The Girlfriend Activation System   

The Girlfriend Activation System
Dating Company: The Social Man | Dating Coaches:
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Editor Review

36 of 43 people found the following review helpful

"Very Solid. Deep Advice on What it Takes to Get Quality Girlfriends."

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Last Update: March 24, 2025
The Good
Solid program to get you a long term stable girlfriend, mature advice, with hard hitting 'truths' and no sleaze factor.
The Bad
Very little bad to highlight. A minor issue is that there are some slightly confusing parts with references made to techniques covered in other products and without a full explanation.
The Bottom Line
Excellent program to help men with experience meeting and dating women to get a long term stable girlfriend that they are satisfied with.

We've given this program our Editor's Choice award for best getting a girlfriend program due to its effectiveness at getting the job done. You want a girlfriend, this is the best program we've found to date to get you that and make it last.

Note: If you don't yet have any experience meeting and dating women you will need to improve your basic meeting women skills before you can use this program effectively. Check out the top courses from our beginners ranking to help you with that. Our top recommendation is Say Hello, which is also taught by Christian Hudson.


The Girlfriend Activation System (GFAS for short) is a complete system designed to take you from start to finish to get a quality long term girlfriend.

The system combines self-growth advice (masculinity, sexuality, being a man) with a step by step process ("The Obsession Story") in order to achieve this.

Christian Hudson
Christian Hudson
Image Source:
The Social Man (2013)
The Creator - Christian Hudson
GFAS was conceived by Christian Hudson, who is a very well known ex-pickup artist, and dating coach from New York City. He left pickup artistry around 2008 when he founded his company "The Social Man", to help men with both their dating lives and developing a better social lifestyle.

At the same time, his own lifestyle changed, from clubbing and dating numerous girls to settling into long term relationships. He's been in a relationship with his current girlfriend since 2012.

You can learn more about him in our full Christian Hudson bio.

Where Girlfriend Activation System Came From
What you may not know about the course is that it has been through a few evolutions since it was first released in 2013.

You may have heard this course referred to as "Girlfriend Activation System" or GFAS for short or just "Girlfriend System". They're all the same course.

The original course called GFAS 1.0 (version 1), was a video recording of the seminar that took place in New York in 2012 where Christian presented the system. It became a hit in 2013 and was very popular on the web, with 1000s of guys around the world buying the system.

It's popularity brought Christian and the team a ton of feedback within the Girlfriend Activation System membership area and dealing with customers, which led Christian to redesign the system to improve it. This became GFAS 2.0 in mid-2014. The new system was filmed in Los Angeles.

To be clear: GFAS 1.0 is no longer available, it was phased out, and now you just get access to GFAS 2.0 when you purchase the system, and this review has been updated to cover just GFAS 2.0.

GFAS 2.0 is led by Christian Hudson who features in most of the video training modules. However, in version 2.0 he also had guest instructors teach separate modules.

These include: Jason Capital, David Wygant, Alex Allman and Nick Sparks.

In this review, let's start with the what you may not expect from this course...

Tough Truths and Hard Work: Are You Ready?

The truth is that getting a high quality girlfriend, and keeping her in a stable long term relationship that is satisfactory for you both is the hardest part of dating.

You've seen how high the divorce rate is, right? While a good girlfriend relationship isn't marriage... when it works, it has a lot of the same ingredients and requirements.

In comparison it's relatively easy to meet girls in clubs for one night stands, or to create a little harem of friends with benefits.

Getting a high quality girlfriend into a committed relationship, and one where you're going to be happy with her, and her with you, for the longer term - requires hard work.

This is a message that Christian Hudson doesn't back away from. In fact it's delivered in the first two modules of the course to set the tone for what you are aiming for and what it takes to succeed. He covers the many aspects of inner game, growth and how you look at relationships and your life that feed into this.

And he makes all these tough truths more tangible - easier to relate to - by describing his own journey with girlfriends and relationships, where they failed, where he failed, what he learned with each.

It was great to see this - often in the world of dating training you'll be told it's easier than it is, so that you aren't frightened away. So, Christian has, by standing up and giving you the hard truth - done the whole dating community a great service.

The Process of Meeting a Girl, to Dates, to Girlfriend

The first 10 modules of this course stay pretty inner game focused and very little on implementation details or the process of getting a girlfriend are revealed - it's pre-work and preparation.

