The Attraction Summit

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Product Information
This summit offers eight famous attraction coaches will spend 2-days on sharing brand new techniques and methods that you can use to attract more women into your life – no matter your looks, age, experience, nationality or income.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Multi-Company Conference
April 17, 2011
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Conversation Starters
- Conversation Flow
- Destroy Approach Anxiety
- New Attraction Techniques
- Sexual Escalation
- Escape The Friend Zone
What You Get:
The Attraction Summit
- Live Demonstrations
- Live In-Field Pickup Videos
Bonus Items:
- Day Game System – Video with Richard Laruina
- One Night Stands – Video with Sinn from The Game
- Asian Playboy Secrets – Video with J.T. Asian Playboy
Guarantee / Terms:
1. Silver Registration ($47)
- Full access to The Attraction Summit and standard seating.
2. Gold Registration ($97)
- Full access to The Attraction Summit, standard seating, and 4 bonus products
3. VIP Registration ($197)
- Experience The Attraction Summit in ways other attendees cannot. Upon arrival you will skip the queue and register straight away at the VIP table.
- Reserved front-row seating directly in front of the stage.
- Be invited to attend a private VIP party with the speakers on Saturday night, in one of Sydney’s hottest night clubs.
- You will also receive 4 free bonus products