The Average Penis Cure

Editor Review
"Hyped Product That Likely Exaggerates Potential Results; Also Contains Some Negative Beliefs"
When it comes to the maximum results you can achieve from this program, the claims seem highly exaggerated and the author's personal gains are incredibly dubious at best. Also some of the attitudes and mindsets regarding women are pretty negative and you'll do better to ignore.
For overall better advice on how to satisfy women sexually, check out some of our higher-ranked sexual skills products. If you think that you need a large penis to sexually satisfy women, we strongly suggest you check out this product, Unleash The Beast.
But to get these results you're going to have to remain dedicated over a long period of time. Moses claims that he personally grew on average each month by between 1/10th to 1/5th of an inch. But he also says that some guys grow slower than this and it'll vary from person to person.
If you took 1/10th of an inch to be the average, then over a year you would gain an extra 1.2 inches. And over the course of the year you'll need to devote roughly 180 hours to doing the exercises. The point is, this isn't a quick-fix solution and you should be mindful that you might devote a lot of time to this and not see any payoff.
Ultimately there isn't any conclusive proof that this method works, other than the author's say-so. There are no links to any scientific studies that demonstrate anybody has achieved noticeable results from this program. Moses claims that it has worked for thousands of people he has taught it to, but it's impossible to know if this is true or not.
How Big Can You Really Get?
Moses poses this question in his book, and he suggests that it's pretty much up to you how large you want to get, within reason. He claims that he personally has grown nearly 4 inches in length and nearly 2 inches in girth.Simply from a medical and scientific perspective, these claims seem highly doubtful. If you were to go and have penis extension surgery, you're only likely to gain an extra inch or so. So to suggest that you can achieve results about 400% better than what you'll get with surgery, from some simple exercises, seems very ambitious.
He does note however, that any gains you make will not be permanent unless you follow a maintenance program. So if you were to achieve the results you're looking for, but stopped doing the exercises, the gains you had made would disappear. So if this is something you want to do then you pretty much need to make a permanent commitment to it.
Moses points out that he started getting much faster results with this program than he did in months of trying other popular methods. This includes things such as using a Bath Mate, penis extenders and other rigorous exercise programs. All of these can be expensive and/or time-consuming, and there isn't a great deal of evidence that any of these deliver long-term results. So if you have tried these before then perhaps this program might be of some interest to you.
The Exercise Program
Before you start the main exercise program, there's a six-week preparation program you'll need to complete first. This essentially involves progressively increasing the amount of time you spend 'jelqing', a popular exercise amongst men looking to increase penis size.The book doesn't give you any information on this, all you are told is to 'Google it' and that you'll find the information on a bunch of different websites. This is pretty lazy and disappointing that the author can't be bothered himself to give you the basic information you need.
It only contains 40 pages, and with a really large typeface there isn't a great deal of information here. It wouldn't have been asking for too much to include the proper detail on the prep program and making the book a bit longer.
As for the actual exercises in the main program, without giving too much away, it involves pulling and squeezing your penis. The pulling exercise is supposed to increase the length and the squeezing exercise the girth.
There's a bit more to it than just pulling and squeezing though, and the book explains the correct way to do it. You'll also find in the member's area that there are a couple of videos of one of Moses's students demonstrating how the exercises should be done.
Different protocols are prescribed depending on what your goals are, but expect to do around 20 to 25 minutes of pulling daily and 5 to 10 minutes of squeezing. If anything that you're doing in this program is causing you pain, then you should stop, as you aren't doing it correctly.
Do Girls Care About Size?
One of the problems with this book is it greatly exaggerates the importance most women place on the size of a man's penis. If you were to read this book and take everything it says as gospel. you could be at risk of destroying your self-confidence.There are a couple of example stories early on that are aimed at showing you the importance of having a big penis and how women respond to this. More than anything though, the stories sound fictitious and are merely designed to convince you of the author's point of view.
Sure, there are a lot of women that like a man to have a big penis, but there are plenty of other women who don't as it can cause them physical pain. In reality each woman will differ on her preferred size, but research studies continually show that the overwhelming majority of women are satisfied by the size of their partner's penis.
It's also been proven consistently that most men fall within what is considered to be the markers of average penis size. So what this all means is that nearly all men have an average sized penis, and nearly all women can be satisfied by a penis of this size.
However many men can develop anxiety over what they perceive as having a small penis. This can be due to the prevalence of porn nowadays, where guys compare themselves to the 'actors' on screen, many of whom have had surgery and take pills to perform. It can also be due to the aggressive marketing that is common, especially online, to convince men they are below average in order to sell them products they don't need.
