The Popular Life

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Editor Review
"Basic and Fluffy but Contains Some Good Ideas"
Syboh Seven
Last Update: March 26, 2025
Update September 2011
This ebook has been upgraded to a 2nd edition - see here: The Popular Life 2nd edition.A confrontational writing style
This book was originally called “Popular Prick” and had a very “in your face” writing style that made some readers uneasy. It has since been renamed “Popular Life”, but the prick-like style is still largely there. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as I found it quite amusing myself, and it may provide a much-needed kick in the pants for newbies.Another potential issue with this book is the large amount of filler: too much time is wasted boasting about how great the advice is – and it’s not a big book to start with (less than 100 pages).
Still, if you can get past the confrontational style and the fluff, there are good ideas in here.
The book starts by emphasizing taking action; the importance of changing now, not tomorrow; many pages push you to wake up and stop selling yourself short. A good, necessary message that is repeated a bit too much, but the aggressiveness of the tone is particularly effective here.
“If you don’t change right now (…) you’ll soon look into the mirror and realize you are old and your dreams have passed you by. Instead of dreaming about your future, you’ll dream of getting back to the youth you're wasting away right now."
Change your personality, start to fit in
The main thesis of the book is that you have to become compatible with society, and not the other way around. Many socially unsuccessful people, the idea goes, think fitting in is “uncool”, and that is one of the root of their problem. You have to drop any rebellious, intellectual attitude and stop thinking about yourself as somehow above others, because that won’t take you very far socially.After developing for some length on the above, the book then gives tips for Personality Change. You will be familiar with most of them if you have read self-development books before: stop your negative self-talk, be positive about life, etc etc.
Then the author explains the basics of improving your social ability and social life: each new person/group is a new opportunity. You need to contribute (=talk) and not stay quiet, or you will be judged for not saying anything. What you say matters less than actually saying something. This section is probably the best of the book and the tips are very valuable.
Good, simple ideas, and a lot of motivating power
While far from amazing overall, this book does contain good ideas and has a lot of motivating power. Written by someone not connected to the “seduction community”, it is free of jargon and acronyms and easy for anyone to understand, and some of the tips are refreshing compared to what you usually hear.However, this ebook is also more basic than most community products, and it is purely about being social and meeting people. While this will certainly lead to more options in your dating life, you won’t get any targeted advice on meeting women here.
If you are a beginner to the studying of dating skills, and you have a negative / pessimistic / introverted personality, you could enjoy this and benefit from it. More experienced/advanced guys should not bother.
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Product Information
This book has been updated and is only available as The Popular Life 2nd edition.
It teaches you how to become more popular and social, in order to make more friends and meet more women.
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Lifestyle & Social Skills
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Why Is Personality Important?
Personality Starters
Some Rewards Of A New Personality
Get In The Mood
This Isn't About Morals Or Being A Good Person
Won't People Notice If I Change?
Attributes Of The Successful
Become An Opportunist
What About The People Who Like Me The Way I Am?
Dynamics Of Change
How The Process Works
Isn't It Impossible To Change Your Personality?
Defining Better
What Makes A Good Personality
What To Change Into
Initial Rules Of Successful Personalities
You Must Conform
Imitating Others
Acting Vs. Natural Change
Backbones Of Personality
How Personalities Change
Barriers To Successful Personalities
Perceived Obstacles
Admitting To Yourself That You Need Other People
Combating Individualism
Accept The Unpleasant
Don't Be Afraid To Admit That You Hate Yourself
You're Not Born With A Personality
How Future Experiences Are Altered By Past Ones
Psychological Conditioning
Talking To Yourself
How To Stop Talking To Yourself (Self Communication)
Introvert To Extrovert
Intelligent Acting People Are The Unhappiest
Care What Other People Think
Behaving In Social Situations
Nobody Likes People Who Are Negative
Smile More
Tell People What They Want To Hear
Getting Inside People's Heads
We All Want To Believe That Other People Feel That Same Way
Gain Trust By Letting People Down On Irrelevant Points
Being "Called" On Inconsistencies
Pursue Conversations
Maintaining/Forming Relationships
Go After The Right People
It's Not What You Say, It's That You Say It
Physical Appearance
Handling Conversation
Other People Like It When You Talk To Them
You Also Don't Need To Have Anything Interesting To Say
The Only Person Standing In Your Way Is Yourself
Getting Over Nervousness Of Talking To People
You Don't Need An Excuse To Talk To Someone
Taking Control Of People
Act Like You Are Successful
Become A Salesman
Closing Points
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eBook (instant download)
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