The Attraction Code   

The Attraction Code
Dating Company: DiCarlo Diclassified | Dating Coach:
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64 of 67 people found the following review helpful

"A Solid "Inner Game" Book (With Solid Bonuses)"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Good content. Easy to understand. Quite a few new ideas and perspectives, many of them going in the other direction from the usual clichés you hear. Great looking ebook.
The Bad
Too light on techniques (but after all it’s a mindset ebook with a focus on Natural Game, so can we blame them?). Last part could have been better organized.
The Bottom Line
This book simplifies the game considerably. It teaches you to focus not on techniques or controlling people, but on controlling yourself. You will learn to manage your thoughts and express yourself freely, in order to become a natural.

An excellent read for beginners to intermediates.


This book was the first successful product to come from Vin DiCarlo and his Dicarlo Coaching team. The company has gone on to create much more successful products like Pandora's Box, however in this book you could already see the beginnings of the majority of Vin DiCarlo's theories.
How to Think Right
There are many ways to meet women, and very different approaches can actually work. Therefore, it's not so much what you DO that matters, but rather how you THINK. This book is about teaching you how to think right.

The author, Vin DiCarlo, was one of the first to talk about “Natural Game” a few years ago. One of his beliefs is that pick up is easy – just like a “natural” once told him. The less your mind is filled with details and instructions, the more spontaneous and charming you become – this is the basic concept of Natural Game (very different from the structured strategies of Mystery's Revelation or Love Systems' Magic Bullets, for example).

Well Presented and Thought Out
The ebook is well presented, with excellent graphics, classy pictures, etc – very professionally put together. Between every chapter, you get a few pages of “journal” from an imaginary student applying what you have just learned. You hear his thought processes, mistakes, and progress. While this may sound gimmicky, it is actually well written and useful for readers to relate to.
It Should Happen Naturally
The first two chapters explain social and evolutionary psychology theories, and how those relate to Natural Game. From the research, DiCarlo concludes that attraction is a game of displaying cues of dominance. Displaying these cues should not be done through tricks and techniques but through higher level processes. That way you don't have to think how to pass tests that women give you, it just happens naturally thanks to the way you perceive yourself on the inside.

Relying too much on techniques and lines, says DiCarlo, can stop you from internalizing the core attitudes of an attractive man.

The experience of a dominant man is different from the experiences of others, not just externally in terms of projection of confidence, but also internally, as an emotional experience. In fact, it is what happens internally that makes the outward confidence possible. It is hard to fake that dominance or high status if you don’t have your internal emotions in control.

DiCarlo asks you to reflect for a second on the nature of your thoughts. You can’t control what other people think – that’s a losing battle. But you can control how YOU think. You need to THINK like a natural to become a natural.

These 2 chapters are great. You will be familiar with some/ most of the research if you have studied attraction for a while, but it is well summarized here, and most importantly it is put into new perspectives and linked to Natural Game. It certainly makes a very convincing case for “going natural” and working on mindset and thought processes instead of memorizing techniques.

The one (small) bit I had to disagree with was this quote: “For a woman to feel attraction for a particular man, it’s absolutely essential that he have a higher perceived status than she does.” … which is wrong and simplistic in my experience. But that’s just a small gripe.

Female Psychology
The third chapter focuses on female psychology. From the very start DiCarlo says something I’ve thought for years but never saw mentioned before: the idea that women are "more emotional than men" and “make no sense “is rubbish. Women make just as much sense as men do, if you can understand their perspective.

DiCarlo goes on to explain how women think – and it directly relates to the previous chapter. Women care less about what you say than about what you do, and that is rooted in your character, which itself is dependent on how you think. Again, we go back to the idea of getting your thoughts straightened out.

One problem with the standard “techniques” and memorizing openers, DiCarlo says, is that it makes you see women as robots, concepts, or opponents. This is bad because then a genuine connection is difficult. You need to see women, and enjoy them, as individuals. Women are your team mates, in that they want what you want (great fun, a great mate, great sex, etc). Again, excellent advice that goes against a lot of the usual clichés you hear from dating coaches from the “pick up artist community”.

Quote: “Stop trying to control women. Instead, understand them, pay attention, and control yourself.”

The chapter elaborates on compliance, frames, and the different types of tests women give you. All good stuff.

