The 4 Elements of Game   

The 4 Elements of Game
Dating Company: Date Hotter Girls | Dating Coach:
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47 of 55 people found the following review helpful

"'Game' Simplified. Sticks to the Important and Makes Highly Practical."

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Very practical. Sticks to priorities. Simply related. Excellent value for money. Great for kicking guys who have read a lot of advice but not got results into shape.
The Bad
Storytelling section get complicated and advice not as good, lacks some clear advice on how to identify what's missing in your 'balance'
The Bottom Line
Good value for money. Simple to understand. Very practical advice. Suited for beginners and also for guys who are intermediate and feeling cluttered with dating advice.

Really good at 3 things:
1. Prioritization on only the important
2. Making advice simpler and more practical
3. Advice that takes account of your natural abilities and customizes what you need to do based on that baseline


This was a refreshing read. Refreshing for its simplicity and careful prioritization of the things that really matter when you are learning to get better with women.

Sticking to the 80/20 Rule
From start to finish Rob takes you through the most important things he sees in dating women. They have kept it to a small number, and they are careful to tackle the most important first.

Which brings me to...

They said it - in a community of men studying to get better with women - no one talks about the biggest reason for men not getting results. They don't put it first, they don't give it the priority it deserves.

Rob and Zack said it. Drive... (another word for stepping up and pushing things forward with women). The 4 Elements of Game dedicates the first quarter of the book to inspiring you to focus on drive before everything else, and telling you how to do it. I salute them - it had to be said like this. And they do it well.

Very. Simple. Very. Practical.
It's all in the words... Rob, the write of the book, reveals that he is a writer at one point in the book - and this doesn't surprise me. His use of words, and naming of concepts throughout the book have obviously carefully been chosen.

He manages to make most subjects simple to read and understand. At many times he reduces everything down to a simple phrase that helps you to get it all. One of these diamonds is:
"Oversell everything in you life but nothing about yourself."

For those who have read a lot of dating advice, you'll know that this sums up succinctly a lot of what you've learned and read about communication.

Reading through the book it was obvious to me that these guys have spent a lot of time meeting and dating women. They get it, and have been able to translate all their experience into practical - short advice.

An example of the practicality of the book, is the use of 'conversation templates' for you to use. There aren't that many of them, and to be honest it is stuff I and many guys have either known or read about for a long time - but... they have translated that knowledge into a few templates which make it easy to follow.

Easy to Relate to
Something else that Rob does well in this book is relate to the reader. He builds both him and Zack up at the beginning of the book, and later.. throughout the book he gives you well chosen stories to illustrate points.

Many of these are screw ups where Rob and Zack learned their lessons. Many guys will see themselves in these situations. I was glad to see that the traditional barrier that Dating Coaches put up of being semi-perfect wasn't here.

You can get a better feel that these guys are just like you, and they've had, and still have their screw ups. But, that it doesn't stop them from getting the success with women they have searched for.

I liked this authenticity and think it will help guys by making it all more approachable and accessible for the typical guy. They tell it like it is when it comes to mistakes. They happen, and they don't completely disappear one day by a miracle. But it's no big deal.

The writing style is also has a fun vibe. So it isn't a tough read, it's pretty enjoyable.

Customized to Your Needs
I haven't come across dating advice before that has taken a good stab at customizing the advice for the student.

The reality is that every student is different, and that he has weaker and stronger parts of himself (naturally) that are effective to attract women.

So when someone learns from dating advice there is a risk that he will over emphasize something that he was actually already ok at. And the truth was he needed to focus on developing another part of his skills.

The 4 elements of game tries to address this through the idea that balance between the 4 elements is what you need to achieve. They explain and give examples of how a guy can be good in one area and need to work on another area to balance it out and get good.

This is an important point, and many students get advised on dating bootcamps about these issues - but this is the first homestudy product I've seen that attempts to address it. Good job.

What Wasn't So Great?
I like the 'balance' system Rob and Zack propose. And I think it will help a lot of guys to get over their weaknesses. The book would've gone that much further if they had spent some time helping a guy to identify what elements he has to work on more in a clear process. A great point of the book is its clarity and simplicity, but this aspect didn't get the same treatment. Some guys may come away from the book with less than they could because they are unable to identify their own particular weaknesses.

The section on storytelling broke with the mould of the rest of the book and got kind of complicated, with quite a few rules and - basically, it just wasn't something you were going to implement easily and quickly. Unlike a lot of the books content - which kept to that rule.

I also felt they were 'over-reaching' themselves a little in this section - like they didn't 100% know how to teach this particular aspect of their dating system.

Guys Challenged with the Complexity of Dating Advice
If you are someone who has read a lot (read: too much). And your results have not followed, you are at a learning 'trough' that many many guys fall into. They confuse themselves with too many different approaches and concepts. The resulting clutter in your head breeds inaction. This is a serious issue for guys learning dating advice.

I think this book, right here, could be the solution for those in that situation. This book reduces to simplicity a lot of the complexity. It may not be the perfect guide to dating women, but it certainly hits the 80/20 of it. The important stuff is covered and handled.

If you are feeling cluttered by dating advice for men, I recommend you try this one out to clear up the mess.

The Bottom Line
This is a good book. It is simple to understand and offers very practical advice. This is well suited for beginners, so they don't over-complicate things - and also for guys who are intermediate, and are feeling a little cluttered with dating advice.

This book differentiates itself from the rest of the dating advice market by being really good at 3 things:
1. Prioritization on only the important
2. Making advice simpler and more practical
3. Advice that takes account of your natural abilities and customizes what you need to do based on that baseline

This book is definitely good value for money.

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Product Information

"The 4 Elements of Game" offers ideas on how simple it is to date hot girls by having a knowledge of and balancing 4 types of behavior. It explains why attracting women is nothing to do with “adding” behaviors, money, or possessions to what you have, but balancing who you are and what you already have.

Bonuses include:

- A 7-day all-access pass to Pickup Tube: Zack and Rob Edition
- The 28 Days to Success
- Private Forum Access

Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Rob Judge
Release Date:
January 01, 2010
Price: $47.00


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

PART I: Introduction To Your New Success With Women

Replacing Your Old Mindsets
- Welcome to the 4-EG system
- The magic pill “Myth”
- Get truth to get girls

Understanding How Female Attraction Works
- Tension creates attraction, release brings truth
- Foundations of female attraction
- Know when you’re at the waypoint

How The New Game Is Played
- Normalcy is the name of this game
- Perfect balance: your optimal attractive state

PART II: The Drive Element

Why Putting “The Moves” On Women Is Sexy
- Motivational man slap
- Your drive equals your attractiveness
- Driven men are confident men
- Shamelessly overcome obstacles to your drive

Smashing Through What' s Keeping You From Success
- See obstacles for what they are—mental mirages
- Playing the waiting game...properly
- Drive prevents interactions from going nowhere

The Reality Of Getting Sexual With Women
- Act as the pursuer; let her pace you
- Kiss ‘n tell: Zack pursues girl, gets girl
- Curiosity is sexy
- The truth about kissing girls
- When women pursue you

How To Instantly Generate Confidence You Need
- Displaying drive is displaying confidence (Which is Hot!)
- Jumpstarting your confidence
- Drive versus neediness
- Making drive work for you

How To Keep Your Drive Sexy
- Balancing your drive
- She wants you to win, but earn it
- Warning signs that you need more drive
- Taking responsibility for drive
- Commit to reality, get hotter girls
- Kiss ‘n tell: Rob’s first cold approach
- Putting drive into action

PART III: The Inspiration Element

How To Tap Into Your Inspiration
- To attract women
- Inspiration in insults
- Inspiration comes to you, not vice versa
- Inspiring yourself with prompts

How to Converse With Women
- Attractively and expressively
- Always knowing what to say
- Prompt 1: narrow the focus of conversation
- Prompt 2: tweaking common phrases
- Prompt 3: overwhelm her emotions by overselling

