Text Your Ex Back   

Text Your Ex Back
Dating Company: Digital Romance Inc. | Dating Coach:
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

"Best Product We've Come Across To Help Reignite Your Relationship With Your Ex"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Goes into a lot of detail on what you should do before trying to get back with your ex, so that your chances of success are higher. Asks you to look for the reasons why your relationship ended so you can tailor the program to fit your personal situation. Offers straightforward and mature advice.
The Bad
Some of the text examples might not suit everyone. Because of the focus on text messaging it doesn't cover other methods you might use. Not written specifically for men.
The Bottom Line
To put it simply, this is the best 'get your ex back' product we've come across so far. Even if you don't want to rely simply on texting, the basic guidelines and principles for getting back together make this a superior product to others on this topic.

One of the main benefits of this product over others is it doesn't promote a one-size-fits-all approach on the best way to get your ex back. There's a system to follow, but also advice on what parts you should ignore or change depending on why your relationship ended. If you're serious about trying to fix your relationship, you should check out this program first.


There's a number of products on the market aimed at teaching you how to get back with your ex. Until now, we haven't really come across anything that we felt was strong enough for us to comfortably recommend it.

However, Text Your Ex Back by Michael Fiore addresses some of the weaknesses we've noticed in other products, so we've awarded this our Editor's Choice Award for the best 'ex back' product. While nothing exists that is 100% guaranteed to get your ex back, this product will be your best bet.

Please note that this is written for both men and women, so there's going to be times where something Fiore writes is intended more for women and vice versa. This wasn't really a big deal though and at worst it's a minor inconvenience.

Going In With Realistic Expectations

Many of the people who purchase an 'ex back' program do so in a state of emotional distress. The relationship has recently ended, they're extremely upset and want to do whatever it takes to get their partner back immediately. This is understandable, although not highly practical.

To get the most from this product, it'll help if you have realistic expectations about what's possible. Here's a quote from within the product that addresses this issue:

"This will take some time. I’m sorry to say it, but there’s no 'magic bullet' here. There’s no one text that I can give you that will change your ex’s mind in ten minutes and have you back in romantic la-la land."

I would suggest that the majority of people who end up unsatisfied with this product feel that way because they're hoping for an instant fix. They want their girl back and they want her back today.

In reality, that's not going to happen. This program takes a longer term approach, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it's more likely to work. And secondly, by doing so you'll be laying the foundations to create a stronger relationship going forward. After all, you don't want to get your girl back only for her to leave you again in a week.

Your Situation Is Unique

Because everybody's situation is different and it's impossible to know the circumstances behind every breakup, Fiore says he can't guarantee every single person will get their ex back. In saying that, he claims that people who follow his advice have a very high success rate.

Also, because you already have so much history with someone there are more variables with this type of product. For instance, in a product aimed at teaching you to meet and attract women, you're starting with a blank slate. It's a bit easier to predict the type of responses you'll get.

But if you've been in a relationship for years and had all kinds of intense emotional experiences, there's really no way an author or coach can factor all of these unique things into a product aimed at everyone.

So at the beginning of the program Fiore asks you to take some time to really work out what went wrong in your relationship and try to get to the heart of why you broke up. So you'll be approaching this from the point of view of the dumper or the dumpee, and answering questions which will help guide you in the direction of why things likely ended.

From there, the answers you come up with will help dictate how you use the rest of the course. So you're not getting a one-size-fits-all prescription, you're tailoring the advice so it's going to be relevant to you.

I really liked this, as it's something other products lack yet it's so important. Let's look at a practical example of this. In other products, they might tell you to use jealousy as a tactic to try to win your girl back. What they don't say is that if your girl left you because you cheated on her, using jealousy is going to blow up in your face.

Fiore addresses these points and uses common sense in the advice he dishes out. There's a massive difference between a girl leaving you because she's no longer attracted to you or because she no longer trusts you. Giving the same advice to the same guys in this situation would be terrible, and this is where Text Your Ex Back is more effective than other products.

Is This Relationship Right For You?

In module 3 of this program you'll be working on your 'big goal', working out what it is you really want and how you're going to make that happen.

Part of this is really understanding why you want your ex back. Fiore gets you to really examine this question so you can be sure getting back together is the right thing to do. And the truth is, in some cases it isn't in your best interests.

Sometimes it can feel like you'll never meet someone else, so it's better to accept a less than ideal relationship than to not be in one at all. If you come away from this product with the realization that your ex isn't the right person for you and it's time for you to look for a healthier relationship, this will be a successful outcome.

However, assuming you come to the conclusion you do want your ex back, you're probably going to have to change your strategy. This is where module 4 comes in, as it gives you a whole host of things to work on before even trying to get in contact with your ex.

This is really designed to help you emotionally center yourself so you don't do anything impulsive and make the situation worse. This will be the hardest part for many guys, as you'll feel like you want to reach out to your girl and try to fix things, but you need to resist this urge.

So what do you actually do instead? Well this is where Fiore gives you a bunch of things to do that he calls the TXB Flight Check. Basically it's a list of 5 things you have to do before you're allowed to get back in contact with your ex (tip: number 3 may seem exciting or even frightening. Either way, by doing this you'll be in a stronger position to win your ex back.)

Initiating Contact With Your Ex

After you've been through the preparation stage and done everything Fiore lists out, you'll be ready to reach back out to your ex. The principle he teaches here is 'text judo', where you'll be redirecting the emotions your ex feels and using that to get them back. So even if they have negative feelings towards you, it's possible to use that to your advantage.

