The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed   

The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"The First Publication on the Method that Made Pick Up Artistry a Science"

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Last Update: March 03, 2025
The Good
Mystery's insights covered in the book are essential to understand for anyone who would like to meet women through cold approach and in particular in nightlife and large social event situations. Whilst there are other products that have taken much of its content (i.e. Magic Bullets from Love Systems, Revelation from Venusian Arts), this is somewhat of a collector's piece representing the original format of the methods that Mystery formulated and became famous for.
The Bad
This version is a bit dated now - nearly 10 years old and missing the later improvements. The book provides a basic introduction to the Mystery Method, and not a full conceptualization at the detailed level which is required to fully understand it. Buyer's should also be aware that it does not provide a complete solution for your dating life - it is targeted at taking the process from meeting a woman in a nightlife situation to sex. In reality there are no real downfalls of this product, it is a solid product.
The Bottom Line
This is a great value for money product. This version is nearly 10 years old now so is missing all the improvements and refinements that have been added since. If you are really focused on price, this is the cheapest option in "Mystery Method" books and courses.

Better and more up to date options of the Mystery Method include its later evolutions: 3SSA 2.0 (Mehow) (2013), Revelation (Venusian Arts) (2008), Magic Bullets Handbook (Love Systems) (2008) .


The second published version of the Mystery Method (the first was the Venusian Arts Handbook) is found in this book, written circa 2004 and 2005 and based on Mystery's activities between 2003 and 2004. Mystery, and others, have since published updated versions of the method - see below for details.

The Root of Many 'Indirect' Pick Up Artist Techniques
At its time of publication this book described a highly innovative and groundbreaking approach to dating and pick up that was unique in the market. The vast majority of instructors of pick up or dating have studied Mystery Method in some form or another. Many have integrated aspects of the concepts into their own methods, attesting to the esteem with which they are held.

Insights into Highly Effective Pick Up Artists (PUAs) Techniques
The book describes many of Mystery's well known innovations that are being used today by thousands of guys worldwide. The most well recognized of these are the 'neg', and 'group theory'. These techniques are extremely effective, as any successful pick-up artist will tell you and the book explains these well.
Readers should be aware that Mystery Method was developed for cold approaching in the nightlife environment, so it is most relevant for people who are interesting in meeting women in bar and club situations.

The Challenge - Implementing it
Mystery Method is a very intricate method for meeting and attracting women. It is a challenge to implement for a number of reasons.

1. It requires a significant time investment in going out to bars and clubs to practice the techniques 'in field'.

2. It's intricacy means that it requires more practice than other approaches to get good at it and make it effective for you. You will have to use the book as a reference guide, that you refer back to constantly after applying 'in field' in order to adjust and refine the way you implement the techniques.

3. Whilst the book explains to a high level of detail most of the techniques, there are subtleties that are not covered in this book, which could undermine the method's effectiveness if the student is not aware of them. These subtleties are described in a much better and more comprehensive fashion in the later more refined Mystery Method Courses.

Later Refinements in More Recent Mystery Method Courses
Since the original Mystery Method was published and created over 10 years ago there has been a fair bit of evolution. Three companies have continued to work on and refine the method including Venusian Arts (Mystery's company), Love System (Mystery's former company, now run by Nick Savoy) and Mehow (one of Mystery's most successful protégés). Each of these courses has evolved in a slightly different direction - but all have improved the system in their own way. These courses are:
The Bottom Line
Given the price of this book it is an exceptional deal, however it is a bit of an outdated version. This is the cheapest and best value for money option.

For the best content with the later refinements added in check out the different options. Depending on your style, one of these evolutions is likely to fit you better than the others: Mehow's 3SSA 2.0, Venusian Arts' Revelation or Love Systems' Magic Bullets.

As with all Mystery Method material, be warned. It is not easy to implement and requires a lot of effort. If you are only interested in improving your dating life in a more incremental fashion, and not interested in meeting girls in cold approach situations such as bars etc. then this is not the product for you.

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Product Information

This is the original Mystery Method as conceptualized by arguably the most famous Pick Up Artist, Mystery. Mystery was the most successful of the original pick up artistry community, and his method and ideas were revolutionary and innovative at their time of conceptualization.

The original content was formulated for this book around 2002/ 2003. In 2006 it was refined and sold as an eBook called "The Venusian Arts Handbook" (no longer available).

Finally, the title was changed to "The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed" for publication in book stores as a hardcopy book.