How To structure Conservation So
- Women are drawn to you
- Conversation themes
- Template 1: create the “Us” vibe
- Template 2: inspired by what’s in front of you
- Kiss ‘n tell: Zack’s flood of inspiration on a first date
- Template 3: role-playing and scenarios
- Template 4: changing topics

All You Need To Know To
- Get women laughing
- Guide to humor
- Comedy technique 1: absurdity
- Kiss ‘n tell: Rob gets absurd with a fashion critic
- Comedy technique 2: managing reaction
- Comedy technique 3: imitation
- Comedy technique 4: accusation

The Purpose Of Flirty Conservations
- Final word on prompts, templates, and techniques
- The value of silences
- Find truth in the moment
- Balancing inspiration
- Inspiration into action

PART IV: The Connection Element

A Fresh Look At Connecting
- With women emotionally
- Emotions, connections, and motorboating
- Real connections are attractive connections
- Fast, genuine connections begin with curiosity
- Rapport: foreplay for making a connection
- You cannot force a connection

The Biggest Mistakes Most Guys
- Make without realizing it
- Learning to let your guard down and be real
- Destroy the “Perfection Myth”
- Kiss ‘n tell: Rob’s tangled tongue makes a connection
- Mistakes let her see the real you
- Mistakes don’t kill attraction—obstacles do

Using Rapport To Transition
- From flirting to connecting
- How to create rapport
- Rapport through pop culture
- Using pop culture rapport right
- Kiss ‘n tell: Zack generates rapport by reading minds on accident
- Using situational rapport effectively

How Stories From Your Life
- Can spark immense attraction
- Using storytelling to create emotional connections
- Storytelling aspect 1: create word pictures
- Storytelling aspect 2: add conflict
- Storytelling aspect 3: metaphors
- Storytelling aspect 4: develop characters
- Social storytelling versus narrative storytelling

Guide To Making Genuine
- Emotional connections with women
- Topics for creating Connections
- Knowing when it’s time to make a connection
- The genuine compliment
- Compliments are an expression of you

Keeping Connections Focuse And Effective
- Identifying emotional interrupts
- Balancing connection
- Connection into action

PART V: The Mechanics Elements

How To Smoothly Move
- Things in a sexual direction
- The most amazing mechanized first date
- The mechanics of mechanics
- Mechanics bridges the five transitions

Using Time-Dependent Female
- Attraction to your advantage
- Identifying the three modes of female reaction
- Navigating the three modes of female reaction
- Avoid the over-gaming trap

How To Approach Hot Women Successfully
- Know what you’re there to do
- Stage 1: opening
- Examples of openers and tips
- Stage 2: vibe
- Aligning your opener with a vibe

Knowing What To Do
- Once you’re talking
- Stage 3: isolate
- Stage 4: escalate
- Kiss ‘n tell: Rob’s blockbuster preview kiss
- Stage 5: close

How To Setup A Date
- Soft closing: how to get her number
- Texting effectively
- Know when to text, when to call
- Quick tips for talking on the phone

How To Get Physical Fast
- Hard closing: taking her home that night
- Kiss ‘n tell: Rob’s perfect first date setup
- First date recipe: Zesty lemon braised chicken
- What to do on the date

A Few Words About Looks
- How looks relate to game
- How looks relate to balance
- The secret to making yourself physically attractive

Final Motivation For Success
- On overcoming ugly features
- Balancing the mechanics of action

PART VI: Afterworld - Let Balance Guide Your Progress

What You Get:


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24 of 36 people found the following review helpful

"This ebook is the SHIT!!!!!!!"