The Attraction Code
The last chapter details the “attraction code” itself. This is the most abstract and theoretical part of the book, and I was yawning a bit at times.

It’s not that the content is bad, but it is made overcomplicated and goes in to a lot of different directions - without much transition to link everything up. There is a lot of new jargon (State Frictions? Intention-Violation?) and sub-divisions and listing going on. You go from the 4 Elements of Personality (4EP) to the 11 Laws of an Attractive Identity to the 3 State Frictions to the 3 Shaping techniques, with some stuff in between. Although each individual piece is valuable, it feels a bit thrown together in a hurry.

What stood out most in this chapter was the “Quick And Dirty Guide to Manufacturing Confidence” and the “Instruction Manual to Your Mind”. This ties back to the previous chapters – after explaining that WHAT you think is key, he gives you the tools to change HOW you think. Here you learn to be in the moment, improve your focus and keep your thoughts strongly streamlined in a positive, seductive direction.

With the main ebook you also receive 5 bonus books. We have reviewed the most popular of these, DiCarlo Escalation Ladder 2nd Edition and No Flakes! ebook. The others include Secrets of Sexual Tension, Objection Game and Get Your Girl Back (by Jay Cataldo).

The Bottom Line - An Excellent “Inner Game/ Confidence” Book
The advertising says this is not an inner game and confidence product, and I have no idea why, since that’s essentially what it is - it is a “mindset” book. And there is nothing wrong with that, especially since it explains not only inner game and confidence but how to actually get it, and does so in an engaging, simple way.

While the content is great, the obvious limitation is the near total absence of techniques. This is a broad roadmap. A beginner finishing this book will most likely say “oh WOW, I learned A LOT” but his next thought may also be “Hmm ok, so what do I do now?”. This is somewhat compensated by some of the bonus ebooks you receive with your purchase, and hey, you can’t get it all.

For a beginner book that emphasizes techniques more check out the Double your Dating ebook.

The Attraction Code is not for advanced guys, but it will be very beneficial for beginners to intermediates. It simplifies the game of dating considerably, and the content is both of quality and (mostly) easy to understand and accept.

If you don’t want to pretend to be something you are not, this introduction to Natural Game is well worth checking out.

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Product Information

This program provides an explanation of and instruction on Vin DiCarlo's approach to attracting women, also known as "Natural Game". It is primarily mindset and attitude based (inner game & confidence skillset).

This is Vin DiCarlo's introductory product for people starting to learn his dating system.

Bonus items include:

- No Flakes! ebook
- Objection Game ebook
- Secrets of Sexual Tension ebook
- DiCarlo Escalation Ladder, 2nd Ed ebook
- Free chapter of "Get Your Girl Back" ebook
- Skills Assessment w/ DiClassified Trainer
- One Month Bonus Membership to Vin's Mastermind

  • Attracting Women
  • Inner Game & Confidence
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Vin DiCarlo
Release Date:
January 06, 2008
Price: $69.95


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- My Very First Thoughts about Attraction
- There’s Always the Dating Lottery
- The Early Frustrations I Faced as a Pick-Up Artist in Training
- My First Encounter with a Super-Natural
- Throwing My Routine “Cheat Sheet” Out The Window
- If You Really Want This, There Is One Thing You MUST Do
- How to Read This Book
- How Much Casanova is in YOUR Blood?

Chapter 1: Social Status, Dominance and attraction
- The Difference between What Attracts Men And What Attracts Women
- Attraction Code Clue #1: Secret Traits
- What is Status?
- Attraction Code Clue #2: Dominance and Status
- Patrick’s Story 1: Being Average ain’t so Bad Or is it?
- A Brief History of Dominance
- Attraction Code Clue #3: Leadership Abilities
- What Does this Have to Do with Sex?
- A Tale of Two Gentlemen
- Attraction Code Clue #4: A Thinking Man’s Game
- A Glitch in the Matrix
- Patrick’s Story 2: Eyes Wide Open

Chapter 2: Origins of the Attraction Code
- Is Your Mental Software Obsolete?
- Attraction Code Clue #5: Technology is Winning the Race
- Tonight on the Discovery Channel…
- Attraction Code Clue #6: Sex Differences
- The Origin of Social Behavior
- The Amazing Effects of Mega Memory
- Attraction Code Clue #7: Mind Your Thoughts
- Patrick’s Story 3: “What’s He Got that I Don’t?”
- The New Alpha: Take Me to Your Leader
- Attraction Code Clue #8: The Nature of Focus
- Act Civilized
- Attraction Code Clue #9: The Consequences of Sex
- Putting the Fear of God in You
- Effects of Society on Modern Women
- Patrick’s Story #4: “Why Won’t She Answer the Phone?”

