The Marriage of Sex and Spirit

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Product Information
"The Marriage of Sex and Spirit" is an anthology presenting 35 experts – spiritual teachers, psychiatrists, anthropologists, educators, therapists, coaches, writers, artists – providing the keys to transforming relationships from a source of grief and bondage to a celebration of self and other. It offers visions, ideas, techniques, and insights towards transforming spirituality and sexuality.
The book serves as the potential to transform relationships into sources of joy, inspiration, while igniting your spiritual and emotional journey.
List of editors and contributors:
- Geralyn Gendreau (Editor)
- Randy Peyser (Editor)
- Francesca Gentille (Editor)
- Courtney Arnold (Editor)
- Deepak Chopra (Contributor)
- Gabriel Cousens (Contributor)
- Janna Wissler (Contributor)
- Thich Nhat Hanh (Contributor)
- John Gray (Contributor)
- Wayne Dyer (Contributor)
- And many others not meant to be excluded
- Relationship Skills
- Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Introduction: Geralyn Gendreau
Section One: The Great Marriage
- Deepak Chopra: Sacred Marriage
- Gabriel Cousens: Eros and Intimacy
- Riane Eisler: Changing Old Life Scripts
- Janna Wissler: The Fire
- Jeanne House: It’s Not Eve’s Fault that Adam Ate the Apple
Section Two: Reconceiving Sex as Sacred
- David Deida: Finding God Through Sex
- Margot Anand: Truth Is Erotic
- Charlotte Kasl: The Zen of Lovemaking
- Angela Le: Angels in Disguise
- Lori Grace: The Full Embrace
- Mukunda Stiles: The Nectar of Tantrik Love
Section Three: Loving the Broken Pieces
- Harriet Lerner: Love Can Make You Stupid
- Judith Orloff: Dreaming Light into Black Emotions
- Adam Lehman: Imperfect Perfection
- John Travis: Why Men Leave – A Hidden Epidemic
- Thich Nhat Hanh: Embracing Negative Energies
Section Four: Passion: Crucible or Chrysalis
- John Gray: Relationship Mind-Fields
- Scott Peck: Smart Selfishness vs. Stupid Selfishness
- Donna Eden & David Feinstein: The Energies of Love
- Stephanie Derosier: The Thousand Archetypes of Love
- Stan Hall: From Righteous to Curious
Section Five: Healing the Heart of Relationship
- Lou Montgomery: Theater of the Erotic
- Caroline Myss: Leaving the Wounded Relationship Tribe
- Gay Hendricks: The Chemistry of Blame
- Francine Ward: Healthy Self-Talk
- Fred Gallo: Catch Your Triggers Before You Fire
- Wayne Dyer: Four Pathways to Mastery
Section Six: Wonder in the Flesh
- Gloria Jean: Portals to the Infinite
- Leonard Shlain: How Women’s Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution
- Julie Gerland: The Winged Dragon
- Leo Buscaglia: Couple Rituals and Traditions
- Francesca Gentille: With My Body I Thee Worship
- Linda O’Keefe: Dream All Over Each Other
Section Seven: Daring Love’s Risk
- John Welwood: On the Razor’s Edge
- Thomas Moore: Shadow of the Soul
- Kay Richardson: Declaration of Peace
- Jane Vargas: The Art of Sexual Suggestion
- Spencer Sherman & Anne Watts: Money: The Surprising Aphrodisiac
- Geralyn Gendreau: Meet the Beloved
Section Eight: The Future of Relationship
- Barbara Marx Hubbard: The Suprasexual Revolution
- Laura Uplinger: A Cosmic Collaboration
- Kelly Bryson: The Kite and the String: Freedom and Intimacy
- Courtney Arnold: Beyond the Gender Matrix
- Barbara Brennan: Energy Fields in Intimate Relationships
- Dawson Church: Igniting the Passion-Field
What You Get:
Hardcover book
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