The Internet Dating Mastery Video Course

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Product Information
Christophe Young designed his mastery video course to teach men about women’s attraction to them and applying this knowledge to online dating. The course is for men struggling with meeting attractive women online.
The course helps men to exhibit those behaviors that raise their value, and stop exhibiting those that do not.
The course includes 7 modules, with more than 25 videos, of ideas, concepts, and techniques, including video demonstration examples of Christophe going online and emailing attractive women.
Bonuses included:
- How to Dominate Singles Events
- How I Find (Casual) Relationships Online
- 101 Eye Catching, Email Subject Lines For Online Dating
- 5 powerful online dating profiles examples
- Text This, Not That
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- eBook
- Download (Video)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Module 1: Online Dating Mindset And Attraction Explained
- How to enjoy online dating
- Why men stop using online dating and how to avoid it
- What is limiting you from being successful at meeting women online
- How you communicate determines whether a woman is attracted or repelled by you
- A formula for attracting women online and seeing their perspective
- How to tweak emails and dating profiles to increase being chosen
- What women find most attractive in a man and conveying this online
- High value communication equals better dating opportunities
- What women like to see in a man's online profile
Module 2: Internet Dating Sites
- Paid vs. free online dating sites
- Top 5 online dating sites, and those to avoid
- The meaning of "friends only" in a woman's dating profile
- Why women sign up to online dating sites and their true intentions when meeting guys
Module 3: Setting Up Your Dating Profile
- Why your online profile is important
- 5 rules for writing successful profiles
- The words and phrases to use in a profile
- Avoid listening to profile advice from women
- Meeting certain types of women online
- How to appeal to younger and attractive women
- How to stop undesirable women from contacting you
- How to communicate to women online that you want to date
Module 4: Emailing Women Online
- Starting a conversation that works
- The number of emails to send per day
- How to stop women from ignoring you
- Handling email responses that take to long to come
- How to get a woman to meet you in person
- A method to attract beautiful and compatible women
- How to locate women that will respond to your emails
- What not to do when emailing a woman you want to meet
- How long to wait to respond to first, second, and third emails
- How to make a woman more comfortable with your email responses
- The things you should not reveal about yourself in emails to women
Module 5: Emailing Women Online Pt 2
- Getting a woman's phone number via email
- The text message techniques to build attraction
- How to stop acting needy when sending emails
- Dialogue and conversation examples with women online
- Ten point list of text etiquette rules when texting really attractive women
Module 6: Meeting Her In Person
- How to successfully organize a date
- 4 fun and light conversation topics
- Conversation topics to avoid during a date
- How to smoothly end a date and go for the kiss
- How to get a woman back to your place
- How to guide a conversation into the right direction
- What to do if a woman cancels or postpones a date
- The type of text to send to a woman after a date to take it to the next level
- The difference between meeting a woman after flirting in person and online
- The big mistake most guys make when making a date location decision
- Recognizing when a woman is becoming attracted to you during a date
Module 7: Second Dates And Beyond
- Where to go on a date and places to avoid
- How to set up a second date, when and what to text her
- How to handle a woman flaking out on you or does not show interest
- 5 point second date checklist before getting together with a woman at your place
- Why being considered a player is a good thing and how to convey it in an online profile
- Finding the "right" woman without having to wait for your soulmate
What You Get:
Downloadable video course and ebooks
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee