The Advanced Dating Strategies   

The Advanced Dating Strategies
Dating Company: Date Hotter Girls | Dating Coaches:
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from Date Hotter Girls.

Editor Review

9 of 11 people found the following review helpful

"Great Product Teaching Techniques To Attract Women Naturally"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
A lot of different, effective techniques to help you attract women while still being yourself. In-field footage is provided so you can watch these techniques in action. Presented in a way that makes it sound fun so you'll be more motivated to go out and put this into action.
The Bad
A few of the techniques would have benefited from having a few more examples provided. The audio and visual quality of some of the in-field clips is a bit shaky at times.
The Bottom Line
This is a quality product that strips away a lot of bad information you may have heard, and cuts to the core of how to be successul with women in a way that feels natural. While it is aimed towards beginners, intermediate level guys would also gain plenty of value from this product.


Advanced Dating Strategies is the latest product offering by Rob Judge and Zack Bauer of Date Hotter Girls. A review of their e-book, The Four Elements of Game, can be found here. While their e-book mainly focuses on 'inner game' and the correct mindsets to be successful with women, Advanced Dating Strategies teaches you the 'outer game', or techniques, to boost your success.
Who are Rob and Zack?

Rob and Zack are only relatively new in the dating advice field, but they have made a big impact. They have a reputation for providing clear, practical advice in an easy to understand way that is applicable for the average guy.

They are big on learning to express yourself honestly and not making excuses for anything. Their style is more direct and natural, while making sure you and the girl are having fun.

Out of all of the dating coaches I have seen, Rob and Zack come off as two of the most genuine and normal guys you could meet. They are refreshingly light on ego, and are a good example to model for guys who might be new to this. In short, when they have something to say, it's worth listening to.

The Structure of This Course

This course is broken up into different sections, which takes you all the way from meeting a woman through to beginning a sexual relationship.

There are seven different main topics that are discussed. All of them include an introduction to the topic, based around either Rob or Zack's personal experience. Then there are three strategies taught for each topic, most of which include a demonstration by either Rob or Zack via in-field footage.

So essentially, this course teaches 21 different techniques to use along the path from approaching a woman right through to sleeping with her.

There are also quizzes at the end of each section and exercises to help you put these ideas into practice. It's clear that Rob and Zack have put a lot of time into this course, and the presentation of it is first class.

How Good Are These Techniques?

At the end of the day, what you're most interested in is how this course can improve your dating life. Like any dating advice, the techniques will only help you as much as you allow them. That is, you need to actually go out and apply them in the real world for them to be useful. Which is something that is stressed throughout this course.

Overall, the techniques presented here are very good. Some will appeal more so than others, depending on your own personality and style.

Some of these ideas are nothing new, rather presented with a different name and given a fresh spin. Other ideas are more original that you likely won't have heard before. For example, in the section on getting sexual, the Sex Bomb technique is an interesting idea that I've never heard anyone talk about.

I would have liked to have seen a few more examples for some of the techniques, though. The topic of 'conversation bait' is covered, but suffers from being limited to Rob's own personal favourite again and again. Having a few more varied examples would help guys be able to construct their own more easily.

The main aim of these 21 techniques though is to give you a rough outline of how to lead an interaction all the way to the bedroom. It doesn't try to over-complicate things or give you a heap of theory that you don't need.

Listening and Getting Sexual

The last two topics that are covered are about listening and getting sexual.

The idea of listening to a woman generally isn't discussed as much as it should be. So it was nice to see it was included here in this course.

A lot of advice predominantly focuses on how you have to be constantly talking and displaying value, that this important aspect can be overlooked. Rob and Zack point out that sometimes it pays to just shut up and listen to women. A technique they give for helping her to invest into the conversation will be a huge benefit to many guys.

While getting sexual is not a new concept, it is probably explained here in the most succinct way I've seen.

The techniques they present here cover verbal arousal, physical arousal and taking her home. That's it. It really doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.

This is an area that many guys struggle with, and if you can master this your success will skyrocket. As Rob and Zack point out, the reason most guys aren't getting laid is they simply aren't trying to take girls home with them.

In-Field Videos

To help you see these techniques in action, there are numerous clips of Rob and Zack 'in the field' talking to women. These clips vary from a few seconds to about a minute or so of footage.

