The Guaranteed Girlfriend Program

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Product Information
Adam Gilad introduces his 12-week, personalized coaching program designed to help men attract a fun, beautiful, sensual, and sexy woman and make her a devoted and loving girlfriend.
It is structured as a transformational training program as apposed to a dating and seduction program.
The program includes 12 recorded and live online courses and video trainings with the techniques to attract a great girlfriend into your life.
Bonuses include:
- Guest teachers delivering mission-critical success tools
- Q&A Forum
- $150 discount on private 1-on-1 coaching
- Developing confidence with women
- Confidence Mastery Course
- Confidence Mastery Program
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Week 1 - Getting Clear On Your Vision
- Practices to release self-limiting beliefs and stories
- How to inspire a woman by being a good man
- Templates for communicating your objectives, vision, and worth during a first encounter
Week 2 - Owning and Articulating Your True Worth
- How to own and articulate your inherently attractive masculinity to women
- How to organize these aspects of yourself so women feel the excitement of your masculinity
Week 3- The Foundations of Female Psychology
- Crash-course in female psychology and neurobiology
- Four qualities women need to feel from a man – safety, sexy, special / unique, feminine
Week 4 - Your Masculine Response To Her 4 Triggers
- Inspirational Triggers that tell women you are trust-worthy, inspiring, open to growth, and more than average
Week 5 - How To Filter For The Right Woman
- How to choose a woman because you have identified her as a relationship woman
- The red flags that warn against investing your heart in a woman
- How to reverse begging, pleading, and diminishing yourself to win women's attention and become the “chooser”
Week 6 - Your "No-Fail" Attraction Accelerators
- How to bypass useless pickup tricks and spark profound sexual attraction
- Templates for non-verbal flirting and communicating sexual desire without being silly
Week 7 - Online Attraction Shortcuts
- 5 ways to assume the “authoritative vantage” online
- 3 ways to take away the moral high bar from women
- 2 techniques to boldly get a woman out on date with you
- How to penetrate her psyche and “mirror her heart”
- The syntax of masculine-feminine polarity, adapted sales and marketing techniques
- Poetics, neuro-linguistic programming, script-writing secrets, sensual language expertise
- How to eliminate sexual turn-off language that show you don’t know what you are doing
Week 8 - The Social Dominance Blueprint
- Specific ways to "own the room" at events
- How to become a powerful social HUB
Week 9 - Electrifying Dates and Sexual Escalation
- How to go from the first meeting into inventive, romantic, and sensual first dates
- How to stand out from the “average Joe” and become a woman’s fantasy date
- How not to be a boring date by increasing your sexuality and attraction
Week 10 - How To Lead In Relationship
- Eliminate the desperation of going into a relationship and destroying it
- How to develop an enlightened masculine leadership and create a “relationship vision”
- 18 intimacy destroyers that poison relationships, how to avoid them, and how to reverse them
Week 11 - The Art of Conflict Management
- 9 key phrases that instantly diffuse tension
- The method of “behavior change requests”
- Skilled relationship training to intensify her devotion to you
- Sample navigations of the most common disputes that arise in relationships
- Step-by-step processes to eliminate unnecessary and debilitating relationship drama
- How to turn tense “spark” moments into deeper love, appreciation, and admiration for you
Week 12 - The Light and Dark of Connected Sexual Heat
- A 24-hour foreplay process
- “Dirty talk” to drive a woman out of her mind
- Learn how to handle a woman, in bed and other places
- How to penetrate a woman’s soul and heart at the same time as her body
- A “Master’s Toolkit” of sexual awakening techniques to eliminate being unimaginative, unskilled, lackluster, unresponsive, and unromantic
What You Get:
12 recorded and live online courses and video trainings.
Guarantee / Terms:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee