The Juggler Method: Conversational Jujitsu

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Product Information
The Juggler Method is a compilation of thoughts, concepts, and techniques of the dating guru Wayne Elise (Juggler). The conversation is packed in blunt, idea format with decorative details.
Wayne writes concisely on such topics as Conversational Jujitsu, putting a price on yourself, turning the tables, Statement of Intent and a mess of other stuff relating to meeting women and dealing with people.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Juggler’s Method
- Juggler’s 90 – 10 Rule
- Structure
- SOI, State Change & Extraction
- Using SOI
- Before Extraction
- Being High Maintenance
- Eliciting values vs. 'I am the prize'
- Street Approaches
- Seducer ON/OFF
- Movie Rating
- Girlfriend Test
- Group Theory
- Pulling 1 Girl away from a Group of Girls
- Disarming Male Obstacles
- Handling Situations
- Mixed Groups
- Locking in your Target
- Understand the group approach
- Entertaining a group
- Miscellaneous Points
Conversational Jujitsu
- Story Telling
- Purpose of Story
- Sample Edit
- Questions vs. Statements
- Become a Better Talker
- What to Say vs. How to Say
- Keeping a straight face
- The dreaded ‘I don’t know’
- Rapport
- Rapport Building
- Always Trade
- Turning the Tables
- Communicating that you are Qualifying them
- Put a price on yourself
- Hooks and Pauses
- About Ejecting
- Forcing IOIs
- Don’t Fluff
- Comebacks
- Silencing strong opinions/beliefs/feelings etc
- On Transitioning between topics
- Do not ask open ended questions
- Handling Compliments
- The Last Words on Compliments
- Conversation Examples
- Study Group
- Take time and talk about yourself
- Compliment Openers
- How are you 1
- How are you 2
- How are you 3
- Opinion Opener
- Eliciting Values
Phone Guidelines
- Phone Techniques
- Forgotten Name
- Phone Technique
- Cell phone interruptions, how to handle
- Caller ID Block
- Handling busy responses
- Phone Sarging Advice
- Do not mention the bad number
- Responses to Cancelled Dates
- Cold Approach
- Unemotional vs. Emotional Revisited
- Aggression and non verbal communication
- Body Language
- Balance of Power
- About Lying
- Overcoming the ‘Age Difference’ problem
- Make yourself needed
- Serious vs. Funny
- Talking about yourself
- Confront him about his bad behavior
- Showing anger to woman
- Do not waste time figuring out
- Don’t encourage people to laugh at you
- About Dancing
- General Observations
- Always answer the HB’s Question
- Coffee Table
- Control of Relationship
- About Feelings
- Calibration
- Adding Restrictions
- On getting into LTR
- Talking about Sex
- Dealing with Jealousy
- How to handle when someone demands
- Girl asking you question
- Target Witness use of Physical Force
- If she likes you
- Where are you from?
- Lesson to learn
- Get her to EV you
- Always answer a HB’s question
- PUA Psychology
- Double Dates
- Being Led Instead of Leading
- Kiss Close
- Miscellaneous Posts
- Miscellaneous Points
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