But from module 11 to module 22 it gets a lot more focused on steps to getting a girlfriend. In particular modules 19, 20 and 21 walk you through each date and meet with the girl scenario as you progress towards girlfriend - boyfriend status.

Christian talks about a specific process from meeting (how, where and why) to the dates, to the process of becoming girlfriend and boyfriend after sleeping together. The process is designed specifically for getting a girlfriend and differs from how you approach more casual relationships.

This timeline will be extremely helpful for men who haven't been through the girlfriend journey often - as he also points out the specific slip ups men make in this process. While he gives them "amusing categorizations" relating to dogs, his observations do hold very true to the reality. This makes it easy to see where you've been going wrong in an entertaining way.

At the end of the day, the fact that a timeline and process is given to you is important. It is something simple to learn, but something I haven't seen mapped out before. It makes the process from meet to girlfriend very clear and you won't have an excuse for not knowing where you are at and what the next step is.

In addition, in Module 5 Christian hits out at some myths that have been popularized by the pickup artist and seduction communities primarily about getting girlfriends - thumbs up to all of these, well said.

Staying in the Relationship Zone: "Quality Men" and "Quality Women"

Another strong point to this course is Christian's discussion of how quality women behave, how they are different, and importantly what attracts them.

While you may have heard many of the points in this discussion if you've already studied a fair amount of advice, what's really useful is that he is focused on the things that matter the most for making the type of impression needed to get in the 'relationship zone' and stay there.

He also cuts down some more myths about how easily women can be manipulated and how quality women in particular are more immune to certain types of dating tactics that have been popularized.

To be clear, this discussion of quality women focuses on women with strong personalities and other qualities valuable in long term relationships, not just good looks. This is important because women of this type of mental calibre, while not everyone's choice, are more stable and there's less drama attached to them. These type of women are more appropriate for longer term relationships - and girlfriends. This is something you should consider when thinking if this course is right for you - are these the types of women you aspire to?

Part of this discussion goes into relationships between men, respect, leadership and how important it is to be perceived as a quality man in social environments (not just with the girl you are interested in) for a successful relationship. The value here is how Christian connects this to the success of your relationship with your girlfriend. All good, thoughtful stuff that you need to be aware of.

The Important Details of Your Life and Dates

A nice point of this course are some of the details that Christian Hudson goes into in the 5th and 6th modules. These cover specifics about your apartment, your social life, how you organize your dates with women, specific dates and situations to avoid, and so on.

Some of what he talks about may seem like tiny details, but I guarantee you that A) most guys don't think about these things and B) they are important.

These are the sort of details that go unnoticed by most men, and most responsible for leading them to confusion when a date doesn't go well with a girl or the dynamic between you and a girl goes well at first and then dies off. What went wrong? Why did she start losing interest? Why did she back out when things were going so well? These details add a tangible and clear side to the higher level advice from the first two modules to be able to figure these situations out better.

Is this Course a Good Fit for You?
This is a course with a lot of deep and mature advice given which is best for men looking at longer term goals in their life - thus the long term and quality girlfriend focus.

A negative while viewing this course is that in several places Christian Hudson and Nick Sparks refer to ideas, content and training from their other courses without explaining it in a lot of detail. This can make it a bit harder to follow the parts of the course where this happens.

These include concepts from Unbreakable, Fearless and How2TxtHer.

If this happens to you, I'd post some questions in the private community you get access to with the course - that should give you any answers you need for clarification.

The important point here though is this: You are expected to already have a reasonable handle on approaching and meeting girls. While these subjects are covered to give you some specific advice of how to modify your approach to getting a girlfriend, they are not covered in depth.

I don't think you have to have studied those particular courses to get the benefits of this course, but you should have studied some good material on approaching and meeting girls, and experienced some success with it.

If you don't already have some successful dating experiences then this course isn't right for you. You have to do your foundational work first, before you can reach up to work on getting a solid girlfriend relationship and building that. If this is you, check out our Beginner's top ranked courses for a better place to start.

If you have already got some experience under your belt and have done the work on approaching and basic attraction skills - then you're ready for this. You're what we'd call 'intermediate' level.