There's also some exercises for you to do that'll give you the raw material you need for knowing what to text. So there's template messages that are taught, but the specifics within that template will vary for each person.

For the most part you'll be following this system and progression of text messages without actually seeing your ex. The advice is to not try and meet up with them yet, as you'll risk blowing things. There are exceptions to this, such as if you have kids together, but there's tips on how to handle things if that's the case.

There's a good variety of texts here, although I think it would've benefited from having a category that was also focused on fun and playful messages. Some of them are emotionally revealing and will get your ex reminiscing, but it wouldn't hurt to get them laughing and flirting a bit.

In one of the sections there's examples of 'attraction texts', however these are more geared towards sexual experiences you had together rather than fun and playful texts.

Keep in mind this book is written for both men and women, and as a result it suffers a bit here. Some of the text examples I would never personally use myself, while others fit in well with the type of way I communicate with women. Find what works for you and discard what doesn't.

Moving Forward In Your Relationship

Obviously the end goal of the texting is to meet up with your ex and try to get back together. There's a clear blueprint to follow on how to go from texting to meeting up with them in person.

There's a small amount of advice on how to handle the meet up or date, although nothing really about what you should do on the date. Fiore recommends you check out T.W. Jackson and The Magic of Making Up, although this is not a product that we personally recommend.

However Fiore does give examples of texts you can send after the date, and about how to use texting as a tool to help keep the spark alive in your relationship if you do get back together (or in your next relationship).

Something he talks about throughout is how the goal isn't to try and salvage the old relationship, as that is already dead. It's about trying to build a new relationship with your ex and make it stronger so you don't suffer the same fate and end up breaking up again. The program is about giving you the tools to learn from what's already happened so you can have a better chance at long term happiness.

As Fiore puts it, "As you probably figured out by now, this program is about a lot more than texting. It’s about getting closer to the person you love, accepting them for who they are, inviting them to accept you for who you are, and laying the groundwork and foundation for a stronger and better relationship."

Text Your Ex Back Bonuses

When your purchase Text Your Ex Back you also get access to four bonuses. One of these is 100 Ready to use Texts, which gives you texts you can copy or templates to use as a model and they're separated into the different categories that Fiore teaches in the main program.

Another is an interview Fiore did with Dr Fred Luskin, an expert on the topic of forgiveness. This is obviously such a huge part of fixing relationships for many people, so there's a lot more depth given to the subject here, such as how and why to forgive someone (including yourself) so you can move forward.

You'll also get Facebook Romance Secrets, which is an interview with Mike Hill about using Facebook in your relationship. If you and your partner are both big Facebook users you might get something out of this bonus, however it's not a critical element that you have to know.

The last bonus is the Infidelity Buster, an interview with Dr Jan Hall. This is getting to the root of why people cheat and what to do about it, so if that was an issue in your relationship then it's worth listening to. Fiore says infidelity is the issue he gets the most questions about, so even if it wasn't a problem it's worth understanding more to try and prevent it from happening in the future.

The Bottom Line

To put it simply, this is the best 'get your ex back' product we've come across so far. Even if you don't want to rely simply on texting, the basic guidelines and principles for getting back together make this a superior product to others on this topic.

One of the main benefits of this product over others is it doesn't promote a one-size-fits-all approach on the best way to get your ex back. There's a system to follow, but also advice on what parts you should ignore or change depending on why your relationship ended. If you're serious about trying to fix your relationship, you should check out this program first.

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Product Information

This program shows you how to get your ex girlfriend back by using a specific sequence of text messages.

The texts are intended to:

- Make her feel seen and understood by you
- Remind her of the man she first fell in love with
- Lead you to seducing her by reawakening her lust
- Erase bad memories your ex has from the end of your relationship

Bonuses include:

- 100 ready-to-use texting formulas
- Complete audio version of training
- The Infidelity Buster: dissecting myths about cheating
- Instant Forgiveness: a method to make your ex forgive you for your wrong doings

Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Michael Fiore
Release Date:
January 01, 2011
Price: $47.00


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- Foreplay texts to turn her on
- The art of The Emotional Flashback
- A method designed to get her to make the first move
- The Green Eyed Monster text to create positive jealously
- Across The Bow text to create a yearning for you in your ex
- Intimacy Booster texts to reestablish the intimate bond you share
- Erotic Storytelling to have remembering the hottest sex you had together
- What to say at the “proto-date” and how to have her asking to see you again
- Done-for-you texts to have your ex emotionally and sexually obsessed with you
- Text Judo to turn her emotions from hate to love, and anger to passion and lust
- Emotional Honesty texts to bypass nonsense and tell your ex how you really feel
- Customizable text templates to be seen as seductive and a master of her desire
- Attraction Amplifier texts to have her fantasizing about your body and objectifying you
- Time Machine texts to make your ex reminisce about the best times of your relationship

What You Get:


Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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31 of 39 people found the following review helpful

"Not a Magic Bullet"

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I purchased this program with lots of hope when it first came out. Excited to begin texting my ex back, I followed all the instructions to the letter.

Pros: Some good advice about letting go of your past relationship, that's for sure.

Cons: Didn't work for me but I realized she's not the girl for me, so I think it was worth the money.

Overall, I would recommend the product but don't think it will work in all situations at all times etc.
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19 of 27 people found the following review helpful

"Terrible advice, be warned"

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Ignoring the person could blow up in your face, that's what we aren't warned about in this program.

In my case, she simply moved on after 30 days of not responding to her. The no contact rule needs to be rewritten. It's terrible advice as it is now, to be honest.
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