The Happy Couple: How to Make Happiness a Habit One Little Loving Thing at a Time

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Product Information
"The Happy Couple" addresses the bad habits in a relationship that can lead to discontent. It shows men and women how to develop good relationship habits and unlearn the bad.
The author, Barton Goldsmith, PhD, offers the tools for developing and strengthening positive habits such as gratitude, honesty, humor, and togetherness towards a healthier and long-lasting relationship.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Communication
- Gratitude
- Humor
- Acknowledgement
- Interdependence
- Celebration
- Playfulness
- Meeting Needs
- Acceptance
- Positivity
- Connection
- Honesty
- Nurturing
- Balance
- Togetherness
- Problem Solving
- Affection
- Compassion
- Thoughtfulness
- Respectful Arguing
- Security
- Enjoyment
- Emotional Progress
- Working on Your Relationship
- In Love for Life
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $12.15
- Paperback $13.62
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website