Having said that? Is getting a long term stable girlfriend what you want? Because this course has that one sole purpose in mind. It's not for casual dating, picking up girls for one night stands or short term 3 month dating relationships. Or for getting lower quality girlfriends. It's for finding a serious quality girlfriend - for reaching up and pushing your boundaries and ambitions in this area - and that requires effort. If you are not looking for this, you may be disappointed.

If a serious quality girlfriend is what you are looking for, it's the right fit.

The Bonuses, The Members Community and The Group Coaching Calls

I haven't yet read all the bonuses with this course - there are a lot of them to go through including ebooks and audios. I'll update the review once I've been through them.

It's worth adding that the course has community interaction with it. You can comment and ask questions on each of the modules, and you can also access a private member's forum to discuss and ask questions. To be clear these member forums are only accessible to customers of The Social Man (whether it be via this course or another of their courses). As of April 2015 when I last checked in on this product there were nearly 10,000 posts in these forums - so it's pretty active.

With the 6 modules of the girlfriend activation system there was originally going to be a group coaching call with Christian Hudson set up for once a week, however this has now changed. While you can download the first of those coaching calls that took place in 2012 on "The Obsession Story", it's the only one.

As it stands, the first coaching call on "The Obsession Story" has audio quality that is 'rough', making it harder to listen to (Christian apologizes for this and says it will be fixed with the upcoming version).

I found that most of the material in this call was simply a repeat of the material from the GFAS modules with a few more details here and there, or different ways of looking at it. It doesn't add much value and not listening to it wouldn't make any difference for you in my opinion.

Does The Girlfriend Activation System Live Up to the Video/ Marketing?
The video for GFAS makes some pretty big promises - this is very typical of marketing videos or sales videos these days - let's see how the promises compare to the reality.

The Big Promises
  • Which women it works with? Can get any woman to be your girlfriend no matter your situation.
  • How easy to use is it? How much effort does it take? "The Obsession Story" is a simple process any "dim-witted" man can follow.
  • Does it require you to change who you are? The video promises that you won’t have to change who you are.
  • Is it manipulative? It's not at all sleazy or manipulative and gives you totally natural approaches to get your quality girlfriend.
The Reality
  • Which women it works with? If you've listened to me on the podcast, you should know that nothing works 100% of the time with 100% of women. This is magical thinking, if you think about it rationally. A good solid approach can work with a high % of women though. And this course is a good solid approach - I would expect, if used properly, that 33% success rate is achievable. The other thing to be aware of is that there are pre-requisites for GFAS working for you, like having fixed any basic issues like Image, Physique & Style, or your ability to meet women.
  • How easy to use is it? How much effort does it take? The process is pretty straightforward - it’s not really complex, however it will take some thought and effort. It's about as simple as it can get.
  • How easy to use is it? How much effort does it take? You have to put the work in to get this course to work for you. You have to do the exercises at home to develop your sexuality, which takes time, and you have to put the time in to practice the practical examples and communication with women from the system.
  • Does it require you to change who you are? Yes, and no. The program doesn't require you to change into a super social guy or change your hobbies and interests. However, it does need you to work on your weaknesses as a man, and for some of them you may be attached to these weaknesses. You may be comfortable with them. The problem is that they are in your way - stopping you from getting the attractive girlfriend you'd like. So it's unavoidable that you'll have to "evolve" some parts of yourself, to be better and stronger. That's what this program pushes you to do.
  • Is it manipulative? GFAS hits the spot on this promise. There's nothing manipulative in the course. It doesn't have a lot of routines, or techniques to influence women in it. It's primarily about developing yourself - to be the attractive man women are attracted to - and following a step by step process that will keep you away from making typical errors on the path to a girl getting into a relationship with you.
The big promises don't exactly fit with the reality. However, I'd say that the big promises aren't as extravagant as the majority of the videos out there today.

Looking at the positive. The course is good at fulfilling its promise to get you a quality girlfriend. It has the solid information and training to get you there.

On the negative side, it has oversold how broadly it will work and how much effort you will need to put in yourself. It's going to take work from you - study and practice - to make the course a part of you. There's also some aspects of your 'skillsets' that you need to be good enough at before you can really use the material in the course. Overall, you'll need to bring a good attitude to this course to make it work for you. Also, you can't expect it to work on every girl in every situation - but it will work with a large percentage of women and situations.

The bottom line of this, is that the limitations on this program, are the limitations on any program. It's always going to need you to put effort in and tick the relevant boxes. It's as easy as it gets.

Further Resources to Help You
I have interviewed most of the coaches from Girlfriend Activation System on our podcast:

Negative Reviews, Complaints and Testimonials
The Social Man (incorporated as The Hero Company) has an A+ rating with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and is BBB accredited.

100% of reviews (16 in total) with the BBB are positive. The company has had a total of 4 complaints to the BBB over the last 3 years, with 2 of those having been reported to be resolved by the complainants satisfactorily - the other 2 not having responded after The Hero Company reported back to the BBB having dealt with it.

As far as BBB ratings and complaints go in the dating space, this is a pretty stellar record. Very few dating advice companies are BBB accredited at all - even the largest ones.

Please leave your own review if you have first-hand experience with the Girlfriend Activation System. Also, make sure to check out our review policy before posting to ensure we're able to publish your remarks.

The Bottom Line

This is the best course we have found to date for finding, dating and evolving a relationship with a girl into a long term stable relationship. It's a great course for getting a quality girlfriend.

It requires hard work and effort to get the results from this course. That is one of the hard truths of this course, it tells it like it is without any empty promises.

Importantly though it gives you a clear plan to take yourself to the end goal of a successful long term relationship with a girl you like, and it helps you with the details along the way. Excellent course. Double thumbs up.

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Product Information

This system teaches men how to get an awesome, loyal, and dedicated girlfriend by activating her desire for you. It shows you how to become a man that women obsess over. The system is aimed at providing the techniques to get a girlfriend while experiencing the mystery and discovery process of falling in love.

It was created by Christian Hudson from the original 2012 NYC seminar on the subject. The system was updated in 2014 with a new seminar recorded in Los Angeles.

Relationship Skills
Experience Level(s):

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
Learning Format:
  • Online Video
  • Download (Audio)
  • Download (Video)
Hot Topic Tags:
Getting a Girlfriend
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Alex AllmanChristian HudsonDavid WygantJason CapitalNick Sparks
The Social Man
Release Date:
June 27, 2012
Price: $67.00


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- Christian Hudson and his story
- What is in the updated version of the course

Part 2: Masculine Power
- How to be an obsession-worthy man
- Demonstration of the traits

Part 3: Masculine Power (Continued)
- Further dissection and demonstrations of obsession-worthy masculine power

Part 4: Q&A with Alex
- Female volunteer reveals how Christian made her feel during demonstration
- Why the system was working on her

Part 5: Nick Sparks on Sexuality
- Master coach as The Social Man, Nick Sparks, discusses sexuality
- Separating those that end up in the friend zone from those who get the woman

Part 6: Jason on Being a Challenge
- Jason Capital share his insights on how to be a challenge to a woman

Part 7: Alex on Being Genuine
- Alex Allman shares how to let down your guard without giving away your power

Part 8: David on Dominance
- David Wygant discusses a crucial element of masculine power - dominance

Part 9: Boyfriend Material
- Seven things that women truly want in a great boyfriend

Part 10: Q&A

Part 11: The Obsession Story
- How to stay one step ahead in the dating game

Part 12: Introduction to Day 2
- Thoughts and insights of Day 1 material

Part 13: Impression
- How to approach her

Part 14: King Game
- Christian’s unique take on King Game
- Getting women to approach you

Part 15: Nick on Impression
- Nick Sparks’ tips and techniques on making a great first impression

Part 16: What to Say
- What to say to start a conversation

Part 17: Resetting Impression
- A technique for resetting your impression of you and getting out of the friend zone

Part 18: Inspection
- A map of what to do once you’ve made a great impression

Part 19: The First Date
- How to approach a first date without fear, anxiety, and loathing

Part 20: The Social Date
- How to handle yourself during a social date with your girlfriend

Part 21: The Sex Date
- Step-by-step date to turn up the heat and get her into bed

Part 22: Intimacy
- Final phase of the Obsession Story and getting it right with intimacy

Part 23: Conclusion
- How to put the training to work and what is next

What You Get:

  • The Girlfriend Activation System: The systems contain 22 video modules.

