resources then it's only natural to expect that you're going to appeal to a certain type of woman who is going to try and benefit from that.

However, Currie points out that it's not just financial and material incentives that motivate women. Women can be taking advantage of you in other ways, such as using you for the attention you heap on them and the ego boost they receive from your flattery.

It's likely that almost every man has been in a situation at some point in his life where his feelings towards a girl were unreciprocated, yet he has still spent time with her hoping that something might happen. The difference between time wasters and girls who put you in the friend zone is that time wasters lead you on and think that you have a chance with her.

For some men, this happens much more regularly than others. So if this is a situation you often find yourself in and you want to do something about it, then it's well worth checking out this book.

How Do You Avoid The Time Wasters?

In a nutshell, Currie's method is to be extremely direct with women about his intentions. If he's only interested in casual sex, he has no problem letting a woman know this. Apparently he makes sure to tell them within the first five minutes of his first conversation with them.

What he does, and advises you to do, is put them in a position where they either agree they want to have sex with you or they make it clear they're not interested. When you get down to it, it's basically giving them an ultimatum.

Now Currie does state that he's not telling them he wants to have sex with them right this instant, that it might be a few days or a few weeks from now. But he's getting his intention out there so there's no confusion as to what it is his expectations are.

In contrast, he claims that being indirect with women leads to endless dates and chasing women where they have all the power and are now in a position to waste your time and take advantage of you.

Is Being Completely Blunt With Women Really The Best Way To Go?

To answer this question, it's important to determine what your main priority is when interacting with women. In Currie's case, his main motivation appears to be avoiding wasting time and engaging in boring small talk. So to that extent, his particular method is useful for achieving his desired outcome.

However, if your priority is to increase your chances of success with one woman in particular or a greater number of women in general, this is not a great strategy to use. Quite simply, if you force a girl to make a decision on whether or not she wants to have sex with you in the first five minutes, it's very rarely going to go in you favor.

There are a number of reasons for this, and it's outside the scope of this review to delve into all of them, but sex is a higher risk decision for women than for men and most women are not going to agree to sex with a man they have only known for this short amount of time. Especially on high quality women who have an unlimited amount of sexual options, it's unlikely you'll have much if any success with this approach.

Studies have been done where good looking men approached women and propositioned them for sex, with a success rate of zero per cent or close enough to it. So while this philosophy sounds good to some readers and they find it empowering, when it comes to reality and actually getting results with it, that can be a different case entirely.

Currie does allude to having a lot of success with this method, unfortunately he never really offers practical examples in his books. There are stories of how he was talking to a girl and let her know that he wanted to have sex with her, but there's never anything specific, such as him spotting a girl he wanted to meet, then what he said to approach her and the conversation and actions that led to him having sex with her. Any stories are incredibly vague and don't offer anything really in the way of learning or being able to model them.

It sounds as if most of the girls Currie meets are through social circle, and he mentions not liking going out to bars and clubs. It's not really clear if he does cold approaches and uses this method or just meets a lot of new girls through other circumstances and is happy to play a numbers game.

The False Dilemma In Dating Advice

There are a number of dating coaches who mistakenly present you with limited options when it comes to dating. This typically consists of either 'Choice A' or 'Choice B' and is commonly known as a false dilemma.

Currie uses such a device here and it was the main issue I had with this book. In this case it's that you're either being direct and honest with women and letting them know you want sex within five minutes, or you're being indirect and sneaky and completely hiding your intentions.

It uses very narrow definitions of what it means to be direct and indirect and completely discounts the massive gray area in between these ends of the spectrum. There are varying degrees of being direct, many of which employ a more socially intelligent style and don't come with the same amount of risk. Currie admits to angering a lot of women with his approach, and this is something many guys won't be able to handle nor should they need to put themselves in this position.

While many of Currie's examples are somewhat crass and tactless, there are ways to achieve the same results that don't come with the same potential downside. For examples of this then check out The Daygame Blueprint and Models: Attract Women Through Honesty, as well as anything by Zan Perrion.

With that said, it is possible to have some success with Currie's method. However, the guys who can make it work tend to be guys who are much more advanced or just have incredibly high confidence and an unbreakable frame. For guys who don't fit this category, this style is likely to increase your anxiety around women and make getting results tougher than it needs to be.

So check out the book for the advice on identifying different types of women and determining their real motivations for being with you, but if you're looking for practical advice on how to interact with women, the aforementioned products are more effective.

The Bottom Line

This product will be a good read for guys who tend to invest a lot of time and/or money in women with the aim of sleeping with them but never, or rarely, doing so. The author talks about different types of women who will dangle the possibility of sex in front of a man to manipulate him into giving her what she wants. This book will help you to avoid these situations in the future.

The book is less useful in terms of showing you how to interact with women in an effective yet socially acceptable way. There's not really any specific examples on what you should actually do, and the advice is little more than propositioning a woman for sex within the first five minutes. There are much more effective methods than this that still incorporate a direct and honest style, such as The Daygame Blueprint and Models: Attract Women Through Honesty.

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Product Information

Alan Roger’s ebook has risen as high as #7 on Amazon's Top 100 bestselling Kindle ebooks in the sex category, one day after it was released.

The book discusses how single men and women verbally communicate their romantic and sexual desires, and interests to each other. Specifically, it states that women are often not truthful in this particular area of communication.

The aim of the book is for men to learn:

- How men waste valuable time and money when dealing with women who are considered “timewasters”
- The various types of women who are “timewasters” and how to identify them
- The five types of “no good women”
- Why being married to a woman or in a long-term monogamous relationship does not guarantee regular sex

Female Psychology
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Kindle eBook
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Alan Roger Currie
Mode One Inc.
Release Date:
October 01, 2012
Price: $6.37


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Part One
Time-wasting women who are reluctant of a man's sexual desires or rejects them. This section of the book is to help single men in the dating scene identify and avoid women who play head games to get what they want.

Part Two
A detailed description of the types of women to avoid getting into a long-term relationship with:

- Those that want to be the mistress
- Skilled gold diggers
- Drama queens
- Liars and cheaters

What You Get:

Kindle book

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"Outstanding book, that will open your eyes."

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There it is. Another book from my favorite author Alan Roger Currie. I cannot express in words how much this guy helped me in terms of dating advice. If not for Alan, I wouldn't be where I am today.

This book contains a lot of information about red flags in relationships with women. It will open your eyes. It will tell you, which kind of women you should avoid, and on what to look out for.

It's raw, it's honest, it's upfront. Definitely worth reading.
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"Best book EVER written about the manipulative ways of women!!!!"

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I have read just about all of Alan Roger Currie's books, and I have to say that The Possibility of Sex is probably the best book ever written about how manipulative many women are.

In the same way women criticize men for using them for their bodies and for sex, this book points out that women also use men for flattery, entertaining social companionship, financial favors, and a listening ear to their problems and frustrations.

The first part of the book talks about the four types of TIMEWASTERS, and the second part of the book talks about the five types of NO GOOD WOMEN. I wish I had read a book like this when I was 19, 20, or 21. This book is GOLD. And it is CHEAP! I would recommend this book to any and all men for sure. This is a MUST READ book.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Very insightful book written in easy to understand language"

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I read this book back to back after reading Alan's book "Mode One" and I really liked it. It expanded on a lot of the same topics that Mode One touched on and gave me some insight into the behavior of women, why they manipulate men, and what to look out for.

2 things that really strike me about this book, and Alan's writing in general:

1. Written in human language.

In this book and his others, Alan tells plenty of personal anecdotes, which helps take the abstract information and make it relatable to actual real life. He doesn't insult your intelligence with pompous language and keeps things practical and close to home.

Which brings me to #2.

2. This stuff is practical!

Alan specifically identifies the characteristics of various types of women who manipulate men, their intentions, and how to avoid them (or embrace them, if there's a mutual agreement on wants).

Also, unlike a lot of pickup/seduction material, Alan advocates being an honest, unapologetic, sexually direct man who owns his shit! That's empowering for men and attractive to women.

Great read, fully recommend.


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