The Complete Day Game From A to Z Mastery Program

Product Information
This system is designed to help men meet and attract women during the day. It includes information starting with before you approach and then moving to approaching, creating attraction, get phone numbers, setting up dates and more.
Bonus items include:
- Trouble Shooting Day Game audio CD
- How to master the instant date audio CD
- The Lay Reports Books - Limited Day Game Edition
- Two Months Free Membership to Sinn’s Inner Circle
- Audio Interview with Vin Dicarlo on Same Day Lays
- A Special Module on how to overcome Approach Anxiety
- The Inner Game Report: How to Think Like A Ladies Man
- Audio interview with Doc Holiday on how to master direct day game
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Beginner
- Intermediate
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
DVD and CD recordings - Sinn's Day Game System
A to Z Master Manual - breaks down each component of the Day Game system for fast and easy reference
Live Infield Footage
- Direct/indirect approaches
- Attraction and comfort
- Setting up dates
- Getting solid phone numbers
What You Get:
- 4 DVD
- CDs
- Manual
Guarantee / Terms:
180 Day Money Back Guarantee
1 payment of $697 or 3 payments of $247
User Reviews of The Complete Day Game From A to Z Mastery Program
Most Helpful User Reviews
"Some great tips (not so much from Sinn but from the interviews). Some contradictory advice."
October 02, 2014
1. Never tell her where you're going for the date. Always say, "It's a surprise."
2. When proposing a date, always tell her a specific time and specific place.
I honestly don't know how Sinn gets laid. Maybe he has attractive pheromones.
His voice inflection is terrible, right?
So like, every statement he makes sounds like a question, right?
And that gets really really really annoying, you know?
Never tell you where you're taking her for the date?
Always make it like, a surprise?
But always tell her like, specifically the place you're going to and like,
the time you wanna take her there?
Tim from RSD calls this Rapport-seeking tonality, and has a video on youtube on it (he demonstrates it incorrectly...when Tim demonstrates Sinn's valley-girl tonality, he calls it "the pitch slopes upward," but in his demo he just starts at a high pitch and ends at a high pitch. That's not what he was describing. What he was describing, where the inflection rises, slopes upward, where statements sound like questions, is demonstrated every time Sinn talks).
This tonality conveys that the speaker is not confident that anyone is listening.
On the other side of the covers, Vin's voice is perfect.
Not sure whether he deliberately trained his voice,
but it doesn't get much better.
Anyway, Vin Dicarlo presents some great tips, such as the virtual escalation ladder (which I think you can probably get from one of Dicarlo's materials), and saying, "You can come to my place, but only if you promise not to laugh."
After Vin suggests the above line, Sinn suggests his own line, "Wanna go to my place so you can see the view?" In my opinion, Sinn's line sucks. I think Dicarlo's is 10 times better.
Sinn also stresses (probably correctly) that day game is won in the comfort phase. That it's easier to overdo "attraction" during the day.
He also suggests much less kino (which agrees with Yad...Yad says that Kino is not essential during the day).
But Vinn says that he'll walk up to a girl and take her hand and put it on his chest, as he continues to talk.
Another great method to get the girl to your place (from Vin, not Sinn) is to say, "Oh, I forget my camera/wallet."
The audio is good for the most part,
except that in Sinn's and Vin's interview,
Sinn's volume is much louder than Vin's,
so it hurts your ears if you want to hear Vin talk
(with Sinn's frequent interruptions).
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"Not Very Good"
October 12, 2012
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