Tantra for Erotic Empowerment: The Key to Enriching Your Sexual Life

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Product Information
'Tantra for Erotic Empowerment' is adapted from Hindu Tantric literature to help couples with Tantra techniques and improve both their sexual life, and life in general.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- What is Tantra?
- How Do You Define Your Own Sexuality?
- Place Yourself on the Kinsey Scale
- Fantasies
- Your Sexuality Scale
- Understanding Attraction
- Formative Experiences
- Your Spiritually: A Working Definition
- Your Pleasure Palette
- Qualities of Your Pleasure Palette
- Exploring Your Body and Its Responses
- What Is Your Sexual Response Palette?
- Exploring Desire
- Discovering Divinity in Desire
- Make a Date
- Counting Stars
- Awareness of Your Pelvic Floor
- Awareness of Your Breath at Climax
- Eye-Gazing
- Noticing Energetic Flow
- Locating Your PC Muscles
- Range of Motion
- PC Muscles: Putting It All Together
- The Secret Language
- Rotation of Consciousness
- Withdrawal of Consciousness
- How Do You Change Your Conscioiusness?
- How Else Do You Change Your ConsciousnesS?
- Changing Your Consciousness - A Closer Look
- Fantasy Expansion
- Broadening the Fantasy Spectrum for People with Partners
- Conscious Trasgression of Social or Personal Constraints
- What Do Liberation and Enlightenment Mean to You?
- Changing Your Breathing Pattern at Orgsasm
- Finding the Divine in Unexpected Places
- Cultivating Awe
- Worshipping the Genitals in Practice
- Practicing Ananda Nidra
- Pleasure Palette Expanded
- Deepening Pleasure
- Expansion/Contraction
- Imagination
- The Power of Imagination
- Imagination-Gender Transformation
- Recognizing Yourself as Divine
- Embracing the Divine in a Sexual Context
- What is Magic?
- Your Intention
- Practical Sex Magic in Practice
- Cultivating Interest in Yourself and Becoming Your Own Lover
- Court Yourself Every Day for a Week
- Connecting Erotically with Your Internal Feminine and Masculine
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $18.60
- Paperback $16.98
Guarantee / Terms:
See policy of product website