The Obsession Formula

Editor Review
"Won't Get Every Woman Obsessed With You, But Gives You A Decent Grasp Of What Women Desire In A Man"
The science behind all of this involves releasing dopamine in a woman's brain so that she feels good when she's with you and will get addicted to that feeling. So there's some good info here on that aspect and it's worth checking out if you want to find out how and why people fall in love or have their emotions influenced.
You'll get the most from the Obsession Formula if you're already able to meet women and hold conversations with them. You don't need a lot of experience to benefit from this course, but it doesn't focus on the basics as much as some other products do, such as Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and Make Women Want You. If you're already meeting women but it's not going anywhere after that, then this is worth taking a look at.
Aside from using it to make girls obsessed with you, Adam states that the main benefit of learning this is to make sure people aren't using it on you. Since it's based on the science and psychology of what humans naturally do, he says many people will be unconsciously using these techniques already and you may be susceptible unless you're aware of them.
Adam explains how the main function of your brain is to ensure your survival. So the key to making someone obsessed with you is by them believing that you're the key to their survival. The chemical that you'll be triggering to make them feel obsessed with you is dopamine.
How To Use The Obsession Formula
There's an introductory video to watch first, followed by a video explaining the core theory and then one on the practical application of this theory. So start by watching those three videos in order, and from there you have a bit more freedom in how you want to use the program.
There are also written transcripts provided for each of the videos if you'd prefer to read those. However from what I saw there were so many mistakes in these that I strongly suggest you ignore them altogether and simply focus your attention on the videos.
One thing Adam suggests you can do before trying to make women obsessed with you is use this on yourself to make yourself obsessed with learning and practicing this stuff. He details how you can flood yourself with dopamine by going out and being social, which will in turn make you love doing that.
Adam talks about three different obsession codes you can tap into, and each of these has a theory video explaining the idea behind it and then a practical application video. There's no order to these so you can choose which of the female obsessions you want to try to tap into and focus on that aspect.
The Temptation Fantasy (Marilyn Monroe)
If you're more interested in having a purely sexual encounter, then focus on the Temptation Fantasy videos. This is all about tapping into the desire women have to be a sexual temptress, in the vein of Marilyn Monroe.
Adam talks about how a lot of women are frustrated due to the judgement placed on them by society when it comes to their sexuality. So a lot of this module revolves around showing women that you're a guy she can enjoy sex with and won't have any negative consequences from sleeping with you.
There's not a lot of originality here with the ideas, which have been talked about numerous times in other dating advice products. Adam gives a few of his own techniques for making these ideas work and how to discuss sex in a way that hopefully gets her imagining sex with you.
If you've never heard this stuff before then it will be worth listening to, even if it isn't particularly revolutionary. If you're a guy that has difficulty talking about sex with women, then you'll get the most benefit from this part of the program.
One thing to be aware of is there isn't a lot of context on when and where to use this. For example, if you've just met a woman in a coffee shop it doesn't make sense to start asking her all of these sexual questions and it'll come across as socially uncalibrated.
These are more ideas and techniques that you would use as part of your arsenal, not the entire thing. So if you're a beginner that has trouble meeting women and holding a conversation, you'll need more to get results with women than just what is mentioned here. If you have some confidence with doing that already, then you'll get more value from what's taught here.
The Chasing Fantasy (Cleopatra)
The second option you have is to tap into a woman's chasing fantasy, which Adam uses Cleopatra to demonstrate. This is all about getting a woman to become obsessed with you by presenting yourself as the man she can see herself having a better life with.
Adam explains how and why women have a desire to increase their position in life and often have the fantasy of a man coming in and rescuing them and making their life a fairytale. Adam poses the question that Cleopatra may have been the world's first gold digger, but that it's natural for women to have this tendency, as it helps ensure her survival.
He teaches you that women actually fall into one of three categories within the chasing fantasy. So to get the best results you'll actually need to identify which of these three things she's really chasing and convey to her that you're the man that can give her what she really desires.
Adam spends much of the practical video here talking about what the 10 things are that makes a man most attractive to women. So as men, if we rate a woman on a scale of 1 to 10, it's going to be almost exclusively based on her looks. But women, he says, value each of these things so you can work out your attractiveness as a man by seeing if you can tick each one off.
One thing that I didn't agree with was Adam saying you either have one of these characteristics or you don't. That's not really the case, as there's degrees to which each man will be competent in each of these areas. It's not a simple yes or no, and you can always be improving with each of these things.
There's some advice on how to tell if you have each area covered, and how to work on it if you need to. There's not a lot of detail on many of these, and the advice likely doesn't extend far beyond what you already know. For example, one of the 10 attributes is humor, and if you need to work on this the suggestion is to do improv comedy classes or go and do stand up comedy.
So the advice for some of these is pretty generic and may not help you that much. It points you in the direction of what you can do to improve these areas, but you'll need to invest time in them yourself and this program itself won't really teach you how to get all these issues handled. Some of them are more practical though and overall it'll give you a good overview of the things you can work on to be more naturally attractive to women.
The Devotion Fantasy (Helen of Troy)
The third type of obsession fantasy covered in this program is the Devotion Fantasy, which is illustrated by Helen of Troy. This is all about a woman's fantasy to devote her life to a man and make him the center of her world.
This module also deal with the hormone oxytocin and how it differs for men and women. It's worth understanding the theory of this, even if the way Adam presents it is a little simplistic. For example, he says that women always fall in love when they have sex, which is really off the mark and something that incorrectly gets perpetuated by people.