Additional Bonus Products you receive with the system:
  • The Complete Confidence Hypnosis: Confidence building subliminal hypnosis
  • The Breathtaking Hello: Tested conversation openers
  • Endless Conversations: Formula for talking to anyone about anything
  • Sexual Texting: Texting tactics and example texts that teach you how to bring out a woman's naughty girl side
  • The Ten Code (14-day trial) - 12 month course on how to become the best of yourself, and a man who is rated a 10

All of the above are delivered via online access to a private membership site and each include videos, transcripts, and audio of the courses.

Guarantee / Terms:

1 Year Money Back Guarantee

This program comes with a 14 day trial of The Ten Code
If deciding to stay on the Ten Code program you will be charged monthly.

User Reviews of The Girlfriend Activation System

(9 reviews)

7.8 out of 10 stars

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1-3 stars

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16 of 29 people found the following review helpful

"Average content. Not impressed. "

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This course kind of blows. Not impressed as it all just seems like common sense to me, can't see this changing my life any or getting me my dream girlfriend.
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14 of 16 people found the following review helpful

"Gives it to you straight"

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what I liked about this product is that Christian Hudson just gives it to you straight up without any BS... telling you exactly what its gonna take to get and keep a high quality honey around.

there were a few good techniques and stuff but really what it comes down to is you gotta become the man that is worthy of the girl you want to be with. This is probably uncomfortable for a lot of fellas to here because it means you have to put in some work, but if it were easy then everyone would be walking around with supermodels on their arms.

if you want the best you got to be the best. And I think many guys have the wrong idea about what it means to be the best man they can. Look at Christian... he's not the best looking guy, or some super alpha guy that you would think women throw themselves at.

But he is a man who knows his path and what he's about and in this course he helps show you how to develop the confidence and charisma that women respond to. This is a must buy.
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14 of 49 people found the following review helpful

"Life-Changing "

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One of if not the best personal development product I have ever bought. It got me an amazing, beautiful girlfriend in less than a year and changed how I view attraction and dating forever. Not only that but it also gave me the knowledge and skills to make my relationship extraordinary and use it as a tool to improve both my own life my girlfriend's. I never have to worry about getting dumped or the relationship going stale because we are constantly empowering each other and helping each other grow. Incredible product!
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11 of 14 people found the following review helpful

"Good course"

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The Good: mature advice, mature and strong male mindsets, practical tips from A to Z to getting a girl to be your girlfriend

The Bad: A lot of videos to get through, some parts didn't find as relevant to me and wasn't sure how to do myself (e.g. building social value into my life like Christian)

I'm still going through this program after signing up about a month ago but i'm getting a lot out of it. Not sure some parts are going to work for me and I'm still trying to figure them out. It's a good course.
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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful

"Some good new ideas mixed in with stuff I already know"

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The system has some parts I really appreciated, have taken my game to a new level for sure when I feel I like a girl enough to want to date and see a girl often.

These were how to look at your life, your lifestyle and how to set up dates so she sees you as a relationship guy. Also, the part where you transition to girlfriend and boyfriend. That was always tricky for me and the tips in this system really helped me by just giving me an easy rule or two to follow. I used to make a big deal out of that part and it's really so simple once you get those rules in mind.

The areas I didn't learn a lot from were meeting the girl for the first time and getting her into me. I had already learned that and was pretty good at getting girls into me. So I tended to skip through those parts more. I really loved the talk by Nick Sparks though, that stuff was money and went straight into my toolbox. Definitely improved my game there in general, not just for relationship girls.

So if you've seen much of the pickup artist scene and are already getting some girls, I think you may not learn anything new about attracting that one girl. This is more of a life strategy, date strategy, relationship strategy and tactics system the way I see it. Most guys will take away some good new ideas.
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8 of 11 people found the following review helpful

"Very glad I bought this"

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I've been in the pickup artist community for a long time, several years now and I've become a little jaded - finding a lot of things don't work the way I read them online and even in some of the products I've bought.

So I was pretty nervous about getting this course.. thinking it was something else that probably wouldn't work for me for whatever reason. Happy to say it all worked out well. As soon as I bought it I felt good about it, the members site is full of videos and comments from other users and you can see they've tried to get it right.

The way Christian tells you to approach getting a girlfriend is very different from how i've been trying to do it and I realized a lot of what I've been doing is the total opposite of what I should've been doing. More like I was trying things, not so well executed mind you, that are more for picking up girls for one night stands. After a month of playing around with this course, I'm feeling much better... have a girl sort of getting into a relationship with.. not quite there yet. But that's still wayyy better than how I was doing before.

