The Master Plan

Product Information
"The Master Plan" audio course from X & Y Communications serves as a "refresher course" for men. It covers topics from dating, a man's ambition, motivation, passion to increasing a man's self confidence.
Bonus programs include:
- Approaching Women in the Post-Pickup Era (w/ Marni)
- On Being A Man Of High Value (w/ AMP)
- Reclaim Your Birthright As A Man (w/ Zan)
- Be The Master Of Your Environment (w/ Jim)
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Audio Program 1: The Master Plan For Your Dating Life
- Know what it is you want not only in a woman but from your dating life itself.
Audio Program 2: Ambition, Motivation And Passion
- Find out how to harness your passions, build a vision for your life and have women love you for it.
Audio Program 3: Masculinity That Ignites Femininity
- Discover the true, objective differences between "machismo" and true masculinity.
Audio Program 4: The Cornerstones Of Character
- What are the basic elements of character?
Audio Program 5: Authenticity That Inspires
- The only real path to authentic success with women
Audio Program 6: Real Confidence
- Practical steps on how to actually be the confident man
Audio Program 7: The Engineer's Guide To Being Cooler Than The Sales Guy
- Discover how to increase your personal charisma in a genuine way
Audio Program 8: How To Emerge Victorious
- Discover what separates winners from losers
Audio Program 9: How To Have Superpowers With Women
- Be the most amazing man she has ever met...all without NLP, hypnosis, manipulation or trickery.
Audio Program 10: How To Succeed With Women Regardless Of Your Personality Type
- Learn the truth about how women can respond powerfully to any personality type--including yours.
Audio Program 11: How To Understand, Evaluate And Relate To Any Woman
- What it takes to identify and attract the kind of woman who is your type...without compromise.
Audio Program 12: Body Language And Non-Verbal Communication
- The importance of how you present yourself cannot be underestimated.
Audio Program 13: How To Outfit Your Life For Success With Women
- What to do once you have found your natural ability to attract the women you want
Audio Program 14: How To Be A Man Of Power And Influence
- The real difference between "dominance" and "influence"
What You Get:
- Audio Programs
- Transcripts
Extra Value Bonuses
- Natural Attraction Coaching Sessions (Stephen Nash)
- Fireworks With Females (Slade Shaw and Mirabelle Summers)
- The End of Game As You Know It (Rion Williams)
- Turbo Masculinity (Carlos Xuma)
- P.U.M.A. Quick Start Guide (Brad Jackson)
- Sexual Confidence (Alex Allman)
- Unbreakable (The Social Man)
- The Recon Profile Special Report (Dave M.)
- The Self-Improvement Treasure Vault (Mike Lee)
- Built For Influence (Brad Howard)
- How To Read A Woman (Adam Gilad)
- Women Are Highly Sexual Creatures (David Shade)
- How To Manage Your Wild Successful Dating Life
- Power Sessions For Men (First Month)
Fast Action Bonuses
- Live 1-On-1 Phone Consultation
- The Chick Whisperer Podcast--Rare Episodes From The Vault
- Highway Game
Guarantee / Terms:
365-Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of The Master Plan
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Great Baseline Program"
March 22, 2014
Scot is a beer drinking, pick-up driving Texan. A real regular guy. He's married, has kids, and lives a normal life. This appealed to me because I'm older and not into the club scene; I needed a mentor that I could relate to, and Scot filled the bill perfectly.
And boy does this guy "get" women. His products have ushered me into a realm of understanding that I would have considered unthinkable not long ago.
I consider The Master Plan to be his baseline course. Rather than focusing on tactics and strategies for pickup, it presents a blueprint for becoming the kind of man that high quality women want. In a friendly, unassuming way it presents the features that define a man of character...a man that deserves what he wants. Women love the qualities described in this course, and they seem to automatically home in on guys who embody them.
The thing that's nice about this course is that it meshes well with most of the products on the market these days. If you put in the time and effort required to internalize what's being taught here, you will find that you are well equipped to adopt any other method or philosophy you choose later. It is a great baseline product for those who are just beginning their path to dating mastery.
I highly recommend this product. The return on your modest investment can be very impressive if you approach it seriously.
As an aside, Scot's podcast "The Chick Whisperer" can give you a very good idea of Scot's manner of teaching. Between that and the Dating Skills Review podcast I always have a plethora choice material to absorb while traveling.
Give The Master Plan a good look. You may find it's just what you need to get started on the road to a successful dating life.
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