Chapter 3: Female psychology, how to View Women, and Why The attraction Code Works
- Women Don’t Make Sense… Or Do They?
- What I Learned About Women in Physics 101
- A Robot With Boobs
- One Team, One Dream
- Patrick’s Story #5: The Hump
- How Women See Men
- Attraction Code Clue #10: An Emotional Response
- Is it True What They Say About People Who Read Tis Book?
- Freudian Slip
- She Can’t Get No… Satisfaction
- How to Measure a Woman’s Attraction to You
- A Blueprint of a Woman’s Behavior
- Attraction Code Clue #11: The Final Test
- Patrick’s Story 6: Social Intelligence
- Relax It’s Only a Test
- Women’s Tests Disarmed 1: Receptivity Tests
- Women’s Tests Disarmed 2: Windows of Opportunity
- Women’s Tests Disarmed 3: Challenge Testing
- When in Doubt, Shrug
- Patrick’s Story 7: It’s a Physical Game
- Understanding the Attraction Spike
- Reflex Compliance
- “Flip the Script”
- Backwards Rationalization and Cognitive Dissonance
- Patrick’s Story 8: The Brick Wall
- How to Manage Sexual Tension
- How Fast Should You Escalate to Sex?
- The Five Potential Dangers of Fast Escalation and How to Deal with Them
- Patrick’s Story 9: Unsolved
- The Code Awaits

Chapter 4: The attraction Code
- The 4EP Model of Personal Expression
- The Attraction Code Defined
- The Dangers of Becoming an “Inner Game Junkie”
- Patrick’s Story 10: Oh Yeah… Logistics
- How to Develop Powerful Intention and an Attractive Core Identity
- The Eleven Immutable Laws of an Attractive Identity
- The End of Natural Game?
- The Quick and Dirty Guide to Manufacturing Confidence
- Patrick’s Story 11: Sex is about Us
- Focus I’m about to Hand You the Instruction Manual for Your Mind
- Is Your Attention A Leaky Faucet?
- A Proof They Don’t Teach in Math Class
- The Mind is Like a Vacuum And Yes… Tat’s a Good Ting
- Yoga for the Pick-up Artist
- How to Use ‘Shaping’ to Influence a Woman’s Behavior
- Tree Bullet-Proof Methods of Shaping or, Obedience School for Women
- The Difference between Shaping Relationships by Accident and On Purpose
- “Flip the Script Part II”
- The Secret Mindset for Accelerating Physical Intimacy
- How to Attract a Woman You Are Already Friends With
- Developing an Invincible State
- Patrick’s Story 12: Broken Promises
- The Three Frictions: Attention Fixation, Social Pressure, Intention-Violation
- Behind the Scenes of DiClassified Drills and The FSE Feedback System
- The Highest Level of State Control
- The Little-Known Connection between Pick-Up and Heavy Metal
- Transparency and Freedom of Expression
- The End Result of Internalizing the Attraction Code
- Patrick’s Story 13: Liberation

Resources for Further Study
Appendix 1: The Hard-Core Science Behind Attraction
Appendix 2: Relationship of I-LoC to Dominance

What You Get:


Guarantee / Terms:

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful

"Amazing product...and I'm NEVER enthusiastic about products"

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The Good
If you keep on wondering how the hell do u study pickup, if you keep studying and studying, this book will teach you to calm down. Game is a mental game. If things aren't going well in your outer life, its because things are not going well in your inner life. This book teaches you how to shift your attention. Instead of seeing a hot girl and feeling anxiety since she is hot, this book will teach you to change your focus and say "Wow, she MAY be interesting, let's go find out".
The Bad
There are no techniques in here for the stages of a "proper" pickup. But remember, no girl is the same.
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"Very Useful"

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I have read this and found it very useful. It has great ideas and concepts for having the right mind-set and beliefs for approaching and dating women.

