The Conversation Cure

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Editor Review
"Good, But Expensive, Video Training on Conversation Skills"
Syboh Seven
Last Update: March 10, 2025
Vin DiCarlo’s teaching style is to help you acquire skills through drills, ie through practice and exercises that gradually increase in difficulty. For this you need the right environment, and DiCarlo believes it shouldn’t be done in the field but in a safe, controlled and sympathetic atmosphere.
In this product you can see how that works. It is shot in a mid-size seminar room, with a few different coaches and guest teachers. Three male students and three female "volunteers" are involved. For each technique taught, the guys go through a series of exercise and practice with the girls, with help and input from the coaches.
Format: Annoying but Also Beneficial
While I’m sure it is effective for actual "live" students, at first I thought this format would be very annoying to watch on video, and indeed it is, at times. One big downside: they can only teach a new tip or technique every 10 or 20 minutes, because the exercises take a while and each guy has to go through them. Often it feels like you are wasting your time watching the three of them fail and stumble through words.Some of the exercises also feel pointless - girls make up a lie, guys need to find out the lie by asking questions, and this goes on for 30 mins on DVD 2…
BUT having said that… I eventually found it beneficial to see the mistakes made, and the coaches use each mistake to point out ways to apply the techniques better. It’s like a complete Q&A and troubleshooting after each technique. So what you may lose in scope and speed, you gain in thorough understanding and clarity. The three guys also have different ages, personality and sticking points, so the listener can identify and relate to at least some of them and see how they make progress.
Good Storytelling Techniques
The storytelling techniques and exercises were particularly good on DVD 3 & 4. Stories are important as a tool for state transfer and to create an emotional connection with your audience. The products shines here: the story-telling techniques are both helpful and easy to remember and implement.The guys are taught to calibrate, charge the story emotionally, avoid trailing off, structure and pace the story, the role of the punchline, etc etc. They also practice balancing emotional projection/elicitation with the proper amount of sexual tension. Here you can really see how a little bit of training makes a world of difference, as the guys’ stories take shape and get much better in minutes. Injecting emotions instead of facts just works, and the drills make that very clear, as well as show you how easy it is to implement.
Creating Sexual Ambiguity and Tension
The guys then practice using ambiguous/sensual words to create a subconscious sexual vibe and further amp the tension. This is not talking about sex, but talking about normal things in a sexual way, and it is a quite humorous and interesting session:Guys get a list of sexual-sounding words (deep, wet, pounding, thick, creamy, etc) that they use to "juice" up their stories and give them sexual overtones. This is an excellent technique to create sexual ambiguity under the radar, and while I have done this on occasions naturally, I had never thought of doing this on purpose for an extended period of time.
DVD 5 discusses role playing, or how to make a woman enter an imaginary scenario and take her on a fun adventure. This makes you stand out from the usual banter. It helps you escalate physically much faster too, as you get into instant roles of boyfriend/girlfriend, doctor/nurse, etc.
You also learn how to bluff your way through a cold reading, and use that as a tool to connect (which is not really my cup of tea, but it’s the first time I saw it explained in a not-too-creepy way here, I almost feel like trying it).
More useful tricks are taught here, including “shaping” and “flipping the script”, which were also described briefly in DiCarlo's ebook The Attraction Code .
On DVD 6 & 7, guest speaker IN10SE does a bit of NLP 101 and explains value elicitation. He teaches how to go beyond the superficial level to create deeper connections faster. This wasn't bad but honestly I was expecting more from 2 hours of IN10SE than the basic stuff he gives away here.
Failed Advice on Winning Arguments
Finally, on DVD 8 we get some "fight simulations" games – which I though was a big waste of time, and more than a bit creepy. The coach (Jeff Foxx) is basically teaching you to lie your ass off or fake being angry in order to "win" arguments. Not the most healthy mindset there. In my experience, once you get good and if you want multiple women in your life, just learn how to manage multiple open relationships and save yourself the drama.There was a useful hidden lesson on this DVD, though: how much more naturally prepared the girls are, as you see them basically toy around with the guys even though the guys are being coached how to "win" (none of them is winning anything, they get destroyed every single time).
A Very Hands-on Approach
Overall, the last few DVDs are not as good as the first ones, and we would have liked a faster pace and more techniques included. Still,this was a good watch and it is a great product for newbies and intermediates.It is a very hands-on programme – not a lot of theory, just simple techniques that work, explained at length. You can see them immediately applied which helps a great deal internalizing them. In some ways this could be more useful than getting a super-exhaustive product listing 1476 techniques that you just get overwhelmed with.
One problem is the price tag: at 497 bucks, this isn't cheap compared to other products, and it's certainly not the best value for money. Then again you are maybe paying a premium for one of the few video products out there focusing on this skillset.
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Product Information
Covers many aspects of starting and maintaining good conversations with women.
- Attracting Women
- Lifestyle & Social Skills
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- DVD (Video)
- CD (Audio)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
The Conversation Cure First Edition (8 DVDs):
Disc One: The complete fundamental conversational toolkit.
- How to make a woman feel calm and protected
- How to make talking to you so easy for a woman
- How to talk about your passions and hobbies
Disc Two: How to ask the right questions and using questions in advanced techniques.
- How to get women to emotionally feel
- How to discover the right way to ask questions
- How to use simple questions to understand her on a deep
Disc Three: Three ways to master effective, sexually charged storytelling.
- How to captivate a woman with your stories
- How to tell a story that's entertaining, intriguing, passionate
- How to use your stories to escalate with her sexually
Disc Four: How to get her aroused through sexual tension and hypnotic seductive language.
- How to fan the flame even more, using powerful, sexually exciting words
- How to connect with a woman on a deep, satisfying, sexual level
- How to react to any woman's reactions to your sexual advances
Disc Five: Sexual shaping, role-playing and other advanced tools and techniques.
- How to make a woman behave like your perfect dream girl
- How to make a woman work for your sex
- How to role-play with a woman
- How to set up a role-play so you control her every thought
- How to make her feel like its you two against the world
Disc Six: The three levels of conversation and how to bring her to the deepest level quickly and easily.
- How to master her emotions in a conversation
- How this blueprint makes any word you say to her the right words
- Step-by-step process to getting deeper
- 3 sloping levels of conversation
- Live demonstrations of each and every question and technique
Disc Seven: The black-ops toolbox.
- Strawberry fields
- The cube
- The october man sequence
- How to introduce all three black box techniques seamlessly
Disc Eight: Effectively and Safely dating multiple women.
- How to date multiple women under the table
- Step-by-step process to calming your girlfriend down
- How to get out of the worst case scenario
Conversation Cure Advanced Audio Training Sessions (3 CDs):
Audio Disc 1: Dominating other guys through conversation
- How to keep her mystified with your presence
- How to disarm guys who try to fight you for women
Audio Disc 2: Conversation for approaching
- A simple way to master on-the-fly openers
- How to discover a formula to walking up to women
Audio Disc 3: When to shut the fuck up
- How the salesman's technique
- A simple method to capturing a woman's attention
What You Get:
The Conversation Cure First Edition (8 DVDs)
Conversation Cure Advanced Audio Training Sessions (3 CDs)
Bonus #1: "Conversation Game for Mixed Sets"
Bonus #2: "The Conversational Game of a Master PUA"
Bonus #3: IN10SE Teleseminar
Full Payment - $497
3 installment payments - $177
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