The Click Magnet Dating System   

The Click Magnet Dating System
Dating Company: Virtual Dating Assistants | Dating Coach:
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from Virtual Dating Assistants.

Editor Review

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful

"Detailed Overview Of Online Dating, Great For Increasing Your Efficiency At Getting Results"

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Last Update: March 03, 2025
The Good
Detailed overview of the most popular dating sites and what it takes to meet women from them. Based on real world evidence that the company has collected from thousands of messages. Includes a piece of software that helps automate the process so that you'll get faster results with less effort.
The Bad
There are some areas where it plays it too safe, instead of pushing the envelope a bit more. Gives you all the pieces you need, but doesn't show an example of a complete profile and sequence of message exchanges that led to arranging a date.
The Bottom Line
Probably the most detailed product on the market about online dating. It takes a numbers game approach and shows you how to get the best results for the least amount of effort. The bigger the city you live in and the more women in your area who use online dating, the more valuable you'll find this product.

Mainly focused on just getting the date, so ignores anything remotely sexual so as not to scare the girl away. But it also misses opportunities to build sexual tension before you meet, which can result in dates that lead to getting intimate with the girl faster.

If you're a beginner to online dating and want to give yourself the best chance to meet up with as many women as possible, this is a great product to check out.


Scott Valdez is the founder of Virtual Dating Assistants, a company that handles the online dating needs from men all around the world. From creating the profile, to sending out the first message and eventually lining up dates for their clients, they provide a way for you to continually meet new women without having to do any of the groundwork yourself.

Over the years they have analyzed all kinds of data and tested many different variables to try and optimize their results. Click Magnet Dating is basically the culmination of their findings thus far, a way for you to take what they have learned and apply it yourself. It's certainly a cheaper option than hiring the company to handle it all for you.

If you don't have much experience with online dating, this is a really good introduction. You'll learn about the psychology of women who are using dating sites, and what most guys are doing wrong that prevents them from having any kind of success. It also does a really solid job of teaching you how to convey the right kind of attitude online and present yourself as an attractive man.

Which Dating Sites Are Talked About?
Valdez mainly talks about, OkCupid and PlentyofFish. There are a few other ones talked about, and a couple of suggestions if you live in Britain or Australia, but the focus is on the first three. It's not possible to cover the different features for every dating site, but the core principles that lead to success will still work the same.

One thing I thought they did a good job of was breaking down the different sites and giving you recommendations on which to use based on what you're looking for. As an example, OkCupid is really popular with girls that are 18-25, whereas has a larger selection of women 30+ who might be looking for something more serious. And PlentyofFish, being a free site, generally has lower quality women than the others.

That's one of the other things that is done well here, the breakdown of what women of different ages responds best to. Part of the data that has been analyzed is how different messages work when they are sent to various age ranges, so it allows you to tailor your approach and increase the likelihood of getting positive responses.

Since the main sites do charge you to be able to send messages to other members, if you're signed up to a number of different sites it can get pretty expensive. My suggestion would be to go through the course and then set up your first profile on PlentyofFish, since it's free. This way you can make all the adjustments and tweaks that you need to make until you have your profile optimized and are getting solid responses from women on the site. Then when you know it's performing well, you can pretty much copy it over to the other sites and you aren't wasting your money trying to figure out what works.

There's a category of dating sites that isn't covered in this product, and that's adult dating sites. Increasingly popular, their main function is to enable members to meet up for casual sexual relationships. If you're looking for advice on how to best use these kinds of sites, you won't find it here in this product.

Automating The Process
The main aim really of Click Magnet Dating is to get you the best results with the least amount of effort. Valdez writes about how he has progressed from spending time crafting individually written messages, to having a bunch of different templates for multiple scenarios.

It's hard to argue with this strategy, especially when you see the equation he uses to justify this approach. In a nutshell, if you were to spend 15 minutes creating an original opening message, you could message four women per hour. If you had a success rate of 50% in terms of getting a reply back, it's taking you on average 30 minutes to get each positive reply.