One thing on this course is that it's definitely best if you are looking for a girlfriend type of relationship. All the information Christian Hudson gives you helps with that.

I don't think this is as good a product if you are looking to hookup with a lot of girls as he gives you a sort of flow that is better suited to getting girlfriends and quality girls. It would be overkill if you're not that interested in her.

Great work Christian. Respect.
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7 of 19 people found the following review helpful

"Looks professional and sure is good but not quick enough"

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This girlfriend activation system is too much for me, Christian talks and talks and I'm listening but why does it have to be so complicated?

I wanted something simple like in the ad I saw, which made it sound really easy. But when I bought it I found there were all these videos and it feels like I'm going back to school all over again.

The site looks nice and the guys in the videos all talk well, so I can't say they don't do a good job. I was just expecting something I could use quicker, just watch a couple of videos and go out and get my girlfriend!
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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"Showed me how to go from attracting women to keeping them"

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For nearly a year I've been doing Mystery method type of stuff and have been getting pretty good results with meeting girls. Problem though is I couldn't get most of the girls to see me for more than 1 or 2 dates.

I thought this product might be able to help me and I'm glad I checked it out. Turns out a lot of things I was doing to meet and attract girls aren't really the type of thing that I needed to be doing to make the girls want to see me long term. I used Christian's advice and I've now been seeing this one girl for a couple of months, and she even knows that I see other girls and she's cool with it. So big props to Christian for showing me how to get this type of relationship.

One thing I will say is that if you can't meet girls then you probably shouldn't buy this product yet. Christian is pretty smooth but he doesn't strike me as the guy who goes out to clubs and approaches lots of girls and gets numbers. I think what he teaches is great once you know how to do that and have worked on your confidence and game a bit.
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Would recommend"

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I bought this program roughly 9 months ago after reading the other reviews on this very website. I got TSM's GFAS at the lowest point in my life so far, after going through a REALLY nasty breakup with (what at the time was) my most serious relationship. I was borderline suicidal, destroying all my relationships out of frustration from the breakup, neglecting my school work, and underperforming at my work. This program saved me from the hyper-destructive path I was on and laid a foundation for the man I am now and aiming to be in the future. I will review the program based on the 5 criteria for the star ratings above.

EFFECTIVENESS: The program does a good job of grabbing a hold of you, slapping you in the, and saying "man the fuck up!" and that is exactly what I needed. Christian is a great public speaker and the guest lecturers were, for the most part, engaging and insightful. A lot of the talking points are anecdotal and you need to think beyond the story and see "how can I apply this" or you will miss a lot of what makes GFAS effective.

I think the most effective part of the program is the last several videos where Christian talks about what to do once you are on the date. I still struggle with getting from stranger to the date, but once I am on a date with a girl I am truly a force to be reckoned with, and I credit most of that improvement to this program. If you do not seriously soak up the info in the first ~3/4 of the program though I don't think you will get as much out of the last 1/4 as I did.

EASE OF IMPLEMENTATION: I had to go through all the videos a few times while taking notes to really soak in and understand the principles. Some things were not helpful such as the guest speaker talking about approach anxiety having the solution to it "just get over it and go do it"...

INNOVATIVENESS: A lot of the information is not that innovative, but that is NOT a bad thing. This program is a great all-encompassing place to improve your dating skills and does not skip any steps. Most of what I got from the program made me go "well duh, that's obvious but I never really thought of it consciously" It makes you aware of many aspects and nuances of dating that most are not consciously thinking of.

CUSTOMER SERVICE: This is where I had the biggest problem despite giving it an 8/10. TSM charged me an extra 80 something dollars a month after I bought the program because my "free trial" to their weekly update thing expired (which I think is kind of sleazy business practice). I tried to use the weekly update thing in my first month but it takes time to get through all the videos and internalize the content so I don't think most get to really see what the benefits of the subscription are. I got my money back after waiting on hold for a surprisingly short amount of time, but I shouldn't have had to do that at all...

VALUE: If you are not aiming to bang as many chicks as you can or improve social skills outside of dating I think this is the best program you can get. Like the slogan of the program goes: if you just want a "loyal, loving girlfriend" this is the program for you.
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