Text God   

Text God
Dating Coach: Robbie Hemingway
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"Solid Guide For Texting Younger Women; More Suited For Casual Dating"

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Last Update: March 25, 2025
The Good
Practical guide that gives lots of examples. Contains original content and ideas. Particularly useful if you're texting with many different women.
The Bad
A few things were confusing in places. Could have gone into more depth at times. The particular style is well suited to a certain demographic but not universally effective.
The Bottom Line
This product is based off the author's experience of being a VIP host in the Los Angeles nightclub scene. As such, it's best suited for guys who want to casually date and sleep with young, party girl types of women. There's a lot of 'text speak' shown in the examples that might be a turn off to more mature and educated women. For those women, The Ultimate Guide to Phone and Text Game by Love Systems is likely to be a better option, and is also a more detailed resource.

There's some useful info in here though and it's good for communicating to many women in a way they understand. It also requires low time investment, as the focus is on having women text more than you do. So it's good when you're at the stage of meeting and dating multiple women, as well as some tips on how to handle that.

To get the most from this product, you obviously need to be at the stage where you are getting phone numbers from women. Whether that's through meeting women in person or through online dating sites and apps like Tinder, the more women you're meeting the more this product will help you. If you're at the beginner stage and not meeting women regularly, a good place to start is Make Women Want You by Jason Capital.


Text God is written by Fabian Derossi, a nightclub VIP host in LA, so he is accustomed to being surrounded by beautiful women. In fact he claims in his book that he regularly has over 100 women texting him each and every day. So he's coming from a position of authority in dealing with a certain subsection of women - the young, attractive, party girl type.

This book is based on his own experiences and what he's discovered to have worked, and is geared towards getting women into bed and being able to casually date multiple women. It touches on what to do if you're interested in an exclusive relationship, but there is less focus on that.

It has a lot of practical advice and techniques, and some tricks here and there like how to use Google in specific situations for powerful texts, and the notebook tip that is important when many women are texting you.

Be aware that there's nothing here about how to get women's phone numbers, so you need to know how to do that already for this book to be effective. Fabian is a friend of Jason Capital and has a similar style to him, so for that reason Jason's book for beginners Make Women Want You is probably the best complementary product to Text God.

Plant, Fertilize and Smash

There's quite a few analogies used throughout Text God, and the main one throughout is the 'plant, fertilize and smash' method. Basically it's a three-step process to take you from the initial texting through to sleeping with the woman. In the analogy there's mention of water, shade, pesticide and other gardening-related things, which wasn't the clearest thing I've ever read.

But essentially you'll be using the techniques in the book to plant seeds in her mind, fertilize the relationship, then sleep with her. The techniques themselves are all really simple, so there isn't anything complicated you need to learn here.

Some things aren't really helpful or necessary, such as saying 'you'll eventually learn how to be a jerk to make women want you more'. You don't need to become a jerk, and some guys get really bad results by pretending to be one. But as the product is more focused on younger girls who are into the nightclub scene, that style of being a bit of a jerk is more common in that environment.

Another thing to keep in mind is what potential value you represent to the woman. So in Fabian's case being able to get girls access to VIP areas in nightclubs is a large enough incentive that many will be motivated to text him and want to see him again. The more value you have to offer, the less work you have to do when texting.

So your identity and everything you do when you first meet a woman is critical to keep in mind if you want high success rates. The texts that you send are important, but more important is the impression you make before getting the number.

Figuring Out Her Personality

There's a short chapter here on how to figure out a woman's personality type so that you can come up with the most effective strategy on how to proceed with her.

It's somewhat limited in terms of representing the complete spectrum of different women, but that's something that's nearly impossible to do. Fabian himself says that no two women are the same, and this is just meant as a guide to figure out her personality type.

Still, from the limited information here it won't be all that easy. Especially if you don't have a great deal of experience with women, you'll likely find this difficult to apply in a practical way.

Most products that focus on grouping women into types aren't really detailed enough for the average user to get the most benefit from it. A product that goes into a lot more detail on this, that may be useful depending on your experience level is Pandora's Box System by Vin DiCarlo.

