The Good Life Coaching Program

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Product Information
The Good Life offers a wealth of new content every month, to keep you on your edge. Its an insiders club for cool guys who share all of the strategies that make their single lives amazing.
- Attracting Women
- Inner Game & Confidence
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
In The Good Life, you’ll get monthly blasts of:
- Our Talks with Cute Girls. Every month, you’ll join us as we dive into the minds of women, learn about what makes them tick, and flirt with them ruthlessly along the way
- Hidden Mic Pickups: Since my Master the Vibe project, I’ve come to recognize the value of hearing live interactions every month. So we’ll be giving you the straight stuff, right from our mouths. This is the stuff that clients pay hundreds an hour to experience firsthand.
East Meets West: A monthly interview between myself and a very prominent dating / lifestyle consultant, whose name I currently can’t reveal for his privacy’s sake
- Christian’s Corner: Every month, I take the time to really dive into a concept that will have tremendous impact on your single life, from dating to partying to confidence to relationship management. I save my absolute best ideas for this section of the site.
- Monthly Q&A's with members like you... I'll get on the phone once a month to answer your questions, help you best work through your current situations, and make sure that you've got the best strategies for getting the girls you want.
And you get to “test-drive” the first month absolutely free. Its already loaded up for you to go and you can check it all out for free.
What You Get:
- Access to private online forums for The Best Life members
- Audio and video downloads monthly
Guarantee / Terms:
First month comes free with Unbreakable purchase