The Magic Of Attraction: Pick Up Artist Magic Tricks Revealed

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Product Information
This ebook by Brad Jackson offers its users the secrets of using pick up artist magic tricks to create attraction necessary to standout in any bars or clubs.
- Attracting Women
- Lifestyle & Social Skills
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- The PUMA (Pick Up Magic Artist) Mindset
- The Fundamentals of Magic Meet the Fundamentals of Attraction
- Why Magic Is Perfectly Compatible With "Natural Game"
- How To "Open" Girls With Magic If You Absolutely Must
- Mid Game Magic: The BEST Time & Ways To Introduce Your Effects
- The Dialog and Patter of Pick Up Magic
- Closing Skills: Magically Remove Her From The Club
- Avoiding The Most Common Mistakes
- The P.U.M.A. Filter Explained: How To Pick Your Tricks
- 7 MENTAL MAGIC Effects
- “Friends Forever” Mystical Touch
- Phone Number Prediction
- Memories Are Made Of This
- The Nose Knows Group Opener
- Penny Pincher
- Guess Who Touched It
What You Get:
eBook (The Magic Of Attraction: Pick Up Artist Magic Tricks Revealed)
Bonus eBook (Synergy Energy X-change)
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