But if you use template messages that you can essentially copy and paste, maybe you cut down the time spent on each opening message to two minutes. So in that same hour you can send out messages to 30 different women. Perhaps your success rate drops to 33%, in which case you would be getting a reply back from 10 women. So in this example you have increased the number of women who are giving you a positive response by a factor of five.

This matches my own experiences of online dating. When I first tried it out many years ago I would spend longer making sure each opening message was customized to fit the woman I was sending it to. And while the response rate was pretty good, it wasn't very time efficient. Later I would resort to using copy and paste messages, sometimes even a single sentence, and the whole process became much more efficient.

One thing to beware of though, and it's mentioned in the course, is that you want to be careful of this approach if you live in a smaller city. If there's not that many attractive women in your area online, you'd be better off to maximize your chances with each one. But if you are living somewhere like New York or London, it pays to sacrifice a slight percentage in replies for the sake of speed.

To help make this easier, there is some software included which you can use for the three main online sites they discuss. I don't have an account with these sites so I wasn't able to test it out personally, but from the video I saw of it in action it looks effective and simple enough to use.

It can let you do things like search for all of the women within whatever distance you select, based on the collected attractiveness rating of their photos, and then send a template message with the click of a button. You can enter your own template messages into the system for different situations, so you have total control over the messages that are being sent.

This software would be a really valuable tool, particularly for people in larger cities, and is probably worth the cost of the whole course alone.

Playing It Safe
The way that the company Virtual Dating Assistants is set up, the end goal is just to arrange to meet up with women. Their clients pay them and in return they are guaranteed a certain amount of dates with women. So it makes sense that the main purpose of the online interaction is simply to arrange a date, as that is the performance indicator that they are paid on.

What that means is that Click Magnet Dating is really geared towards arranging the first meet up. This is particularly good for men who don't have a lot of experience with women, as going on a lot of dates can shorten your learning curve and help develop your confidence.

But to ensure the best chance of arranging dates, the advice that's given also plays it pretty safe. They recommend not to use any kind of sexuality in your online interaction, as you risk coming off as creepy. And this is something that most guys do wrong, they come off as sexually needy and creepy and it scares women off. So if you're more of a beginner, you should steer clear of it.

However as you start to build more experience and get a good grasp on dating skills, you generally learn how to incorporate sexuality into your interactions with women in an attractive way. You can use it online in a way that builds sexual tension, so that when you first meet up in person there's a certain sexual charge to your interaction right from the start.

This all comes down to what your goals are for online dating. If you're looking to develop a serious relationship with someone, it makes sense to go on lots of dates and see how you connect face to face. If you're just looking to have casual fun with a few girls, it often pays to find out beforehand what they are looking for. Otherwise you may find yourself going on lots of dates with women where you are hoping to sleep with them that night, but she is looking for a boyfriend.

This isn't really covered in the product, but would have been good to see. In the same way that template messages can save you time, using sexual aspects in your online interaction can work as a filtering mechanism and save you a lot of time by meeting women who likely aren't looking for the same thing as you. If you want to see some good examples of how you can turn an online interaction into a purely sexual encounter, you might want to check out The Gentlemen's Guide To Online Dating by Derek Cajun.

A study is cited in the product that claims that 30% of women have slept with a guy they met online after the first date. These types of studies are never an exact science, but if you want to give yourself the best chance of taking a woman home after the date, it's really recommended that you take a look at 77 Ways To Get Her To F*#k You by Jason Capital.

There's a few instances in Click Magnet Dating where they give you the general idea of a message to send in a certain situation, without giving you the specific example that their company actually uses. The reason for this is that they don't want their proven messages to become overused that they become less effective as women have seen them before (they show an example where this actually happened).

It's about protecting what they have worked to create, so they can get the best results for their clients who pay them to arrange their dates. But to an extent it feels like they are holding out on giving you the A+ material, and some people who pay $97 for this product might feel aggrieved by that. But they give valid reasons why you are ultimately better off using their examples as a guide, and creating your own messages based on the principles that make them work.

The best bonus here is the automated software, which is really valuable and you'll definitely want to use.

