The NSA System: The Top Secret Guide to Finding And Keeping Multiple Girls   

The NSA System: The Top Secret Guide to Finding And Keeping Multiple Girls
Dating Company: Mehow Inc | Dating Coach:
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This course is now included in Mehow's latest course - see 10 Second Sexual Attraction 2.0.

Editor Review

8 of 11 people found the following review helpful

"Solid and Practical System for Dating Multiple Women"

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Last Update: March 03, 2025
The Good
Highly practical and effective advice on dating multiple women, good value for money
The Bad
Weaker advice on threesomes, doesn't address more open relationship styles (e.g. polygamy)
The Bottom Line
Good quality, simple and to the point advice that will improve the experience of dating multiple women for both you and the women.

A 'No Brainer' buy for someone taking their first steps in or struggling with dating multiple women.


This program explains how to get, keep and manage relationships with multiple women at the same time.

The first 5 modules of the 6 modules in this course are actually made up from previous Mehow products (The One(der) System and How to Talk 2 Hot Women). In these first 5 modules you learn how to get girls and girlfriends.

See the reviews of The One(der) System and How to Talk 2 Hot Women to find out what we thought of those first 5 modules.

In this review we are reviewing only Module 6 - The NSA (No Strings Attached) Model, which is the part specifically related to dating multiple women. The rating we have given this product however is for the whole product. So make sure to read the other 2 reviews above about the first 5 modules before reading the review below.

What is NSA (Module 6) About?

Many guys have a very rosy view of dating multiple women from the outside. As soon as you actually get in this position, you realize that it's not all happy days and this kind of lifestyle can bring on a lot of negatives - for you and the girls - if not dealt with properly. As a result, most of the advice on dating multiple women focuses on minimizing or reducing the negatives and emphasizing the positives. That's really the key here.
What are the Negatives?
Negatives typically include:
  • - Drama: Drama for and from the girls because they aren't happy with the situation. This drama can be energy sapping, take all the fun out of the relationships and otherwise distract your from the good stuff in life.
  • - Hurting the Girls: You can hurt girls when you give them the wrong expectations or when you put them in bad social situations.
  • - Affecting the Rest of Your Life: Creating messy situations with multiple women can spill out and affect your social life, work and other aspects of your life. A lot more common that you would think.

For a great autobiographical account of what not to do and how to bring a lot of dissatisfaction into your life via dating multiple women check out Nine Ball by Jeff Allen where he recounts among other things about how girls smash up his car to bring vengeance back upon him and his ex-girlfriend working systematically to turn his girlfriends against him.

Not Just About the Negatives
While avoiding the negatives is the biggest value in learning to date multiple women, there are also upside areas to explore.

Mehow tackles these lightly, with tips to learn on making the most of the situation in terms of not letting the fact that you are dating multiple girls lead to only superfical relationship with no intimacy or connection and exploring your girls' bisexuality and the possibility of threesomes.

More on the limitations of his exploration further down...

Practical Rules to Follow

One of the things I liked most about this course was that Mehow gives you some excellent practical but simple rules to follow for setting up a multiple girl dating lifestyle. It really isn't that complicated, it takes a bit of self-discipline, and a bit of understanding of how girls feel in the situation - Mehow captures all this with his straightforward rules to follow.

These include what to do before you sleep with her and during the relationship and, more importantly, what not to do. Most of the mastery behind dating multiple women in a positive way comes down to not doing the things that sabotage the situation for both you and the girl.

Most of it is easy to do and implement.

Left Unexplored - Polygamy and Other Models

Mehow's NSA system is based upon the model I've seen most people use successfully for dating women - what I'd call the 'discretion' method because while it makes it clear to her that you are seeing multiple women, it also avoids rubbing it in her face indiscreetly.

It's the most suitable method I've seen so far for the majority of women - meaning it works with more women than other methods.

There are other models that people have successfully used. The most notable is polygamy which is perhaps most loudly evangelized in terms of dating advice today by Johnny Soporno, who has a background in the porn / swingers communities. It's a different model and not relevant to the majority of women.

Realities of Threesomes - but Lacks Depth

Props to Mehow on this subject as he brings up the fact that not all women are open to threesomes, and pushes a bit of realistic reality in your face. On the other hand, his exploration of the subject is a little weak.

There are certainly some good points he makes, but if you are specifically interested in threesomes it isn't the best advice - it lacks perspective, and has has some limiting beliefs on some levels.

The Bottomline

Good quality, simple and to the point advice on dating multiple women. If that's what you are interested in this program will make a world of difference in the quality of your dating lifestyle and that of the girls.

If you're struggling with juggling multiple relationships or you're taking your first steps it's really a no brainer to buy.

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Product Information

"The NSA (No Strings Attached) System" has been superseded by the "10 Second Sexual Attraction 2.0" system, which contains the NSA material with additional material and teachings developed since then.

The original NSA system was designed by MeHow to teach you how to have multiple partners by disabling any woman's attachment mechanism.

The system included The One(der) System. The first 5 modules are those of the One(der) System, and the 6th module is specifically targeted at Multiple Girl Management (or MLTRs).

As a result, it teaches female psychology, how to approach and seduce women as well as multiple relationships management.

  • Meeting Women
  • Attracting Women
  • Relationship Skills
Experience Level(s):

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
Learning Format:
Download (Audio)
Hot Topic Tags:
Dating Multiple Women
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Mehow Inc
Release Date:
June 17, 2011
Product No Longer Available.


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Module 1: "Female Psychology"
- Learn how to know everything women are going to do or say before they do.
- How you can get her to react in the way you want her to every time.
- The "Emotional Value" Trick

Module 2: "Meeting Her and Seduction
- How to talk dirty in everyday situations and have her leading you to the bedroom
- How to get to her to always wanting to come back for more
- Know how to talk about yourself in a way that makes a woman addicted to you
- Advanced conversational techniques that gets her to open up to you

Module 3: "Dating Her And Making Her Only Yours"
- Learn how and when to touch her in a way that gets her wanting more from you
- Understand the one trick to create "Emotional Investment" with you
- "Dating Ninja" technology

Module 4: "Casual Attachment: Keeping Her Forever"
- The "Trip Method"

Module 5: "Troubleshooting"
- How to harmlessly eliminate the "Jerk-Roach" with total pest control efficiency.
- The way to flip friends and co-workers into lovers and do it without any awkwardness or weirdness

Module 6: "Multiple Girl Management"
- How To Juggle Multiple Women Discreetly
- Disable Their Attachment Mechanism Properly
- Get Through Valentines Day Without A Scratch
- The "Harem" Method - How To Get More Girls From One Girl
- How to sleep with her and her friends
- How to properly deal with the bi-sexual ones
- What to do when she insists on being your exclusive girlfriend and even what to do when you want her to be your exclusive girlfriend.

What You Get:

6 Module System

- The 5 module One(der)downloadable system

- The 1 module NSA downloadable system

- The HTT2HW - 3 hour downloadable + 3 CD set

- Infield Insider downloadable 3 DVD set of video breaking down live seduction day and night

Guarantee / Terms:

6 Months Money Back Guarantee

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