  • Meeting Women
  • Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Learning Format:
Release Date:
February 06, 2007
Price: $11.00 - $16.26

(depending on product format or options purchased)


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Foreword Neil Strauss
The Mystery Behind Casanova
The Ultimate Purpose of Life
Rewiring Her Attraction Circuitry
Rules and Structure of the Game
A1: Open
A2: Female-to-Male Interest
A3: Male-to-Female Interest Conversation
Mid-Game and End-Game
A Bonus Letter from Mystery

What You Get:

Book options include:

- Kindle $11.00
- Hardcover $16.26

Guarantee / Terms:

See policy of product website

User Reviews of The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"unbelievable book"

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The Good
Incredible book, so much information. Mystery is a genius!
The Bad
It took me a long time to get good at this. It's not an easy method.
This a great book, I bought this after a couple of months in the community, a few years ago. The problem is mystery method is not easy to get into, it took me more than a year to get good at it. But once you are good it really gets you results! If I remember, the book was well formatted and really worth the price.

I bought the DVD Mind of Mystery when it came out, that wasn't so good and I was a bit pissed at Mystery. The great thing with this book is you get 95% of mystery method for a very cheap price.
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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"Absolutely confusing"

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The Good: Mystery did the first step in the rise of pickup. He tried to give a general overview about seduction.

The Bad: His system - the mystery method - is extremely(!) complicated and totally hard to implement. He stands on the roots to overcomplicate seduction and brings it to a similar level as the rocket science.

I can only recommend the fundamentals of dating in this books but not the method itself. I know that is only my personal meaning but I found the method in this book horrible and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It made me totally confused and insecure about dating because I again and again had the feeling I have to master seduction like it stand in this book because everybody said it is so crucial in dating. But I never nearly got the deeper idea behind all the concepts and I also missed the effectiveness of it even after a decent amount of going to bars and clubs.
I prefer much more the direct game style which in my eyes is 1000x easier and less complicated than the mystery method and also more effective. Still toady I have to reorder my mind about pickup because of this book. Because it is in my opinion so difficult to implement it is nothing for beginners because they need something easier to get results.
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3 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"You Get All the Theory and Its Really Inspiring"

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The thing about books is: you get all the theory and its really inspiring. But seeing Matador, Mystery and Lovedrop performing that stuff (they show you exactly HOW do deliver all that theory on the DVDs) is eye-opening and makes the difference between having just an idea in your head how it has to be done and how it really has to be done.

Originally posted on the Venusian Arts Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Great overview, but that's it. "

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The Good
Amazing insights, but long in the wrong way. Mystery comes across as a genius, but has a unusual study of teaching if you can call it that. This material is so foreign to me. He goes so long into the routines; it makes it hard to keep up with the M3 model.
The Bad
No break downs of the steps in a chart or table.
This guy knows his stuff like Ross Jefferies, maybe I'm just not bright enough to get what's in their heads into mine. I'm working on it. Does anyone know of a pua guide for dummies?
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"The Mystery Method"

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The Good
For learning to be effective, we have to learn from the best. If Mystery is not the best (which he might be), he is one of the founders of this movement, and from his original thoughts, many ideas have evolved. For someone who is new to pickup, this is an essential guide to learning about this social art form.
The Bad
Perhaps a criticism might be in it's simplicity. Mystery was like the Big Bang, (not counting Ross Jeffries) and the Universe has expanded since then, bringing a lot revolutionary thoughts and ideas.
It is a must read due to the simple fact that Mystery is the Bruce Lee of pickup arts. Whatever style you follow and for whatever level you are at, this is essential reading.
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"The Bible"

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I'm really appalled at how low this book is ranked on this site! In my opinion this book is the absolute Bible of pick up. Almost every PUA product I've come across is either a shameless clone of this material, some reaction against it or various attempts to push the medium with this book as the foundation.

In general there are so many books out there that are so padded with fluff, while still others are convoluted and a nightmare to read. The Mystery Method is condensed, succinct, and to point. I really feel like the M3 model was a breakthrough in pickup and seduction. I found it so incredibly nice to have a structured template to follow when I was out meeting women. For me it just brought order to all of the social chaos. I was able to start using this stuff right away and would go so far as to say it changed my life.

I'm gonna have to give this one full stars for reasons of nostalgia and patriotism. I absolutely "drank the Kool-Aid" on this one. ;)
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1 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"Highly Recommend the Book"

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Most stuff he covered in DVD are in his book "The Mystery Method: How to get beautiful girls into bed" it covered M3 model much more in depth and will help you remember material much better. Highly recommend the book

Originally posted on the Venusian Arts Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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1 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Helps You to Get the Idea of the System"

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You are better off grabbing Mystery method(the book) or even The Game to help you get a general idea of the whole system. In the absence of The New Mystery model, the VAH and MB are very good recommendations.

Originally posted on the Venusian Arts Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"An Old Book with Advanced Knowledge"

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MM book is an old book with advanced knowledge but it will take a long time to developed, its no over night thing. If you like MM book theres a lot of mm videos and ebooks that are newer that I recommend.

Originally posted on the Venusian Arts Forums. Reproduced with permission.
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