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The Good
The good thing about the Ebook is how easy it is to put into use. Other "methods"start trying to complicate thngs by coming up with scientific terms, and confusing the shit outta people, not this ebook. Anyone can spit game and this ebook shows u exactly how. Everything from the words coming out of your mouth to your vibe, Its all covered.
The Bad
Not a damn thing bad. Its all good knowledge... Zack and Rob are the motherfucking truth!!!!
I started out learning some methods and i was way to robotic and i would bag 1 in every 30 girls i was approaching.. And everytime i got shot down i would reread and go over the other methods. Then i seen zack n rob spittin game n it was really natural and i wanted to learne how to do that. I read their ebook and everything just clicked. If your anxiety is getting to you, they got a whole section on manning up called drive. If you run outta stuff to say, they got a whole nother section on that. How to connect with people, how to set up your dates, they cover it all. And on top of that you get a free week of infield footage, Man you cant beat that! I learned a ton from these guys, Now when i go out to club, i actually have fun. Zack n rob have unleashed a monster lol... Thank homies
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20 of 25 people found the following review helpful


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This is the best book that I have read.

I have read: Double your dating, magic bullets, the tao of badass, alpha male audiobooks and paul janka's attraction formula. Believe me... these books are very good, don't get me wrong, but the four elements is a book which lets you pickup natural way. (not like a pickup robot, which by the way sucks).

But I can tell you this. Discard all books and future reading. Just buy this one and grow some balls man. There are NO BOOKS that will talk to women by themselves, you have to do the talking. I can tell you this one makes you believe in yourself but the final step has to be done by you.

Summary: recommend this one and then watch "the keys to VIP" tv show... it lets you see what you read being done right or wrong with actual girls.

Enjoy mates

P.S. You dont know how much time to live you have, start enjoying now without giving a fuck.
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16 of 26 people found the following review helpful

"To succeed as myself"

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The Good
What I love about this ebook is that it doesn't try to change who and what you are. What is does do is help you figure out exactly what parts of your game are lacking, and gives you the direction needed to fix them.
The Bad
None really. Sometimes I felt like the structure of the book is difficult to follow (wait, what element are we in? how does this fit into the "system"?), but that just might be me and my ADD.
After enjoying Rob's excellent articles on his blog and TSB, I decided to give "The 4 Elements of Game" a shot. I love his style of writing and his advice really hit home.
It's weird but since I started reading pick up material several years ago certain elements of my game have actually gotten worse. My anxiety of approach went up, I got in the habit of saying stupid things thinking it would somehow demonstrate high value (but actually made be come off as a douche) and in general I would lose women at a much higher rate than I used to.
As a result I have lately been trying to forget old PU advice and in attempt to become the "normal cool guy" I used to be and not the weird pick up douche I sometimes felt I've become.
Of course not everything I learned was bad, some of it was actually great and helped me a lot. This is what got me so confused.
"The 4 Elements of Game" is set up in a way that helped me pin point the parts of my game that needed to be worked on, and the parts that I'm naturally good at. It doesn't try to change who I am but instead helps me balance my behavior around women in a way that will lead to my desired results.
Since reading this book I carry a different mindset. I am myself again, and girls like me when I'm myself. Now it's just knowing when and to what extent to show off the different aspects of my personality. "The 4 Elements of Game" is the best guide I've ever read in teaching me just that.
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14 of 26 people found the following review helpful

"Simple Effectiveness"

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The Good
Its all good!!!
The Bad
If you want to be a dancing monkey pick up fan boy then do not get this book!
This system is so SIMPLE it will blow your mind. When I read this I was blown away by how simple and effective it is. I have been in this so called "seduction community" for 6 years and this is the best ebook and best advice I have found since. The main focus is the girls like it should be. Not some special line or annoying names like "Sarging." I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book to everyone. I mean this is ground breaking stuff! And for the price they are asking its a no brainer. GET IT NOW!!!!!!
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13 of 21 people found the following review helpful

"This eBook is amazing, but only if you apply the 4 elements to yourself."

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If you read this book mindlessly from start to finish, you honestly won't get much out of it. But seriously if you step back after you read it and think about how these elements apply to your past and present relationships with women, you'll see exactly what you did and are doing wrong. You'll develop a new, effective mindset for your relationships. You'll think in terms of how you unbalanced one element was when something went wrong, and how you balanced all elements when you had success. And if you're unsure about how to fix that unbalance, the book is right there to help you. In whatever situation you may be in - single, dating, or in a relationship - this book is more than effective in solving your problems and improving your relationships.