Using Emojis

Something that's covered here in Text God that I haven't really seen covered much anywhere else, is the use of emojis and emoticons when texting. In case you don't know what these are, they're the little pictures of things like faces, objects and hand signals that you can insert into text messages.

These, along with 'text speak' where short acronyms and abbreviations are used, are really popular with the younger generation. Many young women use this kind of communication as the staple of their text messages, so it pays to know how to use it if you're interested in these women.

I'm stereotyping here and this won't be 100% accurate, but if you're meeting women under 30 who are party girls i.e. spend a lot of their time in bars and nightclubs, the use of emojis and text speak will help you communicate with them on their level.

If you're going after women older than 30 and they aren't into the party scene so much, there's a good chance this type of text communication won't appeal to them at all. For one, it can make you look immature and uneducated, which will be big turn offs for these women.

But it does convey a sense of fun and lightheartedness, which is what makes it effective for the young party girl types. The other thing going for it, which Fabian illustrates here, is how you can use emojis to convey something without needing to spell it out. This requires a lower investment on your part, which is good as high value guys aren't going to invest too much time and energy in writing really long messages.

Fabian includes a picture chart here of all the different emojis, and circles which ones you should use and which ones you shouldn't. This largely comes down to personal preference, as I've used some of the ones he says to never use and I've had good results with them. There's no hard and fast rules about what you can and can't do.

Largely his suggestions revolve around being fun, cocky and sexual, without giving away your power in the interaction. Different styles can work though, and the thing to keep in mind is you need to be congruent with the texts and emojis you're sending.

Text Conversation Examples

Throughout the book Fabian provides snippets from real text conversations he's had with women. They're shown as actual screenshots, so visually it's easy to see who wrote what and to see word-for-word what was said.

They're shown at various stages to demonstrate whatever point is being taught. So for example, there is one lengthy text exchange where Fabian is texting a girl who is angry at him for going home with another girl from the club.

This is a good example of how to turn the situation around and deal with a girl who is being difficult. It's also a great example of how girls use text and emojis in a way that a lot of guys don't. Fabian uses the same kind of style and is able to use fun and emotion to get the girl wanting to see him again, rather than logic like most guys would.

Aside from these good examples, he also includes some bad examples from random guys about what not to do. This is important as well, and if you notice yourself doing these sorts of things then you'll want to eliminate them immediately.

A Few Confusing Things

There were a few things in the book that were kind of confusing or inconsistent. One of these was about the topic of asking her out via text, which Fabian says is not generally a good idea.

He has a whole section on this issue, and I can only assume that when he says 'ask her out' he means 'ask her to be exclusive'. For most people when they use the phrase ask someone out, it refers to asking them out on a date.

Here he talks about having this conversation after a date and that the text conversation will take about 30 minutes or so, and making sure you do so when she's in a good mood. I'm not 100% clear on what this is all referring to, and there aren't really any examples here. My best guess is that you're asking the girl to be your girlfriend, in which case he's right in that this isn't ideal via text.

Another issue that might come up is a woman talking about her ex-boyfriend. Fabian has a technique he teaches throughout Text God called Empathize and Diffuse. This is a solid technique and gives some really good examples of how to do it. He suggests using it when she brings up her ex, and not to talk about it.

But in the illustrated example he sends a lot of messages where he's making fun of the guy (based on a picture the woman sent him) and this doesn't seem to fit in with his suggestion to move away from the topic. Either technique can work, but there's a bit of inconsistency here that can cause confusion for readers.

There's also advice that to get the girl you must build trust but also be cool and a dick to her at the same time. Then in another part it says many men feel once a woman is attracted to them it gives them an excuse to be a dick, which won't work long term. So at best this is pretty confusing, and possibly bad advice for guys who don't have the experience to really know how to pull this off. For the general attitude that works best with these types of young party girls, Make Women Want You is going to be your best bet.

There's also a technique based on the teaching of Seneca, which is good for the most part. However it does advocate finding out what a girl thinks and then agreeing with her, and in a couple of examples it shows agreeing to something she wants without any discussion of whether or not you want this also.

Some of the advice at times hints at or directly suggests leading a woman on or letting her think you have intentions for something serious even when you already know you don't. As a technique this might be effective, but leads into a whole moral grey area and you'll have to decide for yourself if this is something you want to do.