Aside from that, there are three audio interviews with other dating coaches that cover online dating and also texting. Whereas a lot of products often have these types of interviews that really own act as a marketing tool to get you to buy something else, these interviews were full of content and of good quality. The interview with Jordan Harbinger about text game was especially good and runs for around an hour, with lots of practical tips.

There's a few other written reports, including one on how to maximize the chances of having a successful first date. There is some okay information included, but nothing special. This product is great for arranging the first date, but not as good for what to do once you are on the date. The ideas for conversation in this bonus report are pretty average, and if you have little experience of going on dates with women you'll need better advice. Specifically in terms of how to have fun and interesting conversation, a great product to check out is Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy by Bobby Rio.

The Bottom Line
Probably the most detailed product on the market about online dating. It takes a numbers game approach and shows you how to get the best results for the least amount of effort. The bigger the city you live in and the more women in your area who use online dating, the more valuable you'll find this product.

Mainly focused on just getting the date, so ignores anything remotely sexual so as not to scare the girl away. But it also misses opportunities to build sexual tension before you meet, which can result in dates that lead to getting intimate with the girl faster.

If you're a beginner to online dating and want to give yourself the best chance to meet up with as many women as possible, this is a great product to check out.

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Product Information

Scott Valdez offers a system for dating women online and crafting a magnetically attractive profile. It includes templates, strategies, and tools to create your own tailor-made online material and approach to attract women online.

The system consists of audio training modules with techniques covering different aspects of online dating, communicating, and increasing your online dating success rate.

Bonus items include:

- Online Dating Automator Software
- High Octane Interviews With Online Dating Experts
- ViDA’s Response Rate Optimizer
- How To Maximize Your Success On The First Date
- The Digits-to-Dates Conversion Method

Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Learning Format:
Download (Audio)
Hot Topic Tags:
Online Dating
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Scott Valdez
Release Date:
January 01, 2010
Product No Longer Available.


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

Module 1
- Learn mindset shifts in order to naturally create the right responses and messages
- How to communicate like a highly-attractive alpha male
- An effective approach to meeting high quality datable women online

Module 2
- Techniques for creating a “magnetic profile”

Module 3
- How to get women to respond faster with copy-and-paste templates
- How to craft response-getting templates
- Email messages to immediately triple your response rate

Module 4
- “The Automatic Date Transition” process to go from emailing to actual dates

Module 5
- How to get women emailing you without doing anything
- An introduction to the features and benefits of the “Online Dating Automator”

Additional content includes:

- Presenting your best and attractive qualities
- Making your photos present you as a dominant leader
- How to use texting to create powerful sexual tension
- How to correctly spark attraction within specific age groups
- A method for attracting women in their 30s and older
- How to maintain casual control with online dates
- When and how to ask a woman out so she says, “yes”
- Strategies for finding women interested in a serious relationship
- A technique that makes meeting women online easier
- How to beat the online competition and stand out over other men
- How to implement the tools and strategies for automating your dating life
- A roadmap to go from beginner to being an expert in automatic online dating
- How to present yourself as the cool, social, and attractive man that women love
- How to use your online profile, photos, and emails to show that you are trustworthy
- How to make a woman feel she made a mistake in not responding to your messages
- Mistakes that most men make online that destroy their chances with women
- Dealing with age differences in order to successfully date much younger women
- How to get a load of messages and Facebook connection requests from woman

What You Get:

Downloadable training manuals with audio

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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13 of 14 people found the following review helpful

"Helps you from wasting your time on dating sites"

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I usually read a few online dating message boards and get an online dating newsletter, but this is the first dating product I actually paid for and I have to say for the money it is definitely worth the investment. I'm wasting a lot less time on with the advice and the tools they provide help me be more strategic and focus on getting a date rather than just another endless back and forth series of emails that lead nowhere.
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8 of 24 people found the following review helpful

"kicks ass, recommend to anyone who wants to meet more chicks"

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Blown my f***ng mind, I haven't seen such a radical change in my sex life since I lost my virginity.
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