It is not so much technique based but about guiding your intention, focus, state and expression; and how these elements are linked to each other. The format is great for learning as well. It definitely sets the correct frame.

Vin's stuff is worthy.
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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful

"Attraction Code"

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The Good
Great content. Very real observations about the pickup mindset. Innovative inner game ideas that haven't been touched upon. You'll definitely learn something new about your mental process during a pickup. Entertaining format.
The Bad
Idea can be rather vague at times. Not for beginners as they will not understand if they don't have enough pickup/relationship experience under their belt.
If you are just looking for techniques, this is not the book for you. But if you want to carry a solid mindset while you pickup this book will have a wealth of information. The interesting thing about this book is that it really has multiple levels and the information I can glean from it is vastly different from the first time I read it. Having infield experience is extremely important to understand this book.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"To win the inner game"

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I found this product by a citation from another Vin DiCarlo product called "Pandora's box". This product helped me to remove some harmful effects of that book, so I don't get it why would he created such a product :S Anyways, it is a nice book, I am on my second reading and everytime it gives me some new inner sights about dating and personalities.

However, inner game is a such a complex world to conquer, maybe this product would be more comprehensive about how to deal with inner stuff. I don't know really, maybe its because of my personality, it does not show direct ways to deal with those bad programs in you but he says its a natural game. So I can't blame him for being not comprehensive :P

Overall, it is a great starter book, yet I would like to get some more directions from him. Sometimes I feel like I am lost in a jungle :)
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"Don't Waste Your Money on this Book Like I Did"

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The product puts a bit of a twist on the game I think. It basically says that you don't need openers and canned material, but what you need is a mindset change to be dominant.

The process of developing the right mindset is a little confusing, and I get the feeling that the author doesn't really know how to put his information together himself. THe guy is obviously good with women, and he runs his own boot camps and has in own instructors. He knows what he's doing, he teaches well- according to his testimonials, but his ebook is confusing.

What I did learn from this book was that you need Intention, Focus, and State to be in balance with eachother. He says that you need to have Intention to have Focus, and have Focus ot have proper state, but I think they need to be properly balanced for his ideas to work.

Anyways, I probably just confused you all, lol, but my recap is this book doesn't clearly display the ideas of teh author. If you read it though, you can develop some of your own ideas. In short terms his book says to have confidence. Just stick with general pickup my friends, and don't waste your money on this book like I did.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"Attraction starts with contact then, "

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Like reading a shorter less crazy/ light version of Revelation. Cheerleading enough to let you know - you can do this. Alot of pick up it not screwing yourself up. Keep the right thoughts in your head and things will go while. Cut out negativity in your thoughts and things will go at least pleasntly with women. That's what this book helps to teach you.
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1 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"A book that helps you to put your game on auto-pilot"

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Here we have a book that is a big departure from what other guys in the community come up with. A love the concept of seeing women as your teammates and not as some adversaries that you have to manipulate into getting what you what. They also what what you want. A lot of beginners might not really like it because it does not focus on techniques and strategies but more on the evolutionary psychology. It really might not even make sense to a lot of beginners but i can assure you when you have spent a while in the game and you have more understanding about it, when you come back to pick up this book, you would find out that the book makes perfect sense. That's what happened to me.
Yeah and by the way ... I disagree with the reservations the above editor made in his review about the quote " For a woman to feel attraction for a particular man, it’s absolutely essential that he have a higher perceived status than she does" I think if you really sit down and analyise exactly what he is saying there it would make perfect sense to you. Every single effective technique out there about how to attract women is based on this simple yet true principle. Please Editor I really would like to hear more about you really disagree about the quote because I just might learn a thing or two from it.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"Attarction Code a MUST for ALL Men!!!"

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The Attraction Code is SERIOUS stuff my friends. DiCarlo's background in science has definitely allowed him to go deep and analytical into the psychology of the female mind on LOTS of levels. As someone who already knows a lot about this stuff I found DiCarlo's book truly original and thoroughly well researched. It contains of TON of paradigm shifting principles which may be hard to deal with at first, but you WILL know from reading that it is the real-deal. I can't emphasize it enough that this is something that ALL men should read REGARDLESS of whether they are PUAs or AFCs. It will help you on LOTS of levels.
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