One of the bonuses included is a short report on how to get women to send you dirty pictures of themselves. This is more of an advanced tactic and if you're a beginner you might do more harm than good by focusing on this too much.

If you know what you're doing however and are good at flirting and creating arousal in women via text, then getting them to send you pictures can be really powerful. You need to realize though that it's an individual thing and not all women will be comfortable doing this.

The tactics suggested here are pretty basic, so if you're expecting something that will magically get any woman to send you naked photos then that's not going to happen. Basically the more value you have, the more she's attracted to you and the more comfortable she is with her body the more likely she'll comply with your requests.

It's worth a read, but best used with women you've already been out with and have created a certain level of intimacy with.

Another bonus is a short report on the five worst mistakes you can make when texting women. Again, if you notice yourself doing any of these things then you'll want to correct that.

Fairly simple stuff here, but sometimes the simple stuff is the most important so this is also worth checking out. Will be mainly useful to beginners and guys who tend to obsess too much over one woman.

The Bottom Line

This product is based off the author's experience of being a VIP host in the Los Angeles nightclub scene. As such, it's best suited for guys who want to casually date and sleep with young, party girl types of women. There's a lot of 'text speak' shown in the examples that might be a turn off to more mature and educated women. For those women, The Ultimate Guide to Phone and Text Game by Love Systems is likely to be a better option, and is also a more detailed resource.

There's some useful info in here though and it's good for communicating to many women in a way they understand. It also requires low time investment, as the focus is on having women text more than you do. So it's good when you're at the stage of meeting and dating multiple women, as well as some tips on how to handle that.

To get the most from this product, you obviously need to be at the stage where you are getting phone numbers from women. Whether that's through meeting women in person or through online dating sites and apps like Tinder, the more women you're meeting the more this product will help you. If you're at the beginner stage and not meeting women regularly, a good place to start is Make Women Want You by Jason Capital.

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Product Information

Text God is a program designed to show you how to get women to respond and attracted to your text messages in such a way that they want to sleep with you. It offers texts to make intimate connections with the women you desire and how to send the right sequence of text messages to get them in bed.

With inspiration from Jason Capital, the program covers such areas as:

- Revealing a woman’s inner psychology when she’s texting
- How to unlock her defenses with texting
- How to make your texts stand out among other guys

Includes examples of actual texts and phone conversations.

Bonuses include:

- The 5 Worst Things Texting Mistakes
- Getting Her to Send You Dirty Pics
- Text God inner circle on facebook
- Digits on Demand audio program (with Jason Capital)

Attracting Women
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
Hot Topic Tags:
Phoning & Texting Women
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Robbie Hemingway
Release Date:
November 01, 2014
Price: $69.00


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- When to use emojis
- Using Google to get you laid
- 5 ways to never be boring
- 7 texts to avoid sending
- Getting her to say ‘yes’ to a hookup
- How to create a perfect first text
- The plant, fertilize, and smash method
- Instructions on how to get her number
- The best time and circumstances to text her
- The signs that she is annoyed with your text
- When to play the date card, and never too early
- The text signals from her that tell you she is yours
- How to flirt through text without coming off as a creep
- Why living by the 3-day texting rule does not work
- How to play the picture game without looking like an idiot
- A detection text strategy that reveals what she is thinking
- How to compliment her without giving away your personal power
- An important word to include in your first text message to her
- The text to immediately send after entering her number into your phone
- The picture trick that makes to make you immediately stand out
- Exact texts that makes her laugh, respond, and demand her respect
- The Notepad Trick to give you an unfair texting advantage over other guys
- The three-pronged attack text to get her back to your place and into bed

What You Get:

Manual and video download

Guarantee / Terms:

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

"Excellent book! has already helped loads"

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I was suspicious of this product. As someone who has bought another texting book from a different author (won't name names) and had it work as well as having tires made from concrete.

Text God really did work it's magic. This guy knows his stuff. What ever he does there in hollywood to get those girls he hangs out with all the time, it worked for this girl i had been TRYING to get for weeks and was losing interest in me.

I used the tricks Fabian teaches in this book and before I knew it I had this girl out on a date.

Great job man, and thanks.

i def recommend this to anyone looking for a solid product that will help them increase their texting prowess.
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