I have an example that proves that this book can help with past relationships. This book helped me realize what I did wrong with my ex-girlfriend - I had too much drive and I didn't connect with her enough to balance that drive (You will completely understand what I mean once you read the book). She told me I came off as condescending and I didn't respect her when she told me to stop pushing it too far. Rob Judge explains how to kick back your drive element and stay in touch with your connection element. If I had this book back when I was in that relationship, I would've learned how to balance my elements and save that relationship. But it's okay, because now I know what to do for my next girlfriend.

I also used this book for women I approach now. One quote from the book is, "Make a choice right now: you will live in reality, not hope." What Rob helps you realize is that a lot of men who are not in touch with their element of drive tend to "hope" that someday they would be amazing at talking and attracting women. But the fact is, to make that a reality instead of creating that story for yourself in your own head, you need to approach girls and find out the truth. I'm telling you from experience: the reward completely outweighs the risk. This helped me completely and since I read the book and applied it to myself, I've been getting numbers, make outs, dates, and lays. I just needed to balance my drive element.

Seriously, if you're having trouble with women right now, it's because your elements are unbalanced. When you read this book, you will discover what elements you are lacking, and which elements you have too much of. Once you discover those elements, Rob Judge tells you the best ways to fix it. And it works like magic.
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12 of 19 people found the following review helpful

"Not bullshit, just results"

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I hate to say this but this is the most practical interesting and usefull book that I've ever read. The mindsets are golden nuggets for me like they said "after all is just about getting the girls what you want" under this simple statement the 4 elements of game guives you a comprehensive guide to attract and connect with the kind of girls you want in your life. This was my ultimate eye opener and I've read a lot of pick up stuff but nothing really worked for me.
Approach Anxiety? no more, Before I tried a lot of crap that didnt workat all, now I'm able to approach to hot girls and I dont worry if they reject me
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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

"Your Attraction Bible"

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Date Hotter Girls ... Sounds kinda cheesy, doesn't it?

I thought that when I came across this book a few years ago, little did I know that I was mistaken.
While the name of the company is not the best, the authors definitely are.

This book is a masterpiece not because you'll find pickup theory, nor because it offers the holy grail of attracting every girl in town. This book is a masterpiece because it simply works, in fact I'd go so far as to say the authors discovered the mechanism of female attraction.

The basic premise is that "Game" is nothing but a balance of 4 elements of personality that all men have, and once they balance or express the lacking element correctly, they will generate attraction.

The beauty of the program is that you already have everything you need , and (pardon my French) I'm not bullshiting you, if you truly understand and apply these concepts, attracting girls becomes rather simple and incredibly fun.

I said that this is your attraction bible, and I don't regret it because It has been mine for a few years. In fact, I've noticed that every time I start to lose my "touch" is when I ignore the framework. I just re-re-read the book and I felt compelled to go back and write a review for it.

I'd highly encourage you to get a copy and see for yourself, this could be your magic bullet like it was for me.
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8 of 22 people found the following review helpful

"Good but The Attraction Code is better. "

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The Good
Great Cheerleader pep talk book, but The Attraction Code is much better.
The Bad
Works on eliminating barriers to thinking you shouldn't talk to women about being intimate.
Did a quick read through of these two ebooks. This is a comparison more than a review that I will adjust and expand on after the second readings. I would start with attraction code over this one.
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1 of 9 people found the following review helpful

"Great for beginners, but you need to study more."

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This is a great book and it is a must read if you want to master the world of seduction. This book is absolutely great because it is simple and human. Yes, human, the authors humanized the pick up area, so you will feel that this intimidating seduction world can be handled.

But, in my opinion, you won't become a master without more advanced issues. I am talking here about Mystery or Neil Strauss. Yeah, 4 elements is the foundation, that must be mixed with The Game. Then you need to start to build the whole building.
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