They are included to just show you the specific technique you have been reading about. It can be a bit difficult to get a read on what's happening without the context of the full interaction. So it would have been nice to be able to see longer versions of the footage, however it's made clear than you can see the full clips by signing up for a separate program, Pickup Tube which you can find out about here. (Note: Pickup Tube was shut down in 2012 and is no longer available).

The quality of the videos is good in terms of the demonstrations by Rob and Zack. You can see them applying these techniques and getting good reactions from attractive girls.

In terms of the quality of the audio and video, at times it's not the best. Due to the nature of having a hidden camera and microphone in a loud bar or club environment, it's tough to come up with professional looking footage. There's nothing here that will hamper your ability to see and learn from the techniques in action, though.


There are a few bonuses that come with this course. One of them is a short e-book that gives an overview of Rob and Zack's F.E.R.A method for getting girls. While it isn't a revoultionary concept, like a lot of what they teach, it simplifies things down to a base level that is easy to understand and implement.

There are a couple of short e-books on fashion and logistics. There's some good information in both of these, and will be particularly beneficial to guys who are newer at this. The logistics book covers setting up your house/apartment, mood music, drink recipes, a food recipe etc. Good advice.

There is also a series of four interviews with other dating coaches. Some of the advice presented in these interviews will be more useful than others, keep in mind that these are basically advertisements to get you to check out the other coaches products.

The Bottom Line

This is a quality product that strips away a lot of bad information you may have heard, and cuts to the core of how to be successul with women in a way that feels natural. While it is aimed towards beginners, intermediate level guys would also gain plenty of value from this product.

While priced at $97, considering all the information you are getting here, it's quite a fair price. Unlike a lot of courses, this is a complete system that gives you all the tools you'll need to go out and attract some quality women into your life.

If you decide to purchase this product, consider also reading The Four Elements of Game. Whilst it isn't required reading to gain great value from Advanced Dating Strategies, it is definitely a nice complement to it.

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Product Information

The Advanced Dating Strategies from Date Hotter Girls is a training course to teach you how to display the most attractive aspects of your unique personality and how to behave in a way that women love.

  • Meeting Women
  • Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
  • Download (Audio)
  • Download (Video)
  • Online Access
Hot Topic Tags:
Infield Video
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Rob JudgeZack Bauer
Release Date:
May 27, 2011
Product No Longer Available.


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- how to show your attractive aspects
- learn the secret "code of behavior" that women look for in a man
- how to amplify the attractive parts of who you are when interacting with women

What You Get:

"The Advanced Dating Strategies" Course
- Contents
- Real Life Demos
- 360-training
- Virtual Coaches
- PDF Exercises

Guarantee / Terms:


User Reviews of The Advanced Dating Strategies

(2 reviews)

9.6 out of 10 stars

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful

"Minimum Effective Dose of Game"

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This product is excellent. After reading a lot of the more popular game stuff ( from Mehow, Adam Lyons, Love systems, PUA training, Roosh V etc) out there I can say it is the ease of implementation and simplicity that make this product stand apart. As described by DSR it is the 80/20 that will help your game skyrocket. I would highly recommend 4 elements of Game as well and intact say they work synergistically together and without one you may not get enough out of the other. A common problem in game is information overload and getting so bogged down in "rules" and details you either don't make a move or over game which is what I did for years. This product ( combined with 4 Elements of Game) has helped me break past that and have my game skyrocket in about 2 weeks of consistent practice.

- Super simple and Effective
- Real videos with examples to see how its done
- Fairly thorough, in going through all the steps of an interaction

- Difficult to find online ( had to go through their FB then e-mail Rob directly to get access)
- More fluid rather than step by step ( Which I much prefer but may not work for those needing rigid structure like in Love Systems)
- Videos are only okay quality
- Made much better when combined with Four Elements of Game.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

"Simple yet Deadly Effective."

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No fluff, no-non sense product.

Basically it will give you a complete playbook from A to Z for your interactions.
Each lesson has a pdf and a short video that delivers pure gold.

Couple it with "The 4 Elements of Game" or "Shut up & Listen" and you'll get a radioactive combo that will get you laid consistently (Like it's done for me)

This the the Pareto Principle of Dating, hands down.
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