If you do your own research on this matter and look at the scientific data, chances are you'll actually feel better about yourself and how you compare to most other men. If you fall below what is considered normal, perhaps then it's worth looking at your options, but only if you feel it's negatively effecting you.
In the book Moses includes a chart that purportedly shows women's ideal penis size. It's not clear what this is based on, whether it was from a study or something that Moses just came up with himself. What's interesting to note is that the ideal range for most women, according to this graph, is of a size that is statistically uncommon according to research data.
The other possibility that needs to be taken into consideration is that most women won't know the exact size of a penis, even if it's a man they have slept with. It's unlikely they are going to actually measure it, so they could be guesstimating the size, or going by the size a man himself claims, which is likely to be inflated.
Simply put, if this is a cause of anxiety for you, you're likely worrying over nothing.
Negative Beliefs
The book pretty much takes the point of view that the only important factor in sexually satisfying a woman is having a big penis. That if you have one, you can get away with doing whatever you want, and if you don't, women will never be totally happy with you.This is blatantly untrue, and leads to some negative beliefs in the book. At one point Moses claims that he has never performed oral sex on a girl and never will, and that it's only for 'bitches' that have small dicks. He says you are on your knees trying to please a woman, and infers that you are less of a man by doing so.
This is a really immature attitude to have, and suggests that Moses likely doesn't have a lot of experiences of being in relationships with women. He comes across more like a young kid who is in love with himself and believes that having a large penis is all it takes to make a woman happy.
One of his beliefs is that 'chicks only want you for two things - to make them cum and to buy them things'. This is another example of an unhealthy, incorrect belief, and indicative that he's unable or unwilling to have a more mature relationship with a woman.
Overall you will do best to ignore the basic attitude that is presented here, and there is much better advice on the market when it comes to the topic of sexual skills. A good place to start is to check out some of our top rated courses, which you can find here.
There's three bonus books included here, and they all cover some aspect of sexual performance. They're about 20 pages each, and cover things such as the most common bedroom mistakes guys make, how to have more stamina and how to give women stronger orgasms.Since they are only a bonus they are worth a read, but there isn't much depth here to make the information easy to implement. Too many things are glossed over that it'll likely leave you with more questions than before you read it.
For example, the topic of Tantra is brought up and made out to be much more simple than it really is. It talks about different skills and basically says to 'just do it' when in reality you'll need more clear instructions on what to do as well as dedicating a lot of time and practice to it.
Similarly, a lot of the principles and techniques here are based off of the teachings of David Shade. No credit is given to Shade here though, and you'd be better off to learn his teachings directly from the source.
On a more positive note, in the bonus books there is some mention of oral sex and how it can be used to sexually satisfy women. The author's views in these bonuses seem less egocentric, and more about pleasing women, so it's unclear if these were written by Moses or by someone else.
The Bottom Line
This product explains that it's going to take a fair amount of time to see noticeable results. For this reason it's tough to say how effective the program really is. As a general guideline, if you're willing to devote 30 minutes a day to the exercises then after a year you could expect an increase in length of roughly one inch.When it comes to the maximum results you can achieve from this program, the claims seem highly exaggerated and the author's personal gains are incredibly dubious at best. Also some of the attitudes and mindsets regarding women are pretty negative and you'll do better to ignore.
For overall better advice on how to satisfy women sexually, check out some of our higher-ranked sexual skills products. If you think that you need a large penis to sexually satisfy women, we strongly suggest you check out this product, Unleash The Beast.
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Product Information
This program is designed to help men naturally increase the length and girth of their penis. It is also aimed at building stamina, confidence, and gaining more control over ejaculation.
The program uses a pain-free exercise to lightly stretch the penile tissues into an expanded, lasting state.
It is advised to follow a 90-day commitment plan to achieve maximum results.
Bonus reports include:
- Female Orgasm Mastery
- Stamina Secrets of the Porn Gods
- Bedroom Death: How to Avoid the Top 10 Bedroom Mistakes Made By Men
Includes 14-day trial to private, closed-door sex mastery program
- eBook
- Download (Video)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Chart revealing the size most women desire in order to set your penis size goal
- Videos to apply the first technique to increase penis length
- Technique to grow penis girth
What You Get:
Manual and videos
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
User Reviews of The Average Penis Cure
Most Helpful User Reviews
July 23, 2017
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