The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck: How to Stop Spending Time You Don't Have with People You Don't Like Doing Things You Don't Want to Do

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Product Information
In “The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F,ck”, Sarah Knight shows you how to do just that by ridding yourself of unwanted obligations, shame, and guilt. The author shows you how to give your f,cks instead to people and things that really matter and make you happy.
This book is designed to help you mentally declutter and learn not to give a f,ck about a list of issues the author considers bullsh,t.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
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If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Tidying up your fuck drawer
- The art of mental decluttering
- The magic of not giving a fuck
On giving, and not giving, a fuck
- Why should I give a fuck?
- Not giving a fuck: The basics
- Who are these mythical people who don’t give a fuck?
- Children, assholes, and the enlightened
- How can I become one of those people?
- You need to stop giving a fuck about what other people think
- Feelings vs. opinions
- Making a Fuck Budget
- What about people who can’t stop giving a fuck about you not giving a fuck?
- In summation
- A visualization exercise
II. Deciding not to give a fuck
- Your mind is a barn
- Sort your fucks into categories
- Things
- What are some things I may or may not give a fuck about?
- Ten things about which I, personally, do not give a fuck (includes basketball, Taylor Swift, and feigning sincerity)
- A few more things (includes “glamping,” napkin rings, and the Olympics
- Meetings
- Conference calls
- Dress codes
- Useless paperwork
- Polar bears and half-marathons
- Oh, she’s got a reputation
- This is not useless paperwork
- A note on degree of difficulty
Friends, acquaintances, and strangers
- Setting boundaries
- Solicitations, donations, and loans, oh my!
- Personal policies
- Things you might have a personal policy against
- RSVP’ing no means no
- The tiny little elephant in the room
- Things even parents don’t give a fuck about
- Sometimes it’s okay to hurt people’s feelings
- I have any friends left?
- When a cigar is not just a cigar and a teacup is not just a teacup
- Survey says…
- Am I brother’s keeper?
- Vote no on giving a fuck?
- Refuse to play the shame game
- Holidays: A personal policy
- In-laws
The homestretch
Consolidating your lists
Do not underestimate the drain of infrequent fuck-giving
Giving a fuck
III. Not giving a fuck
- The holy fucking trinity: Time, energy, and money
- Baby steps
- Threat level yellow: Easy fucks to stop giving
- Threat level orange: Medium-tough fucks to stop giving
- Threat level red: The hardest fucks to stop giving
- A pep talk
- Honesty: A sliding scale
- Different fucks, sam principle (includes recycling, social media, and coworkers’ kids)
- You wondered when we’d get to weddings, didn’t you?
- Old fucks, new fucks, borrowed fucks, blue fucks
- Getting cold feet? Revisit your personal policies
- Performance bonuses!
- FUQs
- Getting more from the fucks you do (or don’t) give
IV. The magic of not giving a fuck dramatically transforms your life
- A fuck not given is something gained
- Your fucks affect your body, mind, and soul
- Another way to give no fucks
- Paying it forward
- Knowing what you can do without
- Things about which you should probably be giving more fucks
- You do you
- Fuck the haters
- On achieving enlightenment
About the author
What You Get:
- Kindle $6.43
- Hardcover $11.55
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