In the practical application video Adam gives you a technique you can use which is original and I haven't seen this mentioned in other dating products. It's something called the five promises, and it's up to you if you want to use this and if it fits your personality or not.
Personally it's not something I would do myself, as it strikes me as a bit too heavy to do with someone I'd only just met, and women could easily be wondering why you're saying these things to someone you barely know. It's intended to create the idea in a woman's mind that her interaction with you is something out of a movie and feels serendipitous.
It could work very well but it will depend to an extent which type of woman you do this with and also your own personality. Adam has the polite English gentleman stereotype working for him and may help him do better with this. I know that there are other ways to achieve this type of effect, which in my opinion seem more natural and don't come across as possibly strange. Feel free to try it out though and see if it works for you.
Does Obsession Formula Live Up To The Marketing?
In a word, no. There's some good stuff here in this product, but it doesn't really match up to what's in the sales video. The marketing claims that this is a recently discovered technique by a Ukrainian spy who is now on the run from the authorities and gone into hiding etc.
It's pretty over the top, and is in no way mentioned in the product or really have any relevance to what Adam teaches. It makes it sound like there's a few phrases you can use to make women instantly obsessed with you no matter the circumstances, and that's just not the case. If you want to get results with this product you're going to have to put the work in and be proactive.
You may have noticed something called the Red Hornet technique in the sales video, which only gets briefly mentioned by Adam in the program. And to that extent it's kind of a letdown, as it involves telling a woman something which supposedly goes right against what society has people believe. In fact, it's the opposite - as the thing you tell a woman you believe is what is basically accepted as a fact by most of society, so the effect it'll have is not as powerful as what's claimed.
Again, this is a fairly solid product overall that you could get a lot of benefit from. But go into it with the right expectations and knowing that this isn't a magic bullet that'll get you any girl with no effort on your part. Put in the work and you've got a chance at getting some solid results.
The Obsession Formula Bonuses
There's some bonus products included here as well, which are simply short reports by other dating coaches to entice you to buy their products.
They aren't actually Adam's own products, which is what was suggested in the sales video, so if that's what you're expecting you'll be disappointed.
However they are for free so if you treat them as an added bonus you may find some value here. There's reports on things like Tinder, Facebook, texting, how to turn a friend into a lover and some other topics. Nothing mind-blowing here in terms of the content but there's definitely some solid info in some of the reports so they're worth checking out.
The Bottom Line
The goal of this program is to show you what to do to make women obsessed with you. It breaks this down into three categories, and you can focus on whichever one is of more interest to you at this moment in time. For example, you might want something casual with a woman or you might want a more serious relationship.
The science behind all of this involves releasing dopamine in a woman's brain so that she feels good when she's with you and will get addicted to that feeling. So there's some good info here on that aspect and it's worth checking out if you want to find out how and why people fall in love or have their emotions influenced.
You'll get the most from the Obsession Formula if you're already able to meet women and hold conversations with them. You don't need a lot of experience to benefit from this course, but it doesn't focus on the basics as much as some other products do, such as Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and Make Women Want You. If you're already meeting women but it's not going anywhere after that, then this is worth taking a look at.
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Product Information
This program by Adam Lyons is designed to teach you how to get a woman sexually obsessed with you. It provides obsession triggers to use in a conversation with a woman to convince her to do what you want.
It also includes:
- Subtle conversation hints and phrases that activate her obsession fantasy
- A sexual technique to trigger a woman’s emotions of desire, sexual attraction, and love
- Phrases to activate the horny side of a woman in a way that compels her to chase you
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How to make a hard to get woman chase you
- How to rake in hot women when approaching
- The fast-track to gaining natural experience with women
- How to make yourself the best dating / sex option to a woman
- A mind “hack” to give you unconscious, focused instinct with women
- Clues that show if a woman is single and wants someone to talk to her
- An arousal amplification technique to make a woman horny for you
- Three phrases to turn on a woman who does not think of you sexually
- A seduction technique that convinces a woman to make a commitment with you
- A technique to make a woman you are talking with unconsciously start touching you
- How to make a woman feel an addictive bond to you and reveal her secrets and fantasies
- Five conversation phrases that induce a woman to start fantasizing about sex with you
What You Get:
Online access to program
Bonuses include:
- Text Game Mastery
- Friend Zone to Sex Zone
- Facebook Seduction
- The Online Attraction Formula
- Tinder Secrets (online dating skills)
- Hookup Handbook (escalating to sex)
- Only You (cheat proofing your relationship)
- The Art of Speaking Womanese (conversation skills)
- X-Ray Vision (reading a woman’s signals that she wants you)
- 14-day trial of Adam’s NSFW Advanced Coaching Program (Red Hornet Academy)
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
After 14-day trial of Red Hornet Academy, you will be billed $69.99 per month.
User Reviews of The Obsession Formula
Most Helpful User Reviews
"A decent program but nothing new"
June 30, 2015
Now to the bad stuff. Nothing new here but what I found extremely annoying was Adam insulting my intelligence for basically the first 2 hours of the program. He just expects you to not really know the most basic knowledge of psychology and teaches you what neurotransmitters are and how classical conditioning works for way too long. It really tested my patience. I'm a busy guy so I was rather annoyed at how long he spent hyping up the program and telling me stuff that I learned in high school many years ago.
Overall I'd say that it was a good reminder of some the basic principles of pickup but if you've been studying this for a while, don't expect to learn anything new.
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