Tantric Sextasy - The Art of Sexual Ecstasy

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Product Information
"Tantric Sextasy - The Art of Sexual Ecstasy" from Gabrielle Moore is a sexually advanced, erotic, 5-day e-course that teaches you the secrets to mastering Tantric Sex.
Tantric Sex is considered the most evolved and most elevated form of lovemaking. During this at-home program, you will learn all the secrets to how Tantrikas (people adept in Tantra) can engage in sex for hours on end... never waning in sexual energy, never weakening in their desire for pleasure, never experiencing orgasms less than dizzyingly intense.
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Section 1 (How to Prepare Your Mind and Body for the Most Intense, Gut-Wrenching Sexual Pleasures of Your Life)
- Find out what the 'O-Zone' is in Tantric Sex
- Learn how to detect your internal sexual channels and open them up to the orgasmic energy inside you.
- What are the Sixty-Four Arts contained in the Kama Sutra?
- Discover the single, most important thing that you must master to enable you to reach "multiple full-body orgasms"
- Learn how to 'worship your body' with this very powerful sex exercise.
- Discover your very own 'orgasm profile'.
- The difference between masturbation and Tantric self-pleasuring.
- Learn that Tantric Sex is actually thousands of years older than the Kama Sutra
- Tips on how you can start to heighten your five senses - touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound
Section 2 (How to Achieve Your Orgasm Goals One Body-Wracking SEXERCISE at a Time)
- Discover what women consider to be the biggest turn off during sex.
- Find out the secret to making your erections stronger and firmer
- Learn the Tantric way of busting 'performance anxiety'.
- What is this one thing that women consider even more important than sex or reaching a climax.
- Learn the exact Tantric steps you need to take to awaken your orgasmic energy
- This powerful sex technique that will enable you and your lover to fully understand each others' sexual needs and desires.
- Open the path to "new and different orgasmic pathways, including G-Spot orgasms, male AND female ejaculation, and anal play"
- Sex strategies to make you last
- Find out the No. 1 thing that you always do wrong during sex
Section 3 (How to Achieve Tantric Intimacy – Breath-to-Breath, Skin-to-Skin, Body-to-Body, Orgasm-to-Orgasm)
- Learn the most important words you can tell your lover.
- Discover the most erotic way you can make eye contact with your lover.
- Top 3 things you should always discuss in your sexual relationship with your lover.
- Master the art of Tantric Breathing
- What is 'Tantric Undressing'
- Tantric Hugging
- 3 Tantric sex techniques that will enable you to hold on to your orgasm, 'bring it back in', circulate it throughout your body
Section 4 (How to Tap, Unleash and Exploit Your Sexual Orgasmic Energy (The 'Orgasm From Every Body Pore Module')
- Discover the sex strategy that is exactly the same technique advocated by proponents of The Secret and The Law of Attraction.
- Easily master the art of Tantric Touching
- Discover what the 'no-mind condition' is
- The one thing that you – and your lover – hold back on during sex, yet secretly want to exploit
- Tantric sex secret that will enable you to reach a climax anytime you want
- Discover what 'RSVP' means in Tantric sex teachings.
- Tantric sex exercise that will enable you to separate your orgasm from ejaculation
- Here's an amazing sex technique that helps you 'cum on command'
- A Tantric sex strategy called "Ride the Tiger"
Section 5 (Tantric Lovemaking – The Highest, Grandest, Most Hard-Core Climax Humanly Possible is Within Your Reach)
- Be the Masterful Lover who knows each and every sex technique
- iscover the many hidden orgasmic triggers inside your body and how a simple 'tap' on any one of them can make you 'climax on command'
- How to reach extended orgasms, which are "self-sustaining climaxes, requiring little or no effort.
- Learn what 'sexual peaking' is
- Techniques to stimulate her clitoris.
- Learn what 'sexual plateauing' is
- The ONE thing you should never say to your lover after sex and yet it's what most men do
- Did you know that there is such a thing as an "inner vagina"?
- Discover 8 OTHER ways you – or your lover – can stimulate your manhood.
- Improve your bedroom position library
- Learn how to reach an authentic Tantric Orgasm
What You Get:
5-day sexual training program
,, Lessons will be sent in your inbox daily (for 5 days)
Guarantee / Terms:
60 Day Money back guarantee