"The Game" - Style (Neil Strauss)'s Autobiography on his Exploration of the Pick Up Artist Community

Background Info
Featured Dating Company:Real Social Dynamics (RSD)
Publication/ Broadcast Date:
April 14, 2005
Media Brand: N/A
Medium: Book
The bestseller "The Game" introduced the pick up artist community, its techniques and the most prominent of its members to the world. As such it kickstarted a step change in media coverage of pick up artistry and dating advice for men.
Other News & Media Items Featuring - Barry Kirkey (Extramask/ Twenty Six)
- David DeAngelo
- IN10SE (Two Timer)
- Mystery (Erik von Markovik)
- Papa (Nick Kho)
- Steve Piccus (Steve P)
- Style (Neil Strauss)
- Tyler/TD (Owen Cook)
- Zan Perrion
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